Our 7 nt vacation just turned into 12!!!


DIS Veteran
Oct 21, 2004
This might be duplicate, I don't know - I had an error page when I posted it the first time, sorry!

We just realized this weekend that we would be able to take a longer vacation next January, we had previously scheduled 7 nts at VWL, 2 in a studio and 5 in a 1 BR. We *have* to use all of our 150 points this year (or rent them I guess, but I really don't want to do that) because we will not be able to take a vacation during our 2006 use year so banking them would do us no good.

I just called this morning and changed it to 6 nts at VWL and 6 nts at BCV in studios (I know, not as cool as 1 BR, but it is *12* nights!!!). Borrowing 16 pts, but since we will just bank 2006's into 2007 I'm not too worried about being in point debt. ;) I'm so incredibly excited now. I figure I'll do laundry on day 4 or 5 and on day 9 or so, my husband can take the kids to the playground and I can sit and read. Actually after that much together time I'll probably appreciate the hum of the dryers and some alone time, LOL. We'll get 10 day hoppers and just use the switching resorts day to go explore the resorts or something. Realistically I think we will be fine in a studio, I mean we'll be at WDW right? Nothing can bring me down there :flower: .

I'm really hoping for a couple days of warmer weather - not counting on it since it is January but hoping! I'd love to be able to go to the pools, especially BCV's!!

Did I say I was excited???!!! :banana:
Those of you that have been there in Jan, how cool is the weather? Can you swim? What about the park hours.........?
Have a great trip!!!
We usually travel to WDW mid January to early February. The weather can be very different. We have had times when our entire trip was very warm (short weather and swimming) and other trips that have been on the cooler side (jeans and sweatshirts and too cold to swim in the evenings). I am sure my opinion is somewhat warped because when we travel, it is usually well below zero at home, so when we get into the 60's we think it is the tropics!!

I can only think of one trip where we got rained on, and that was only one day of the trip.

When the kids were little, we would put them in short outfits with a running suit outfit over the top. That way when it warmed up as the day progressed, I could peel layers off of them! It worked very well, and the nylon pants and jackets packed well in the backpack.

You will be fine in a studio. I would gladly stay longer in a studio than have a shorter trip in a bigger room!

Have a great trip!
No matter what the weather just remember that you'll be warmer in WDW than you would in WA. Have a great 12 day stay!! :wave:
Very true! I remember one Jan/Feb trip that the kids were to have missed 6 days of school. School actually was closed 2 days because it was more that -40! When it is -40 at home, just being able to go outside and see green grass and flowers is such a treat!
Thanks guys! You all are right - 60 will seem balmy and 70 a tropical paradise! I think I'd swim if it were 70.
That sounds like HEAVEN to me! I hope you enjoy all that extra time! (good planning!!!)

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