Okay Michelle, MaryJo (and other So. Cal Natives) What to wear....


The prodical child
Aug 18, 1998
I am now done with my business trip and can't start packing for my trip (two weeks from today). I have been watching the Weather Channel and it looks like you really are not having any warmer weather than we are.

Is this cooler than normal?? I was hoping to wear shorts and maybe swim. Is this probably a crazy idea? Should we leave the warm weather stuff home?

Two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks

Oh did I say just 14 more days :)


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<font size=4 color=blue font face="Comic Sans MS">Robin

You know as much as we do! It has been a long cold, recently rainy, winter for us. But, for one weekend in Feb., it was 90! It's still cold (50's today) but 2 weeks from now it could be 80. My advise is to keep watching the weather & ask us again in about a week. I know this isn't much help but the weather hasn't been very predictable this year.

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Be prepared for cool or hot. You just never know! Same as WDW at the same time of year, not always predictable. You will have fun!!


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
Hi Robin! It's true, we have had a very cold and rainy winter, but we did have this one freaky weekend of 90 degree temperatures a few weeks ago. I'd check the forecast a little closer to your dates, but for the most part I wouldn't plan on doing any swimming this time of year. The pools are heated but the outside air temp usually makes it pretty chilly to get of the water! You may be able to wear shorts for touring during the day, but our nights are almost ALWAYS cool or cold here, even in the summer, so plan accordingly.

My gosh, is it only two weeks away? Time flies! :)

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The forecasts appear to be clearing up (and heating up) over the next week. But its still possible to get a cold front coming through later in the month. At this point, be prepared for anything from 60-90.

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Your guess is as good as ours. Lol

Yesterday, it was drizzly, cloudy, darnright cold & windy. Right now at 8am, my dd is getting ready to go to DL with a friend, and it is bright & sunny, and from where we live - no clouds. Like LaWeiss11 said, just ask again right before you come.

March is always kind of unpredictable.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

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