Nov/Dec 2003


DIS Veteran
Dec 12, 2002
I've read here that the first week in December is a great time to visit WDW. But this year, Thanksgiving is so late that December begins a few days after Thanksgiving. What are airports like the weekend after Thanksgiving? I wonder if airport crowds might be so heavy that it isn't worth it to try to fly for a vacation that weekend?
Last year (2001) we left the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which I believe was 12/ was absolutely the best time of year that we ever traveled. No lines at the airport, weather was great. I would by far recommend it. If possible try to leave either a Tuesday or Wednesday, not as many people traveling and the rates seem to be a bit cheaper. I think if you left that Sat, Sun Or Monday after Thanksgiving it would be a lot heavier travel day(probably more expensive too). We always leave on a Wednesday for WDW, that way we don't feel the pressure of taking advantage of the later nights and parades which is especially important on the off season (they are usually only offered on weekend nites), & it is much less expensive to fly. I think it is much more relaxing this way.


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