Noooo! 6 yo DS has fever & we leave Wed, a.m.!!!


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2001
I can't believe this! I have been the germ-phobic lunatic for the past 2 weeks, always wiping DS's hands after being at playgrounds, etc. so that he would NOT get sick before our first ever trip to WDW. This afternoon, he suddenly developed a fever of 100.6. He rarely gets sick, but his pattern is usually a 5-day fever with few other symptoms, maybe some sniffles. We're leaving Wed. a.m. for our lfight to WDW and I know it's supposed to be extremely hot and humid...any advice/suggestions? (In case he still has a fever?) It doesn't seem wise to have him outside in 92+ temps, but we only have 4 days there!
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom!
Karla B.
Being the aweful parent that I am....When we arrive in March for our trip my DS suddenly had come down with the flu...threw up on the plane and fever of 102+. Everytime it dipped under 100 we did some little outing...dinner, downtown disney....He was over it in about 48 hrs...but I still pushed him....:( He is 9 so I felt as soon as he expressed he was to tired we would stop and we did....I still feel a little guilty but turned out fine....

In your case Wed. is still 3 days away, if it is a normal thing he probably will be almost thru with the virus...So, I would wait until Wed and reevaluate then...You didn't say how old your DS is but I would rent a stroller if he is under 7 and try to make things as not tiring as possible. you'll know if your pushing and he'll let you know if you are also....Even if it is your first trip take it easy and enjoy....and let your DS set the pace if you need to ....
I'd get him to the doctor on Monday. If it's viral, there isn't much you can do, but if it's bacterial, he'll be almost completely better by Wednesday if he starts the antibiotics now.

If you do get there and he still has the fever, I'd do everything you could to keep the fever down if it's the only thing keeping him from feeling better. Give him Motrin or Tylenol every 4 hours, before the fever has time to get back up. But for now, I'd just let it burn so that his body can work on getting better fast.

Good luck and have a great trip!
Thanks for the advice! Ds just turned 6 and I think the stroller idea is a great one...would certainly help him alot. Also, I'm pretty sure it's viral...he never seems to get anything else an--we're lucky!--he's only had antibiotics 3x in his life! I realize I made a typo, his fever this afternoon was 102.6, now it's lower with Tylenol. Maybe I should, as suggested, let the fever run for a bit tomorrow to do its work.
I was wondering about park suggestions as well. DS is not much of a ride guy, but loves shows. Originally, I thought we;d tackle MK on Day 1...if he's still feeling a bit low, maybe it would be better to do MGM so he can basically sit and watch shows? Am I right that MK would be the most physically demanding of the parks?
Anyway, thanks very much again for the help!
Karla B.
Sorry to hear your little guy's not feeling well. That is a bummer right before your trip. (I know from experience - I had strep right before our first trip to Disney.:( ) I think you might be on the right track with doing MGM first - we seem to be able to hold out longer there for some reason. I guess because it is smaller and because there are so many sit-down attractions. I would definitely hold off on AK until he is feeling better because it is always hotter there than at the other parks. I would think the heat would really take a toll on him.

Also, I would recommend getting some information on the best place near Disney to get some medical attention - just in case. I've seen some posts on this before and most people seem to recommend one place over the other but I can't remember which is which. I was going to write it down to take with us on our last trip but since time was short I decided not to bother. Well - you guessed it! - our DS got so sick we had to come home early. Definitely will have that clinic info with me next time.:D

Good luck - hope everything goes well.:)
Thanks for the idea about getting info on a nearby medical facility...I'll look into it now!
Karla B.
I would also take him to the doctor. Remember to ask about a sinus decongestant. If he has a sinus infection or fluid in his ears, flying will be painful for him.

Last year I thought I was being proactive by getting the flu shots for my twins-DD ended up being hospitalized the next day for a reaction to the shot!!
Our family has decided that the odds are that someone will always be sick on vacation, so we go anyway. I had to take one son to a doctor on Longboat Key after a long day at Busch Gardens where he rode everything. We got back to the car and he was burning up. Turns out he had a temp of 104 due to strep throat and bronchitis. Did I ever get a lecture from that doctor, but really, we had no idea he was so sick. With antibiotics, he was fever-free the next day. During spring break this year my daughter got a terrible case of conjunctivitis the first day we were at Dollywood. Another doctor hunt. Now, the three kids have not been sick ONCE this whole school year - 3 perfect attendances - but likely someone will be sick during our 10 days at WDW in June. (I've been sick 3 times since Jan - LOL!) I think I will go ahead and call the ins. co. before we go and get the name of where they want us to go. Sometimes they have a list. And you can bet we will have tylenol, immodium etc... with us.

