Parking fees @ parks


<font color=teal>Just happy to be here.
Apr 1, 2001
If you are staying off property (which as of right now, we aren't), how much does it cost to park at the different parks?
$6 per day. They give you a large LARGE ticket to put on the dashboard. If you leave and go back, it's dated so you don't have to pay again or pay for parking at a different park either.:bounce:
Thank you for replying. We might decide to stay off site if I get a really good rate somewhere and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't expensive to park.
We are using Hopper tickets, and plan to move from one park to another throughout the day. If I buy my parking pass at AK, can I use it at MK later that same day? We don't want to use the Disney busses to travel between the parks because that involves going back to AK to start our journey home.:confused:
You can pay at one park and then park at the next park and as long as you have your parking sign in the window with the same date on it you won't have to pay.


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