Please Stop Trying to Hold My Hand...We're Going to Conorado Springs! - A May 2018 TR *COMPLETE 11/8

PPF is so hard to get pics on!

Your evening sounds so fun!

It was a really great night! We pretty much did everything we wanted to on this day, which I was really happy with.

the amount of 15 minute wait times you guys ran into!! Nice!!

I was kind of surprised by that, but I decided to take it to mean that I had done a good job with the planning:rotfl::rotfl:

I admire how gracefully Kelsey dealt with a child sitting on her leg during HEA, maybe it's the deranged camp counselor in me but if a kid had the audacity to glare at me because I told him to get off of my leg I definitely would have had some choice words with him. And maybe a piece of my pretzel would be flung. Who knows.

I was pretty impressed with her. We do have very small cousins, so we're used to rambunctious kids on some level, but this was a bit much!

5 minutes for SM?!? That's AMAZING

We had hoped that we would find a short wait, but I wasn't expecting that!

You guys had such a big day, wow!!! You got SO MUCH DONE, took so many pics, and looked so cute I'm v. jelly

Awww thanks! It was an amazing way to start our trip!

Great HEA photos!

Thanks so much!

Those kids were brazen. I don't know how I would react to them trying to edge me out of my spot and then sitting on me!!!

It was one of those things where we just kind of felt like "Is this really happening??"

I seriously can not believe that that kid actually sat on Kelsey! That's so insane!! And not a really young kid either! It baffles me the kind of behaviour you see from kids and adults alike in Disney crowds, especially waiting for spots for night shows. But glad you enjoyed HEA! It's so beautiful, and you got some awesome photos :)

I'm just definitely that person that's like "This is my happy place, so I'm in a good mood", and not everyone feels that way. :confused3

I love the photopass frame with Baymax, it's like he photobombed the picture :rotfl2:

I thought that was too funny!

Following along! I love that you guys did this trip alone, as my 17 year old daughter can't wait to one day (as soon after her 18th birthday as she can make it happen... lol) take a trip without her 'old mama' tagging along! lol

Welcome! We had such a wonderful time and would do it again in a second! I absolutely love going to Disney with my mom, but it was kind of nice to get to do it just us. :)

Following! Your trip seems like so much fun. I can't wait for more!

Welcome! It was an incredible trip! Thanks for reading!

UGH! So rude! I hate people like that who are just so inconsiderate.

It was just...something else. It's definitely one of those stories that people hear and ask "Are you serious??":rotfl:
Finally caught up after a few weeks on vacation. Sounds like you had a great first day and those wait times were amazing.
Can You Come with Me for a Second?
Day 2

Our Plans:
Frozen Sing Along 3:00-3:15pm (3:30pm show)
Beaches & Cream ADR 12:10pm
Tower of Terror 4:10-5:10pm
Fantasmic! 8:20-8:35pm (9:00pm show)

We got to sleep a little later this morning, so our alarm went off at 7am. We got up and ready to go, and we were leaving our room by a few minutes after 8. We were running a little behind, and Kelsey may have laughed a little at how quickly I was walking to the bus stop. :rolleyes1 We made a brief detour to the food court to fill up our mugs, and then we walked out to the bus stop. A bus pulled up as soon as we got there, and then we were off to Hollywood Studios! :cool1:

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

It takes less than 10 minutes to get to DHS from AoA, but when we arrived around 8:30, people were already being allowed into the park. We tapped our magic bands and joined the waiting crowd on Hollywood Blvd. As soon as the rope dropped, we booked it to TSMM, weaving and dodging people as much as possible. It took us a while to actually get in the line because of how badly in bottlenecked at the opening. We were actually in the line sometime between 9:05-9:10. The line was

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

...but we were in the no-FP window for TSMM, so we knew we had to wait it out if we wanted to ride. And honestly, all things considered, we really didn’t wait long at all. It was kind of cool, too, because they were feeding the line through a cast member entrance, which was fun. We were on the ride before 9:30, which we were thrilled with.

I was blue, and Kelsey was red. I got best in car!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

It was right around 9:35 when we got off the ride, so we really made pretty decent time. We stopped for some PP pictures in Pixar Place.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We decided to head to RnRC next, so that Kelsey could ride while the line was still short. As we were walking out of Pixar Place and into Animation Courtyard, Kelsey grabs my arm and says “Hey, can you come with me for a second?”, and then she starts dragging me toward VotLM. She’s staring at something, but I cannot figure out what she’s seen until we were right in front of them. And then I saw them...



You better believe we snatched those babies up so quickly. I was even able to get us an AP discount, which we were very happy about. The CM nicely offered to cut the tags off for us, so we could wear them. Then, of course, we had to take pictures! There was a wall off to the side down near Star Wars Launch Bay that had really nice lighting, so we had ourselves a little photo session.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We stopped for some PP pictures, too.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

This ended up being one of my favorites from the trip!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Then, we actually made it to RnRC. Kelsey got in the single rider line, and she was in and out in 20 minutes.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We tried to make it to the 10:25 VotLM, but we just missed it. We decided to head over to Star Tours instead and hopped in the 20-minute standby line.:darth:

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

The wait time was pretty accurate, so when we got off the ride, it was time for us to head to the front of the park.