I'm sure yours will be fine at WDW!
I hope that your DS is feeling better by now. A point that I have not seen posted is to make sure you give him LOTS to drink. Even a little fever can cause dehydration and combined with the heat and exta walking this could be a problem. A sports bottle filled with what ever he likes best or those slushy drinks you can buy in the parks would be great. If he feels like going, I say go. I also vote for a stroller. Even if he is better, it takes a little while to get your energy back. Hope that trip is great.

Jordan's mom
I just want to thank everyone again for their advice and good wishes. Thomas slept until 11:15 this morning (!!!), but then seemed better for most of the day and the fever has not returned...maybe a 24 hour thing? Anyway, still keeping plans to use a stroller and he's got his own Brita bottle for water (yes, he actually prefers drinking water to sweet drinks!) for the parks.
Thanks again!
Karla B.
Two years ago DD woke up with a fever of 102 the morning of our flight. Threw her in a cool tub, pumped her full of Motrin, got in the car and left for the airport. By the time we got to Orlando, her fever was gone. Never returned while we were there, but I had plenty of Motrin with me, as well as all the various cold meds. I NEVER leave home without bringing the traveling medicine cabinet!

This year, two days before we left one dd was diagnosed with pneumonia, the other with a double ear infection. Youngest dd finished her antibiotics the day before we left, so I didn't have all three on antibiotics while we were there. Year before, the twins were diagnosed with strep the afternoon before we left.

So, as I now say, it wouldn't be Disney unless someone was on antibiotics!

Have fun and take some meds just in case!
I think the person who started this post has left but someone else might be interested. I just got my Orlando Magic kit and there is an ad in it for Doctors On Call Service, apparently they make house calls. I have never used this company so I can't say how they are but it never hurts to have options. The phone number is 1-407-399-DOCS. Hope this helps someone, I know I will be taking it with me on our trip.

Thank you Angela, I jotted down that number.

We leave tomorrow for WDW. My 3 1/2 yr old DD has been hacking away off & on at night with a cough. She gets this a lot, but from one time to the next I don't know if it's post-nasal drip or bronchitis, although she does this mostly at night so for the dr to listen to her he'll probably say she's ok (after a 2 hr wait in the waiting room & then getting sick with something else because she sat waiting in germs so long). But, if she starts coughing a lot during the day too, then I'd have a dr check her.

I searched the net over and over and can't seem to find any info on pediatricians in the WDW area. That phone number is a great start, thanks...(but I do really hope that we won't need it:))

I have one of those coughing kids. His is considered an asmatic cough but they say he does not have true asthma. Anyway it started the day we got to WDW in Jan. He sounds awful but feels just fine with it. We got the most terrible looks all over the parks. We got" poor kid" to "do you think he should be here?" He is not contagious and not the least bit sick with these coughs. We left cold dry air and hit warm moist air in Flordia and I know that was what started it. It bothered my DH a lot that people looked at us but it didn't me. If people looked at us I just said."Oh he's not contagious" or something like that. We found that going into shows where special effect smoke was in place made it worse. We did take him out of one show whrere he was coughing so that he would not bother anyone else but most of the shows are so loud that this was not an issue. BTW-His cough even helped us out. No one wanted too close to us! No one tried to invade our parade space or sit on top of us on the bus.LOL. He was in truth just fine( we are used to dealing with this at home) and it did not effect our trip at all.

jordan's mom
We were at WDW last week and needed a doctor for our son (14 months, 3 days w/102 fever no other symptoms). We read about Centra Care (it's like an immedi-center) and that they have a courtesy pick up. When we called to inquire we found out that they would send a doctor to your room (for an additional charge). We chose to have the doctor come to the room. They gave us a time that the dr would arrive (about a 3 hour wait from the time we called). She was prompt, very nice, my son liked her, he had an ear infection. Total cost was $156, steep but worth it to us.

She said she could only do exams. If you need anything more (say a strep culture) you need to go to the center
We use to only use Tylynol (sp) for the longest time, and then our dr told us about Motrim. I HIGHLY recommend Motrim--it'll cut a fever in half in an hour.

Hope your little one gets to feeling better, and that y'all have a great time! Let us know how everything's going.


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