OMG I made the worst mistake re: Hershey Soar


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Sep 2, 1999
Well, back in October, I sent out 4 requests for the Southwest 150.00 GC... well, I only received three of the certificates, and wondered where on earth the fourth one was... Well, I got a letter today that said I only enclosed 182 wrappers... I REALLY enclosed 282 wrappers.... I counted them in groups of ten, and enclosed 28 groups... THE PROBLEM, when I wrote the 3x5 card out, I accidentally wrote Enclosed # of wrappers 182!!!

I can't believe I made that mistake, I was in a hurry trying to get it out, and that's what I wrote... Anyways, I have until a week from Tomorrow to get 93 MORE WRAPPERS to them!! I don't have 93 wrappers, and I'm frantic right now!!! (Anyone have extras?)

I can't believe I did this.... my husband is going to be very upset if he has to go buy 93 more chocolates!!! I called Hersheys & they said someone would call me by thursday... but I need the wrappers back by next Tuesday, so I don't know what to do.....

Course you know what this really shows, is that THEY NEVER COUNTED THE WRAPPERS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Oh my goodness, I just had a terrible feeling when I never received the fourth certificate, now I know why!! I'll keep you up to date, I have an awful feeling I'll be going to the store tonight....
Sorry, I can't help you out with the wrappers, but I can "hear" how distraught you are over this. I hope you can get them, and it all works out. Hang in there!
Thanks for the encouragement, I am distraught! I just can't believe I made this mistake in the first place!! I was so lucky, I did find someone that had the 93 wrappers, so regardless I'm going to be able to send them in on Thursday!! I won't feel good until I have those certificates in hand!!
Sorry to hear about the mistake...
I'm sure it was so easy to do since you were probably so excited to mail them out!!!

I've done my fair share of dorky things.. like last year, I was so excited about a BIG tax refund, that I mailed the completed tax forms in
WITHOUT signing them!!!!! AUGUUGGHHH!
So, the IRS had to send them back to me, then I signed them, and re-mailed them... needless to say, my refund was delayed by a MAJOR amount of time.. and I learned my lesson to take my time and calm down!!!
It's so hard for me when I get excited about something!

anyways..enough of my blabbing, I wish you the best of luck!!!! Get excited now, because your wrappers are back in the mail!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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