Up Next: Lunch on the Boardwalk!
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Glad the wait wasn't too bad for TSMM! Yay the rose gold ears!! All the photos of you guys wearing them are sooo adorable!!

You two are so cute! This is a great selfie. The Disney joy is evident!

I was blue, and Kelsey was red. I got best in car!


She’s staring at something, but I cannot figure out what she’s seen until we were right in front of them. And then I saw them...


Oh I'm so happy for you guys! Especially Kelsey, since I know she had her heart set on them! A great little perk on what seems to have already been a great morning at DHS.
Glad you guys found your rose gold ears!

We were so excited!!

Fun morning in HS and rose gold ears! Awesome score on TSMM

It was definitely a great way to start the day! Thanks!

Glad the wait wasn't too bad for TSMM! Yay the rose gold ears!! All the photos of you guys wearing them are sooo adorable!!

Thank you so much!

You two are so cute! This is a great selfie. The Disney joy is evident!

Aw, thank you!:flower1:

Oh I'm so happy for you guys! Especially Kelsey, since I know she had her heart set on them! A great little perk on what seems to have already been a great morning at DHS.

We were so so pumped! We laughed for a long time about Kelsey's nonchalant "Can you come with me for a second?" :rotfl:
Can You Come with Me for a Second?
Day 2, Part 2

As we made our way to the front of the park, we started to hear the music for the March of the First Order. We started to walk a little faster to try to get across the street before it was blocked by the March. We laughed as we made our way up Hollywood Blvd. because it felt like the storm troopers were chasing us. We made our way out of the park and out to the bus stops.

There was a Boardwalk bus waiting when we walked by, so we decided to hop on that bus and just walk from there to the Beach Club. We pulled out of DHS right around 11:15. We were at the Boardwalk in no time and quickly made our way over to the Beach Club.

We checked in for our 12:10 Beaches and Cream ADR around 11:35. The hostess told us that could seat us early if we were okay sitting at the counter. We decided that we were just fine with that, so we were seated right away!

Our waitress Brittany was the absolute sweetest! We decided to split a cheddar bacon ranch sandwich, which was absolutely delicious.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Then we each got our own sundaes. I got a Fudge Mud Slide…

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

…and Kelsey got the No Way Jose.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Brittany offered to take our picture for us, which we were very grateful for!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Everything was so yummy, and it was a perfect way to break up the day!

We made a quick bathroom stop, then made our way out to the bus stops.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We didn’t even wait 10 minutes before a DHS bus pulled up, and we were back at the park before 1:00.

We stopped for some PP pictures with the brooms from Fantasia…

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright/url], on Flickr

…and with the DHS star.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We made our way back into the park and stopped for pictures on Hollywood Blvd.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Then, we were off to the 1:20 show of the VotLM.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

After that, we made our way to Sunset Blvd for the 2:00 Beauty and the Beast! We both adore this show and consider it a must-do!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr


Up Next: A lazy afternoon and Fantasmic!
Glad you enjoyed your lunch! Those sundaes look delicious!

Such cute pics as you guys made your way back into DHS!
I love this TR so far! Makes me really wish I had a close female sibling or cousin haha
I had Brittany at Beaches and Cream last week and I agree that she is super sweet. You two had the right idea to split a sandwich to have room for a sundae. I had a milkshake and burger and was so stuffed afterward!
Glad you enjoyed your lunch! Those sundaes look delicious!

Such cute pics as you guys made your way back into DHS!

The sundaes were soooo yummy! Thanks so much! :)

I love this TR so far! Makes me really wish I had a close female sibling or cousin haha

Aww thank you so much!

I had Brittany at Beaches and Cream last week and I agree that she is super sweet. You two had the right idea to split a sandwich to have room for a sundae. I had a milkshake and burger and was so stuffed afterward!

We were definitely glad that we shared that sandwich, especially since we wanted different kinds of sundaes!
Can You Come with Me for a Second?
Day 2, Part 3

After the show, we wandered through the gift shops on Sunset Blvd. before heading over to use our FP for the Frozen Sing Along.

Oh. My. Word. This show is always hilarious, but this time…We were in complete hysterics. The two royal historians were the best I have ever seen. Kelsey and I were literally crying we were laughing so hard.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

During "In Summer", it has apparently become the thing to yell "PUDDLE" during that part of the song. Well a bunch of people in the show did it and...

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Wait. i don't think you had a chance to fully appreciate this.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

I swear he probably stayed like that for 2-3 minutes. It was hilarious:rotfl:

From there, we made our way over to ToT. I had been debating about whether or not I was going to ride, but I ended up chickening out (again). So Kelsey hopped in the FP line by herself while I waited outside.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

When she came back out a few minutes later, she was mad because somebody’s hands were blocking her face in the ride photo.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We traded magic bands (shhhhhh) so she could use my FP and ride again. This time, the ride photo was much better.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

At this point, we had done everything we wanted to do other than Fantasmic, so we decided to head back to the hotel to rest for a bit. We made our way back to the front of the park. There was a Pop bus at the stop when we walked over there, so we decided to hop on it and walk across the bridge. It was just after 5:00 when we arrived at Pop. We stopped in the food court to fill our mugs before walking across the bridge to AoA. It was right around 5:20 when we got back to the room.

