Passporter vs. Unofficial Guide to WDW - which is best?


Feb 19, 2001
I'm ready to go buy a Disney book but I'm not sure if we should go with the Passporter or the Unoffocial Guide to Walt Disney World. Which is better as far as giving good money saving tips, etc? What is a good price for either one? Thanks for any info!

Julie :)
I purchased the deluxe Passporter which is like a day planner notebook with removable pages & includes pockets to store tickets, maps, etc. So I will carry only a few pages each day. It's a great resource & I'm very pleased with it. I have read at least half dozen other guide books via the public library(we're part of a 20+ library group & can borrow materials from all of them). Some of the other guide books have lost their purpose with the advent of fasspass. Their touring plans had been such a big deal. Unoffical still has good imformation, but I find it rather on the negative side in outlook.

FtW homes 88/99
CBR 90/91
DxL 94/97
Disney Institute 3n/4d programs 97/99
WL 99/summer 2001
AKL summer 2001
but if I were only buying one I would go with the Unofficial. I think it takes an honest look at the parks and the dry, satirical humor is part of its charm. The passporter is also great. I just recently purchased it and the more I use it the more I like it. I don't have the deluxe version but I find it is a very good organizer and I look forward to taking it on my next vacation. My unofficial has been on two trips and I will probably take it again this trip.

Disney IS a Life Skill!
I would bave to say that the birnbaum's book is the better choice. Plus of course all the information on these boards. The unofficial guide to WDW is a complete waste of time, and to big to carry with you to boot. My advice is to buy the current copy of the birnbaum book - even at the Disney Store - and keep reading these boards.
The Passporter is a good "planner", lots of pockets to keep EVERYTHING. I don't have the deluxe version. It's good to keep track of everything at each stage you're at. Also has a good section of Disney Quest which the Unofficial Guide does not. The Passporter is the one I'll be taking to the parks with me and making notes on things while I'm waiting in line. It has lots of places to journal. You can order the Passporter at at a discount.
I LOVE the Unofficial Guide b/c it gives you both sides of peoples' experinces. I don't find it negative, just realistic. It's more my resource book.
The boards here have been invaluable. I've saved over $800 already on resort reservation and ticket purchases.

Have fun with the planning and on your visit!!!


1973 Off-site
May 2001 DxL
i found the unoffical guide to be informative and useful for me;it has touring tips for in park in more detail
I love the Deluxe Passporter for many of the reasons already stated above. It's a great reference, organizer & compact storage while planning your vacation. Take it along while on vacation and pull out a pocket (listing your planned notes/confirmation #s, PS, etc) for each day of your trip. Store any items/notes you've collected that day and put back in passporter. At the end of your vacation, you've got many memories organized while still fresh in your mind!
I also buy the latest edition of the "Unofficial Guide" for it's most up-to-date info. It gives many time & money saving tips, and, a more objective view listing pros/cons that you won't find in the "Official" guide.
IMHO, the best combination for WDW vacation planning is the Unofficial Guide, the DIS & WDWIG boards and the Deluxe Passporter to pull it all together in one planner.You'll spend a good deal of time planning a successful WDW vacation, and, you'll probably spend a good sum of money too--you might as well get as much good info as you can! Good luck in your planning! :)


<font size=2 color=RED>SEPT. 2001 - <font size=2 color=BLUE>ALLSTAR/MOVIES, POLYNESIAN & <center>BEACH CLUB!</center></font>
I would go with Birnbaums. My second choice would be the Unofficial Guide. My favorite part is the attraction descriptions with a rating for different ages. I haven't read the 2001 version, and I found the 2000 version very close to my 1999 version, but the first time I read it I found it incredibly helpful. I have Passporter, but having read the other two it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know and I don't use the trip planning pages because I have my own system.

They are all great. Have a great time planning!

Sherry :)
I have to disagree. I think Birnbaum's was a waste-more like an infomercial for Disney. On the other hand I think Passporter and the Unofficial guide are both great-you can't go wrong with either.

1993 - Off Site
01/27/01 - YC - 7 days
02/03/01 - 7 day Magic Cruise
Next WDW trip Dec. 2001
Definitely the Passporter. I also like Fodor's. Birnbaum is also great, but as already said it is a bit too official.

Have fun

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Off-site 88, 95 and 97
DXL and DCL 99
ASMo and DCL 01
I have bought the Unofficial Guide for our last 3 trips, and this year I purchased the 2001 version, along with the Passporter. I'm going to have to vote for the Unofficial Guide for the sheer volume of information. Almost everything I wanted to know was in the Unofficial Guide. (Anything that wasn't in there has been answered on these boards.)

I enjoyed reading the Passporter,too, and I like their maps.
My family has always gone with the Un-Official Guide. It provides great descriptions and an honest approach to how much the trip is going to cost you. Birnbaum's Guide is nice, but I think it provides too rosy of a description of Disneyworld. Don't get me wrong, I do love Disney.


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