Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread

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Thank you everyone who posted their support.

My morning started off on a downer when I excitedly told my sister that I had registered for the full and not only didn't get any support, but got a pretty nasty and hurtful comment about it. Some choice words were exchanged. :mad:

Coming here on my lunch hour and seeing all the words of encouragement has really helped my mood.

I think people who don't think THEY could accomplish a certain goal try to ease their own feeling of inadequacy by convincing themselves and others that no one else can accomplish it either. Rather than encouraging and celebrating someone else's achievement or goal, they try to belittle it or convince you it is unreachable.

I just use those comments as more motivation to 'make it happen'. ;)

UGH! How awful!! I've had a few people knock down my accomplishments because I don't "run" the entire thing. I do a walk-run combo and average between an 11-12 min mile. But they focus on the whole walk aspect of it and there are some negative comments associated with it.

This year I signed hubby and I up for the Goofy. This is both of our first full and first Goofy! I'm excited and screw all those that say I won't do it. And WHEN I finish I'll be on cloud nine :cloud9: and I won't let the naysayers say I didn't really do it because I walked some of it!!
Try not to sweat it. I have learned to keep my appreciation for Disney and my desire to run from a lot of people who just don't get it. They aren't nasty about it, they just don't share the same view. But rest assured, you've got a lot of support here1



Those darn naysayers :rolleyes: I, too, have had people down play my accomplishments because I walked most of my races. I really don't care what they think. Whether I do a 14 min mile or a 7 min mile, a mile is a mile. As John Bingham might say, I get my money's worth while out on the course. :teeth:

I really like coming to these WISH boards. I was lucky; I never once had anyone here our other tell me I couldn't do the Goofy. I told very few people outside of WISH that I was going to do it. The few I told - my boss, other running/walking buddies - all supported me and wished me well. The only naysayer I came across was me...sometimes doubting my sanity for signing up. ;)

For those of you doing your first half, full or both (Goofy), YOU CAN DO IT!!!! And, we're here to help! GO, WISH TEAM, GO! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Thank you everyone who posted their support.

My morning started off on a downer when I excitedly told my sister that I had registered for the full and not only didn't get any support, but got a pretty nasty and hurtful comment about it. Some choice words were exchanged. :mad:

Coming here on my lunch hour and seeing all the words of encouragement has really helped my mood.

Being a bigger girl who loves running (or waddling, be it as it may) distance, when I told people several years ago that I was going to run my first marathon everyone laughed at me. Coworkers who don't know me well enough still laugh.

It still hurts and makes me angry to hear things like that. But then I remember why I love running distance. Crossing the finish line and putting that shiny medal around your neck and wrapping yourself like a baked potato, getting high fives and congratulations from complete strangers. More people than you've ever seen before standing on the side of the road pushing you, yelling your name (if they can read it on your bib), and really getting behind you and lifting you up. There are posters of encouragement that people hold up, inspiring people that you'll run alongside that will give you a gut check, and potential friends around every corner. For every one person that says I can't run a marathon or a half marathon, or even a 5k-- there's at least a hundred that remind me I can, even if I don't know their names.

It's hard, but keep your chin up. We've all got your back.
what would be the best to do if u are a 1st timer how many miles is the race and what not
what would be the best to do if u are a 1st timer how many miles is the race and what not

A Marathon is 26.2 miles. At Disney, you have a time limit of completing that distance within 7 hours which is a 16:00 minute/mile pace. You may walk, run, or a combination of the two (run/walk intervals).

Regardless of your method, you will need to train using a training plan that corresponds to that method. 26.2 miles is a long distance to be on your feet and you will need to develop the endurance to 'go the distance'. It is a challenge but one that is achieveable with the proper training, equipment (shoes, wicking clothing, socks, etc), and nutrition plan.

I finished my first Half Marathon (13.1 miles) this January, and am doing my first Full Marathon in October. I only started running a year ago. So I can tell you that you can do it if you put your mind to it and follow a good plan (many of which are available online, including the RunDisney web site).
Being a bigger girl who loves running (or waddling, be it as it may) distance, when I told people several years ago that I was going to run my first marathon everyone laughed at me. Coworkers who don't know me well enough still laugh.

It still hurts and makes me angry to hear things like that. But then I remember why I love running distance. Crossing the finish line and putting that shiny medal around your neck and wrapping yourself like a baked potato, getting high fives and congratulations from complete strangers. More people than you've ever seen before standing on the side of the road pushing you, yelling your name (if they can read it on your bib), and really getting behind you and lifting you up. There are posters of encouragement that people hold up, inspiring people that you'll run alongside that will give you a gut check, and potential friends around every corner. For every one person that says I can't run a marathon or a half marathon, or even a 5k-- there's at least a hundred that remind me I can, even if I don't know their names.

It's hard, but keep your chin up. We've all got your back.

Well said. :cheer2:
Being a bigger girl who loves running (or waddling, be it as it may) distance, when I told people several years ago that I was going to run my first marathon everyone laughed at me. Coworkers who don't know me well enough still laugh.