We lounged around and napped for a couple of hours. We left the room again just before 7:30. We stopped to fill up our mugs and were on a bus to DHS by 7:50. We were back in DHS about 20 minutes later. We speed walked back to Sunset Blvd. and stopped at a cart to get snacks. We each got a frozen lemonade, Kelsey got a churro, and I got a pretzel. Then, we were off to the FP entrance for Fantasmic!

I have since determined that a FP for Fantasmic just isn’t worth it anymore. At one point in time, there was a roped off section for FPs, but it doesn’t seem like they do that anymore. We were there as soon as the window opened, and we still ended up pretty far down to the left. In the long run, it doesn’t matter, because there really are no bad seats, but it was still a little frustrating.

We actually ended up down near the front, and we could see everything really well. The only downside was that we were just outside the splash zone in what we deemed to be the mist zone, but it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

Now, please enjoy these low-quality iPhone photos. :thumbsup2

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

The show was absolutely wonderful, as always. When it was over, we made our way down to the front of the amphitheater, then all the way across to take the back way out. The bus was SUPER crowded, but thankfully it isn’t a long drive from DHS to AoA. When we got back to the room, we both took showers and got ready for bed. I was super excited to see my Chaco tan line:rotfl2:

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We were both in bed just after 11 and we crashed pretty hard.

Our step report for the day:

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

UP NEXT: Another day in the Magic Kingdom!
I love the Frozen show!! And Fantasmic is my favourite night show! You got great photos of both. What a great day! :lovestruc
I should try the Frozen Sing-Along on my next trip. I was primarily at DHS in the mornings, and it looked like most of the times for this were in the afternoon. I also thought it was something like the Disney Jr. thing and not something that I might enjoy. :rotfl:

I was wondering the same thing about Fantasmic. I got a fastpass for it and distinctly remembering being farther to the right with one on a prior trip. I was trying to make the 9:00 Fantastmic and the 10:00 fireworks and I was stressing being so far left. I ended up just leaving when the boat came out, but that's basically the best part!

I have rather interesting tan spots on my feet from my Keen sandals. I look like a short giraffe.
Sounds like it was a fun time at the Frozen singalong! I STILL need to see that!

So nice being able to get in some rest time before Fantasmic! Sounds like a great end to the night :)
I fell quite behind but now I'm all caught up :) Love that you had your FP's for later in the day at HS but still got a nice amount of stuff done and scheduled a lunch break not far from the park. A good day from start to end!

and Kelsey got the No Way Jose
:love:This is what I've gotten every time we're there. I want to try something different but I just can't lol.

I had been debating about whether or not I was going to ride, but I ended up chickening out (again).
OMG you have to ride next time! What are you young people so afraid of :P It's my favorite ride in all of Disney and it's not scary at all! I promise.............................;)
I love the Frozen show!! And Fantasmic is my favourite night show! You got great photos of both. What a great day! :lovestruc

Fantasmic is definitely one of my favorites. The music just makes my heart happy!

I should try the Frozen Sing-Along on my next trip. I was primarily at DHS in the mornings, and it looked like most of the times for this were in the afternoon. I also thought it was something like the Disney Jr. thing and not something that I might enjoy. :rotfl:

You definitely should! It's so much fun for both adults and kids!

I was wondering the same thing about Fantasmic. I got a fastpass for it and distinctly remembering being farther to the right with one on a prior trip. I was trying to make the 9:00 Fantastmic and the 10:00 fireworks and I was stressing being so far left. I ended up just leaving when the boat came out, but that's basically the best part!

I remember when they used to rope off a section for it, but it definitely seems like that's not a thing anymore. Oh gosh I can't imagine trying to get out of there in time for the fireworks!

I have rather interesting tan spots on my feet from my Keen sandals. I look like a short giraffe.

Oh my goodness:rotfl:

Sounds like it was a fun time at the Frozen singalong! I STILL need to see that!

Yes you do! I honestly think I have more fun than a lot of the kids in there!

So nice being able to get in some rest time before Fantasmic! Sounds like a great end to the night :)

It was nice to get a little rest time in (which is not something I usually do:laughing:).

I fell quite behind but now I'm all caught up :) Love that you had your FP's for later in the day at HS but still got a nice amount of stuff done and scheduled a lunch break not far from the park. A good day from start to end!

It was a very nice day, and very satisfying to realize that we got to do everything we wanted to with time to spare!

:love:This is what I've gotten every time we're there. I want to try something different but I just can't lol.

I'm such a creature of habit, so I totally understand!

OMG you have to ride next time! What are you young people so afraid of :P It's my favorite ride in all of Disney and it's not scary at all! I promise.............................;)

I don't know what it is, but I just haven't been able to get myself on it! Last summer I literally had a panic attack trying to get in the line, so I wasn't really feeling like risking that this year.:confused3

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