PB and HRH Room Costs


Aug 20, 1999
Curious as to what we might have to pay for late August for a Deluxe Pool View at HRH or a standard Water View at PB using the Entertainment card. Also, am a Lowe's member - are upgrades common in off times?
We booked just a standard view at Portofino for late August/early September assuming (or hoping) that we will get a Loews upgrade. Our entertainment rate is $160/night + tax. We figured why pay more if it's a good possibility that we'll get an upgrade? If the upgrade doesn't happen, then we'll still enjoy Portofino...I'm sure! From memory, I think Hard Rock is $117.50/night during that time frame (standard view).
We received the rate of $149.50 + tax for a Deluxe pool view room with the entertainment discount for June 19-21, 2001. I also booked a second room with my Fan club card and that rate is $188.50 + tax again a Deluxe Pool View room.
Hope this helps.This is for the Hard Rock Hotel.



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