POLL: Maelstrom or Frozen?

Which would you prefer - Existing Maelstrom or New Frozen ride?

  • Maelstrom

  • Frozen

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I have no love for Maelstrom, but I'm not thrilled about the inclusion of a fictional land within World Showcase.

If the Frozen makeover was "Anna and Elsa visit their neighbor Norway" and still featured Norwegian lore and culture, I'd be behind it 100%. But instead it "will take our guests to Arendelle and immerse them in many of their favorite moments and music from the film". No, thank you!
Maelstrom might be one of the worst rides at Disney, I suppose that is personal opinion. However without a doubt it has the worst que at Disney. The only que I have seen where its just a back and forth line with no thought given to line psychology
If they're taking out Maelstrom they better be replacing it with something much much better. If it's a simple re-skin with not much modification then that will be very disappointing.
Let's be honest, when you can walk onto the ride 99% of the time and the crowd level is at 10
It needs to be changed/shut down
Frozen can only help not hurt imo
I love Maelstrom and I love Frozen. I made my decision based on what I felt fit with World Showcase the best. That's Maelstrom - hands down. Disney stated that the ride is going to be all about Arendelle and some of our favorite scenes from the movie. That's not Norway. That's not even Norway with a Frozen overlay like what they did in Mexico with The Three Cabelleros. That is straight up putting something 100% fictional in place of a ride and show that was about the history of Norway. That is what I am opposed to. I'd be fine with Anna and Elsa greeting at Akershus. I'd be fine with a meet and greet. I don't like the idea of taking something that is all about the country, in one of the already smallest pavilions in Epcot, and replacing it with something completely fictional.

Now a Frozen ride near Animation Academy at Hollywood Studios? Now we're talking. Or, replacing Captain EO with something Frozen-based where they discuss all that Elsa is able to create all through her imagination? That might could work, too. Or updating Wonders of Life Pavilion to include a Frozen ride? Yeap.

I also voted for Maelstrom for these reasons. Gradually the World Showcase will turn into the Disney Movies somewhat based on different parts of the World Showcase. It's not what Epcot was supposed to be, not the concept for the park
I don't mind the ride changing but I wish it wasn't Frozen. I wish they would have decided to update it and add Frozen stuff elsewhere, since Frozen isn't in Norway.

I wish Epcot, especially WS, would have more rides though. Not necessarily thrill rides, but I get bored at WS sometimes.
I have two boys (11 and 16). Never saw Frozen. Maelstrom was great for boys-Vikings, trolls, darkness! I'm sad to see it go. It's time for some boy-themed rides (and buffets). Some of us love WDW but only have boys.
I only have girls..... And as a mom to two princess loving girls... I couldn't agree with you more!
While my preference would be for it (and other dark rides based off of Disney animated films, such as Little Mermaid being in DCA in DLR) to be in Fantasyland, I'm fine with it replacing Maelstrom. I have ridden it before but could not remember it as I was young so I looked up a ridethrough after the announcement and thought it seemed pretty mediocre. Combined with the fact that Frozen is my favourite Disney film (and film in general) and it's not a hard decision. Though, as I said, I'd prefer Fantasyland. Just hope if DLR gets one, it ends up in their Fantasyland somewhere.
What I don't understand is why a Frozen ride should be considered a "girl' ride. Just because a movie has a female lead does not mean it is a "girl" movie any more than Aladdin or The Lion King are "boy" movies just because the lead characters are male. This is part of a larger pet-peeve of mine, whereby things are referred to as a "chick flick" or "Women's literature" because of having a female lead or a female author.

Anyway, I always ride Maelstrom because of the nostalgia factor, but it's really not a very good ride. It is short, the drop is not exciting, and the movie at the end was beyond a joke. At least this will be something different!
I also don't understand what people mean when they say Frozen is taking over. Right now we have:

-A&E meeting in one park.
-A sing-along at DHS
-The Frozen fireworks at DHS
-A ride and meet-and-greet that won't open until 2016
-Appearances in parades (along with many other characters.)

The characters don't come to character meals. They are nowhere at AK (rightfully so) or any of the resort hotels.

If anything, I think Disney is showing restraint considering demand.
we both thought the FROZEN movie was the worst Disney movie ever.
'this frozen situation is as bad as the soon to be blue Mickey Mouse in AK avatarland. :scared1:

and laughing all the way to the billion dollar bank,

and next- just watch:

they will take out Belle and Beauty and make that theater show FROZEN> just watch.
I liked Maelstrom but I didn't love it. I thought Frozen was good but not great. It's far from my favorite Disney movie. I did still chose Frozen though because I have 4 daughters and the 2 littlest love Frozen.
we both thought the FROZEN movie was the worst Disney movie ever.
'this frozen situation is as bad as the soon to be blue Mickey Mouse in AK avatarland. :scared1:

and laughing all the way to the billion dollar bank,

and next- just watch:

they will take out Belle and Beauty and make that theater show FROZEN> just watch.

I heard that they actually wouldn't be doing that because there is a Broadway musical of Frozen being planned and they wouldn't have both going on at the same time. It has been mentioned that a Tangled musical might go in place of the Beauty and the Beast show.
Just learned of the official announcement am and truly saddened by it. Actually, extremely disappointed that Disney thinks that the main attraction for the Norway pavilion should be based on Frozen. :sad2:

Come on Disney - rehab some of the space that has been sitting empty for years! :headache:

The Maelstrom has always been my favorite part of the World Showcase. We ride it every visit and I can't say the same thing about visiting any other pavilion attraction or even any other attraction at Epcot. But with that said I'd also vehemently disagree with any of the county pavilions having their main attractions switched to being movie based. That is not the theme of the World Showcase.
What I don't understand is why a Frozen ride should be considered a "girl' ride. Just because a movie has a female lead does not mean it is a "girl" movie any more than Aladdin or The Lion King are "boy" movies just because the lead characters are male. This is part of a larger pet-peeve of mine, whereby things are referred to as a "chick flick" or "Women's literature" because of having a female lead or a female author.

Anyway, I always ride Maelstrom because of the nostalgia factor, but it's really not a very good ride. It is short, the drop is not exciting, and the movie at the end was beyond a joke. At least this will be something different!

Sounds like an apt description for 7DMT too. :lmao:
It's a false dichotomy.

There's no reason whatsoever we can't have a very desirable Frozen ride, which I would absolutely love to ride, someplace where it makes sense and doesn't compromise the integrity of its surroundings.
When Disney tries to have their cake and eat it too (build something "new" by cobbling it out of bits and pieces of the old), they always end up with a half-arsed hodgepodge. Either go whole hog or go home - pick a concept and stick to it. Either it's a World Showcase, and you fill it with attractions, shops, restaurants,and entertainment pertaining to real countries around the real world; or it's another Fantasyland, and you tear down the world showcase pavilions and replace them from the ground up with state-of-the-art attractions, shops, restaurants,and entertainment based on fantasy. That's the way to really amaze the public and keep the dollars, hearts and minds, and loyalty flooding in for generations to come. Don't cheap out, and don't treat us like idiots. If you can't build something truly new, don't insult our intelligence by pretending you have.


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