It still hurts and makes me angry to hear things like that. But then I remember why I love running distance. Crossing the finish line and putting that shiny medal around your neck and wrapping yourself like a baked potato, getting high fives and congratulations from complete strangers. More people than you've ever seen before standing on the side of the road pushing you, yelling your name (if they can read it on your bib), and really getting behind you and lifting you up. There are posters of encouragement that people hold up, inspiring people that you'll run alongside that will give you a gut check, and potential friends around every corner. For every one person that says I can't run a marathon or a half marathon, or even a 5k-- there's at least a hundred that remind me I can, even if I don't know their names.

It's hard, but keep your chin up. We've all got your back.

This is beautiful. Perfect. Thank you!!

I'm late to this thread but I'm in for my first full. Will do the 5k with hubby and the two kids too. I need to email Disney to see how to sign up this year. I deferred last year (unexpected pregnancy). I believe the deferral fee is $35. Not bad, especially considering they used to not let you defer at all!

I will be cheering for everyone at the half. Everyone! I was a little disappointed during the princess half in 2011. So many "go mommy!" type signs that were on the floor because mommy either hadnt come yet or already passed. Everyone needs encouragement! I will be screaming my head off for everyone (and a little louder for the WISHers!)
Well, I for one can't wait to hear Nancy scream! :rotfl: Don't worry, we'll also be saving some special moves for when you and the other WISHers pass by! ;)

Maria :upsidedow
As a proud walker of two halfs at WDW, you can totally walk as long as you maintain a 16-minute mile pace.

Doodles and Wendy I agree Jan 2012 was my first ever half and I walked it in 3:18. At age 43. I just started training from April 2011 by working my way up from 1.5 miles 3 times a week to 3 miles 3 times a week and increasing a longer walk on Saturdays from 4 miles to 9 miles. I took it easy with the training and did well and happy with my time.

I so loved the CHEER squads and all the support it really helped me and kept me motivated. There is so much to keep you motivated the entire 13.1 miles!
I personally broke down and cried just coming up to that finish line. It was AWESOME.
It still hurts and makes me angry to hear things like that. But then I remember why I love running distance. Crossing the finish line and putting that shiny medal around your neck and wrapping yourself like a baked potato, getting high fives and congratulations from complete strangers. More people than you've ever seen before standing on the side of the road pushing you, yelling your name (if they can read it on your bib), and really getting behind you and lifting you up. There are posters of encouragement that people hold up, inspiring people that you'll run alongside that will give you a gut check, and potential friends around every corner. For every one person that says I can't run a marathon or a half marathon, or even a 5k-- there's at least a hundred that remind me I can, even if I don't know their names.

It's hard, but keep your chin up. We've all got your back.
Beautifully said. :) If that doesn't describe every Disney race, nothing else can! :thumbsup2
I don't get all the negativity about someone setting a goal and accomplishing it.... Some people need to get a life....

I get a kick out of watching "first timers" and walkers cross the finish line at distance races, mainly because I know not long ago I was one of them.... I remember that feeling when I finished my first marathon, and I am happy for those people who set a goal, trained to the best of their ability, and got out there and finished.

We are all at different levels of ability/fitness/etc. But the common thread we all share is that we all sign up to participate in an awesome event.

Just remember when those people give you a hard time, that you are not doing this for them, you are competing for yourself.

And if they still insist on giving you grief.... come here and talk to some like minded people.

Registration opened early! I signed up for the full before I had the chance to lose my nerve!
OK, I want to do this. I want to do the 1/2 with DH, not sure if his back will hold out though, we need to talk to his ortho. He has 2 torn disks but they are holding off on surgery because he's so young. I think he could probably walk most of it with me. We might do intervals too.
I'm nervous! I'm trying to not let the self doubt creep in. I did better then expected on the Everest challenge last year and I've lost some weight since then so I think I could hold my own on the 1/2.

So how fast does this usually sell out? Do we have time to decide? I need to check money because we will just be returning from WDW 2 1/2 weeks before the race. Flights right now would be about $500 for the 2 of us through United. Southwest isn't out yet.

I'll be turning 40 in 2013 and it's also our 20th anniversary that year too. I want to start off with a bang! Please tell me I can do this!
I don’t think anyone has any idea when/if it’ll sell out. Last year you had until December for the full, not sure how long it took for the half to sell out. However, this is the 20th anniversary of the full, which may draw lots of people who wouldn’t ordinarily come down.
Hello Everyone!

I'm registered for Goofy - yikes! I've done one full marathon and eleven half-marathons but it is still a little scary to think about. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun though!

Looking forward to hearing about everyone's training and plans for the races. Now that it is official I'm starting to look at resorts. I've done two Expedition Everest Challenges and stayed at AKL both times. This time I am pretty sure I'll stay at a moderate, just not sure which one is best. Any tips?

Happy training!

Registration opened early! I signed up for the full before I had the chance to lose my nerve!

:thumbsup2 Woohoo - going for the 20th anniversary medal. Nice!

On another note - Buffy, YOU CAN do this! Woohoo! What a way to celebrate your 20th anniversary year and turning the big 40! My husband has a similar situation as your husband. He has two bulging discs, not torn. He can't run but he does walk and hasn't had too much of a problem.

I'm sure you'll have time to decide. Just keep watching the RunDisney site (or here and on FB) for updates.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. 20 is a big deal. And as crazy as it sounds, because I'm so not a runner, the 20th whole would be awesome because it's also our 20th anniversary but I don't know if I can do 26 miles.
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