Outlet Malls


Nov 14, 2000
Can anyone give me any information on the 4 disney outlets in Orlando. Any web sites, addresses or directions of how to get there. Thanks in advance for any help.
The Disney outlet I've frequented the most is at Lake Buena Vista Outlets. From WDW head out 536 towards airport, turn right just after passing HIFS, and just before getting to the Buenva Vista Suites. The shops are on the left, about 1/2 mile from the intersection. The actual store is quite small, but every time we've been there, they have had either a tent sale or another sale in another store which offered great values. There are also 2 disney outlet stores at Belz outlets--up I-4 towards Universal, follow signs. Belz is huge!! I think both have websites, but can't remember the name
there is the new outlets there that opened last jun. you go down hotel blvd and make a right at the end. go down to where I believe its the 3rd light(might be second) and make a left to where it says lake little brian (Or close to that name) and go down for a few miles and you will pass the shrine mary and then its right there on your right side. can't miss it. they ahve soem great stores and some good deals. there is alos a character warehouse here and they had some shirts that disney has right now for 9.99 as opposed to the 27 they are charging. and they had a whole bunch of souveniers as well.

<img height="200" src="http://www.howskaren.com/mickeyandaryn.jpg">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

Thanks for all the info. Does anyone know the hours they are open and if they are open on Sundays?
The new outlets off 4 are open to 11 every night except Sunday. They are open Sunday to I think 6 pm


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