Pay Pal


Earning My Ears
Nov 9, 2000
Hi, just wondering if someone could take a minute to explain Pay Pal to
me please?? A little leary of giving credit card information. Any info
is appreciated.....have a great night!
My DH works for I actually used it long before he started to work there a year ago. ( I pay for my scrapbook paper piecing habits through paypal.)
When looking for some new reward programs, I came across a few that say you need
a Pay Pal account to join. From reading through the Pay Pal site ( I am trying to reform...
"always read thoroughly before clicking or submitting"..LOL) I understand that you can
set up an account via your email address and payment from reward program can be
sent to your pay pal account and if it is over $15.00 then you are charged a fee of .30
Then you can withdraw from that account and have a "cheque" mailed to you. Am I even
close to understanding this??? :confused: Thanks so much for your replies!
I cut and pasted your message. I don't understand the ends and outs of the program.

I know they used to not charge for a check, and now they are. I just have funds deposit into my account.
They are normally there in a couple of days.

I haven't used it for reward programs. When I found creations-- DH had me forward it to his work so he could look into it.
It would depend on the reward progam. No you do not need a credit card unless you are an international account. She should contact if she has any questions.

sorry not a lot of help!

then I just got this reply...

Yes as far as I know the rewards is ok, every country outside of the US is international.
wow...thanks for taking the time to find that is appreciated. I am in Canada
and it says "international accounts" now welcome. Just wasn't sure how things
worked as far as the reward programs go....thanks again!


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