Our 15 day summer adventure to WDW! NEW TR LINK 11/6 pg. 49!!


I love this one. It looks like Daisy is kissing Donald, too. :lmao:
You could never bore us with too many photos silly :laughing:

I love all the new features they have for this year celebration..streamers and those balloons are so cute

Love the ones where the boys are hugging :goodvibes

The pic of you and your Dh with red and white polka dots is a very nice one :goodvibes

You going to use any of these for your Christmas cards this year? So many to choose from :santa:

Your sweet Kelly, thanks! Didn't think of Christmas cards, good idea!

Diane - your photopass pics are awesome!!! They are all great! Love the pics holding the balloons, and yours and Bryan's anniversary pic is great too. :goodvibes

Thanks Tammy, I like the ones with the balloons too!

Wow and more wow! Great update! I absolutely love the photopass photos!! They are great, way to make the most of the photographers. Jasmine never wants to stop...interferes with her ride time.:lmao:We've never pre ordered the cd, I think we're going to this year. Was the kids menu a bit better at Narcoosees?

How exciting you are going to be vacationing with new friends next year:banana:

I would definitely preorder the cd you do get some savings that way! Thanks for your sweet comments! The kids menu at Narcoosees was GREAT!

Great photopass pics!!! I have never seen the pose with the balloons before, those are really neat!!! I like the pics of you and Brian together for your anniversary also, cute couple!! Can't wait to read more of your report and see more pics!


Thanks Melissa! Glad you liked all the pictures, I thought they turned out pretty good too!

Didn't you just fall in love with the Grand Floridian??? I have always wanted to stay there!

Dinner at Narcossee's looks amazing -- especially your filet! My stomach is growling, and I have already eaten dinner and a couple of snacks. :laughing:

The pictures of your family at the GF are great!

What a fun night with Tim and Lesley's gang!

Your Photopass pictures turned out amazing!

Yes Jackie the Grand Floridian is GORGEOUS! Narcoosees is great you should give it a try someday! We had tons of fun with Tim and Lesley and the kids!

You ended up with some awesome photo pass pics! Thanks for posting them, I noticed a couple of spots that we haven't done photos at before. We walked past the guy at Beach Club so many times and I wondered what he was doing there with the camera.:confused:
Next year, we'll know to stop!

Thanks Anita! I noticed some new photopass stops too! The guy at the Beach Club was GREAT, he took a TON of shots, you should definitely stop!

Again Diane, so many nice pictures! You have had some wonderful meals, all have looked so good, especially the steaks. You need to go and rank the meals at the end, I am curious to which is the best and so on.

Another fun night with the Tim and Lesley crew- so fun to go together next summer.

Thanks Laura! Right now I would say Cali Grill first and Narcoosees second! We are looking forward to next summer with the Tim and Lesley crew!!

Very cute!!! I really love your anniversary night photos. They all look great!

Thank you so much!

WOW!!! Where to start!!??

1. Narcoossee's looked divine!!! much better than Citrico's that I saw over on Wigd's TR -- those steaks looked wonderful and the mussels?? I could have eaten three of those and made dinner out of that!!! :rotfl:
2. Your photo op's and stroll back to DTD and SSR seemed relaxing and fun! AS did the impromptu pool time (that grandstand pool is great fun! We stayed right near there too!) and how fun to visit with Tim and Lesley and their kids, it is nice when kids take care of themselves that way!!! :goodvibes
3. The Photopass pics are so adorable! I love all the photos throughout your TR of your boys hugging eachother that is really sweet.. And the pics of you and DH are lovely as well!!!

So what is in store next??!! :surfweb: :laughing: I know I know, two posts in one day and she wants me to post more???!! YES! ;)

Thanks! I am glad you said that about Citrico's, we were thinking of eating there but chose Narcoosees instead! You are right, our whole trip was just very relaxing and it was nice to have impromptu pool time! Thanks for the compliments about the photopass pics.!

Hey Diane,
LOVE your photopass pics!!! We didn't end up buying one and now I regret it but we didn't have the cool pics you guys did - all our photopass photographers were boring and didn't do anything creative.
LOVE the balloon effect, I've never seen that before. The black and white anniversary pics of you and Bryan are GREAT! Also, HOW IN THE WORLD did you guys manage to get a Test Track car to yourselves??We always end up wedged in with strangers???:confused3

Hi Lesley! We got lucky with the photopass guys I guess! They had some really neat features for photopass this year! Too funny about the Test Track car, that is because my rebel husband led his family illegally under the rope and a Test Track car alone was the reward!!!

Great pics Diane ! Some really good shots of the whole fam, just you and Brian and then ones of the boys.:thumbsup2

Thanks so much!!

Diane great pics of all of your, esp. like the balloon bunches with the boys and the anniversary pics of the two of you are great!

Thanks! The balloons really are cute aren't they!

Diane!! I'm here! Better late than never... but it is going to take me a while to get caught up. Just wanted to let you know I finally jumped in!

Geez, between you and Lesley and how quickly you both update your TRs... I'm NEVER going to get mine finished!


HOORAY, Sooze is here! I am glad you made it! I know we are update machines!

