Nonswimmers at DC



If you can't go in water over your head without flotation device, can you still fully enjoy Discovery Cove?

You are wearing a floatation device the entire time, your wetsuit.

For the stingray lagoon, you float on the surface and look at all the fish thru your mask. If you want to put your head under water, or dive down, then you can. If not, then that's fine.

For the Dolphin swim, you are standing in waist deep water, and only go out to the middle for a ride back to the shore. And even there, you can request a "slingshot ride" where you start from the shore, go out, and come back. You don't have to go underwater during the dolphin swim. If you want to put your head underwater and look around, then fine, if not, then that's ok.

For the lazy river, your wet suit keeps you above the surface. Same thing, you look around from the surface with your mask on. If you want to dive down, you can, but it's hard because your wet suit will bring you back to the surface.

Final answer, Go, it's worth it.
Is this something that fat people can do. I am a very heavy girl and would like to try this if I knew I could be accomodated with a wet suit and not be embarrassed when asking for one to fit?
Okay, I have to 2nd the question from lizdotcom99 -- want to make sure I can fit my girth into a wet suit (am losing weight, but it ain't all going to be gone in 9 weeks).
When we were there in August they had all the wet vests (can't vouch for suits) all in different crates on the beach.

They were three-four XXXL , and a few XXL's there, but they did go quite quickly.

I am a 'big' girl;) and as I went to DC in October it was warm enough for me just to need the vest.I'm glad it wasn't cooler so that I didn't have to think about wearing a suit.There are very large vests and I found one that fit me OK!;)
Hi Kazzie,
Just wanted to ask your opinion on the size of wet suits/vests at DC.
Both me and my sister are big girls and and was wondering if we were being unrealistic to expect to get sizes 22(me) and 28 (sis)in the vests or suits?
Any help would be great as I am trying to persuade Sis that she'll be fine.-no confidence on her part not much on mine!!
Well, I ain't no tiny thing myself (well on the "hefty" side) and was able to get a suit that fit me ... and hubby got one that fit him ... I recommend checking in as early as possible, so you have the largest selection of suits to pick from.
I am thinking about going there this December but I'm sure it will be a little on the chilly side. I'm fine with being chilly versus looking ridiculous. I'm a size 28 and I don't think I would be comfortable in a suit but want to make sure they would have a vest to fit me. Would they? Do you need to wear a vest or a suit if you can swim? Is it a rule there?
I believe it is a requirement to wear either a suit or a vest when in the water - but check with DC in case I am wrong.

I was there last January and I think I would have been a bit cold, both in and out of the water, without wearing a shorty wetsuit (many people were complaining how cold it was even in full wetsuits).

I was wearing a size 22 (probably could have gone a size smaller but didn't want the embarrassment of it not fitting properly) - so they definitely go up to that size. The staff member didn't look too shocked so I can only presume that the suits come in larger sizes than this.

I have to admit that I have no idea what I looked like in a wetsuit as I managed to not look in any mirrors all day (quite difficult when visiting the bathrooms, but it can be done). I was a bit paranoid at first, but decided I just wouldn't let it get to me. It made it easier that I wasn't the only larger lady there.
I just wanted to add that on most people, the wetsuit looks like a full-body girdle. Mine's a 12 but it really smooths out any lumps and bumps. You won't look small, I guess, but it won't be as bad as you think. I think mine looks better on me than my swimsuit.
I'm another big girl in UK sizes 26, I was extremely worried that I would not get a suit to fit. I went in december and we were not offered vests just wet suits or shorties. The guy giving out the suits looks everyone up and down and then gives you something to try. I don't know if he was being kind, had something in his eye which made his vision blurry or was just totally clueless. But every woman in the line had to take back their suit cos it didn't fit. In the end we all started to swop and took suits that we thought would fit. It was a good way of making friends, the upside of the story is there were suits to fit even larger ladies and gents, and once in the suit it did tend to hold everything together and didn't look too aweful. Hope this helps.
I went in January at a size 26 and didn't have a rpoblem finding a wetsuit, although I would recommend going early if you can. DC is so much fun that you shouldn't let the chance of looking foolsih stop you, besides it's not like you're ever going to see any of these people again!! My one bit of advice though, pee before you put that suit on and don't take it off again til it's time to go home!! trying to get a snut wet wetsuit back up is my vision of hell.
Originally posted by lizdotcom99
Is this something that fat people can do. I am a very heavy girl and would like to try this if I knew I could be accomodated with a wet suit and not be embarrassed when asking for one to fit?

yes, i just came back, and was worried about the same thing. i wear a size 22-24 womans, i asked for a 4x vest instead of a wet suit, it was even a bit big. the only thing i didn't like were the photos of my arms.... lol go you will love it. it is such a beautiful park, so calming.
Just came across this thread, am thinking about going to DC maybe in a couple of years. My DS7 can move around in the water, is learning to use strokes instead of dog paddle. He loves the deep end, so he isn't afraid. DS5 has had NO formal lessons yet, but also loves the deep end with his flotation device on. He can swim underwater without it in the 3-4 foot deep end.

I have been wondering about novice swimmers at DC, thought I may have to put it off until they can swim better. Has anyone taken a young child that can't swim really well?
We just went in August, my kids are 8 and 10. The wet suits/vests you wear keep you floating, but I would wait until the kids are a little older. My kids are both good swimmers (especially the 8 year old), but I think they would not have enjoyed the entire experience if they were any younger.
I'm wondering the same questions as posted above. My DD will be fine, she is like a fish. My 2 DSs, I'm not sure about. Although DH and I will be with them, but still wondering if they will be okay.
I am so happy I came across thos thread, as my family are all large size people, and I wondered if that would be a problem. Hubby is 6' 7", and about 280 pounds. I was wondering if they would have a suit for him.
The only way you can enjoy DC if you are a non-swimmer is if you have a child or children who do swim and they enjoy the dolphin experience.
I understand there are a lot of helpful people here and many have good advice and information, but... for those of you asking questions like will DC have a vest to fit a certain sized person of a certain weight, etc., or does the 'no jewelry' policy include wedding rings... I have a suggestion - CALL DC!!! It's best to ask DC directly, without giving your name if it makes you feel better, and simply ASK them if they carry a particular size or what is the largest size they carry, or whatever your question is. Because no matter how well meaning or helpful people here try to be, they don't work there - and things change all the time, so it's best to stop asking questions here that should really be asked of DC. It would be a bummer to rely on someone's answer here, thinking it gospel, only to get to DC and find out there was (unintentional I'm sure) misinformation. And if you're worried about a long-distance call, send an email.


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