I still can't believe you were in school until June 19th! I had already had a month's worth of summer vacation by then!!

What a beee-u-ti-ful sight!

There's the Disney spirit!

Well, with all of that bad luck at the beginning, it looks like the pixie dust finally started coming your way!

The first time Matt and I went to SSR, we got there late at night. Finding our villa in the dark was not fun (and we had no car, so we walked it.. with luggage!.. silly us!)

Thanks for all of your comments, I couldn't imagine walking all the way around SSR in the dark...oh well, lesson learned right!!

Great photopass pictures, love the borders and balloons!! Peg has a very good point about Jasmine not wanting to stop for photos....come to think of it....I'm going to stop every chance I get just to annoy her this year:lmao: I keep telling her the 9 days we're there on our own, the only way we can get photos of us together is photopass....think that will work:confused3

Thanks so much! Yes, tell Jasmine pics. are mandatory!!

We did! It was great...and interesting as you can see from my TR title! :laughing:

Too funny, I will have to check it out!

I love this one. It looks like Daisy is kissing Donald, too. :lmao:

Thanks Amy! I thought the same thing when I saw it!
Well, Day 9 had us traveling to Chef Mickey's for breakfast! This was our slepp in and relax day! Our reservation wasn't until 10 am, so this was more like brunch! Eric was very excited because Chef Mickey's is his FAVORITE restaurant!! We all woke up and got ready and headed down to the bus stop!

Again, more foggy pictures because of the heat!!



We took a bus to the Magic kingdom and walked over to the Contemporary!
We arrived at our destination and went to check in! We then had our picture taken...



This meal always seems to take so long and this time was no different, we were here for about 1 hour and 40 minutes!!! That is why I always try and schedule it for a morning off!!

We went to get our food and the characters started coming pretty quickly after...

Eric had made another picture for Mickey and he was GREAT in his reaction!!



Some silly pics....




Goofy was up next...


Then Donald...


Bryan and I...


The boys getting into the parade....


Being silly again....


Pluto was up next...


Then Eric said to Pluto that he wanted to touch his nose, so Pluto shook his head no but Eric did it anyway...he gets that lawbreaking from his father!!


Next up was my best girl!!!



Minnie made a cute gesture at me because I was wearing her on my shirt!

We finished up our great meal and then headed back to the Magic Kingdom to grab a bus back to SSR!! We saw this scene as we were leaving and I never did find out what happened, but I sure hope everyone was OK!


We got back to SSR and decided to go for a swim but first Matthew wanted to see what was going on in the world and Eric was defending him.....


I took a few pictures from our balcony!




We then all got changed and went down to the Grandstand pool!


So we went to the Grandstand pool and the boys saw some kids playing with pool noodles and other pool toys so Matthew and I decided to walk to community hall to see if they had anymore that we could use! I forgot to bring my camera to the pool on this day and now I am regretting it! If you really want to see some pictures, Lesley has some on her TR! On the way to community hall, we passed Lesley and the kids. We had NO LUCK getting any pool toys, they were all chewed up and nasty looking!! On the way back, Lesley, Tim and the kids decided to join us back up at the Grandstand pool!! The kids had a blast playing together! Bryan disappeared with Tim over to the hot tub for awhile and Lesley and I swam in the pool for a bit and then just watched the kids!! At about 1:30 I tried to get the kids lunch at the Grandstand pool bar but htey don't take dining plan credits there! RIDICULOUS! So now I had to make the trek all the way to Artist Palette for lunch! Of course it was SO CROWDED and it took forever! The kids got chicken nuggets and they were so SMALL, they were about the same thickness as a pencil! Anyway they ate and swam some more and then we all headed up to our rooms together as we both had dinner reservations at Epcot that night!

We got showered and then went down to the bus stop! Guess who else was there!!!!


Who knows what the kids are trying to do here!


Bryan and Tim shooting the breeze! I had to laugh because Tim is dressed EXACTLY like Bryan was last night! As a matter of the fact, Tim shirt is the SAME shirt as Bryan's...


We finally got on the bus and the kids all sat together and played with our phones! Lesley and I sat together with Tim and Bryan! Fun bus ride!!! Once we got to Epcot we went our seperate ways, bryn went to fastpass Kim Possible for the 9,999 time! Then we headed to Test Track!




Turns out Tim and Lesley were just a few families in front of us! Tim was so funny, he kept texting me and telling us to "cut" of course he was just kidding but we all know Bryan doesn't need any excuses to break the law at Disney right?

We met back up with them in the lobby and the kids all piled in the car together...


It was funny becaus eit became a big joke between our families that we were mutually stalking one another!!!

After our spin around the Test Track, we went to complete our Kim Possible mission before our dinner at LeCellier! We sai goodbye to our friends and went to go save the Untied Kingdom!


Don't mind the fastpass time, we were given a Norway one when we got it but exchanged for this one because we had already done Norway!

We saw these guys along the way!!


Bryan and Matthew did there own mission and Eric and I did our own!


Our mission took us to several places...












After our mission it was time to check in for dinner, so we were off to Canada but we kept our kim Possible phones because we were going to try to continue to help save the world after dinner!


The Disney gods aligned and I received ALL of my requests and it was all linked together perfectly! YAY!
Wow! You must've made the Disney Gods very happy! Good for you guys!

the kids complained about sleeping on the pull out couch and not having a bed but Bryan and I quickly jumped in and said "do you know how lucky you are" that whole speech!
I seem to remember this very same speech in someone else's trip report....:rolleyes:
We were all very hungry by this point and so excited for our meal! We checked in and then took some pictures.....





The gardens in Canada are so beautiful, aren't they?

We were buzzed and shown to our table! Don't mind the sweat in the next few pictures, it was SO HOT and doing those Kim Possible missions in WS can be unbearable sometimes in the heat!



I love the dark cellar feel in this restaurant!


After our waiter told us he was from Nova Scotia, we were given some pretzel bread YUM!!


I ordered the cheddar cheese soup which was delicious, but SO RICH! I dipped my pretzel bread in it and OH MY was that INCREDIBLE!!


Believe it or not we weren't maxed out on steak yet! I had the mushroom filet which OMG was to die for!


Bryan had steak too but I forget which one!


the boys had pizza and pasta...



All of the sudden, I hear this noise coming from my purse! It was the Kim Possible phones, they kept going off and asking us to return them! SO FUNNY, they must have went off about 6-7 times during our meal! There is no way to mute them and they noise they make is VERY distinct, the lady at the table next to us was DYING laughing...I was embarassed and Bryan finally decided to just hurry up and run them back!

We all enjoyed our meals very much! Next up was dessert!

I had the "moose"


We do not have anymore dessert pics. sorry!

After our amazing meal, we went back out and took some more pictures..



We decided to leisurely stroll around the World Showcase!







I had to laugh, my kids were so worried about no having enough room on the couch and this is how we found them in the morning!

Our mission was that Bryan was going to run with the masses for TSM fastpasses and then get in line with us standby!
We used the very same strategy! Great minds...

Bryan (in the blue shirt) waiting to run for it!
This is great! He looks so very focused. Almost like a Nike commercial.

Another first for our family! It was such a haven in that heat!!
This place is so much better when you have older kids. They can run around and have a blast, and you don't have to worry about losing them! We have skipped it the past two trips, because I didn't want to deal with Shaelyn and following her around!! Next time, we'll venture back in!

After this we decided to take a break from the heat, so it was back to SSR for a swim and a nap!
I just love Disney afternoon pool/nap breaks!
We continued our way around the WS and Bryan and the boys stopped to check out some pins...





We ran into this handsome man in America of all places!!


We forged on through the countries of WS...




Matthew trying his hand at the puppets!



After our jaunt around the WS we decided to head back to SSR, we were planning to see illuminations while we were at the Boardwalk!


We got this photpass picture on the way out!


It was an INCREDIBLE day just relaxing and enjoying our time at WDW!!!

Coming up:



You all look like you had such a great time! I am hoping we get Le Cellier this year...I have never been there and that cheese soup sounds amazing! :thumbsup2
Great update as always. So is Chef Mickey's good for breakfast? I always say I'm going to book breakfast there instead of dinner. Glad Mickey liked his picture ;) . Great Epcot pictures! Le Cellier is always good :goodvibes. Pretzel bread and cheddar cheese soup, yummy.
Sounds like another great day! I love how you coordinated everyone's clothes! I'm too lazy and my hubby wouldn't be into it:lmao:
So great you got to spend so much time with Tim and Lesley and kids. Love Love Love Le Cellier:love:So good there but really don't enjoy the soup or the pretzel bread:rotfl2:Sounds like a great relaxing day in the World, way to go:woohoo:
Wow, great update! I love the pic of the boys piggyback riding, you can tell they love each other. It looked like another great day at wdw, can't wait to read more!popcorn::
I was thinking about your camera and the way it fogged up. Maybe next vacation if you have a balcony you could place the camera outside while you get ready that way it would be picture ready as soon as you leave.

Of course this wouldn't work if you have a first floor patio as some one could walk off with your camera. :scared1:

I appreciate you including these pictures as it will be something for our family to be aware of next time we travel.
Great Trip report!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the last few days!!
I was thinking about your camera and the way it fogged up. Maybe next vacation if you have a balcony you could place the camera outside while you get ready that way it would be picture ready as soon as you leave.

Of course this wouldn't work if you have a first floor patio as some one could walk off with your camera. :scared1:

I appreciate you including these pictures as it will be something for our family to be aware of next time we travel.

This does work...also putting the camera in a Ziplock baggy while switching from AC to the outdoors works like a charm. Camera stores also sell desicants (moisture absorbing gel packets) that you can use.
It sounds like you had a great day, and you got to share it with friends. I love all your PP pictures, they are great. I really like those balloons, I have seen them a lot lately and they are so cute.
Wonderful trip report! I've enjoyed it very much.

I did have a couple of questions though, if you don't mind. My husband is also diabetic, and I was wondering how long your husband has been diagnosed. I thought I saw that this was your first trip down with his diabetes.

My husband has been a lifer, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask. It's a scary disease and I can give some pointers from the wife's point of view if you are interested!

Looking forward to the next update!


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