No more saving seats for the parade

I think this sounds excellent, based on the reports I've read about what spot saving is like at DL. It will certainly improve parade viewing opportunities for once-in-a-lifetime guests. Once people get used it, it will probably decrease rather than increase disagreements and angry guests. I would hope there's some flexibility in enforcement of the rule that the entire party must wait together. I can think of a few situations when people might be gone for longer than a typical potty break, including kids who have unique challenges and need to move their bodies to prepare for sitting for the parade, moms with babies who have diaper blow-outs or need to nurse, people who need a bit longer in the bathroom, etc. It will take a little discretion to distinguish between the person holding all the spots while the family keeps going on rides and situations where the family can't all sit and wait. However, I've found (from WDW experiences) that Disney CMs are much better at exercising that type of discretion than employees at other theme parks.

I personally am glad they are stopping this endless one up of how long you have to wait to get a good parade spot, previously I didn't really mind if families had a couple of people holding spots while an adult took kids to do something, then swapping as long as they were a) clear that a couple of more people were coming (not 15 but 2-3) and b) the whole party was showing up a reasonable amount of time before the parade (not 2 minutes). I think it's an unreasonable expectation for young kids to be told to sit and hold a spot for hours, and sad that families were basically being pushed out of being able to see the parade.

Disney doesn't distinguish between once in a lifetime guests and any other guest. If you want a certain spot for the parade, you have to plan to get it and hold it, based on whatever rules they put in place. I think it's great if they make whole parties hold the spot. There shouldn't be exceptions. Most of your examples can be easily handled while waiting in place. Like walking or moving near your parade spot. Don't go in expecting special treatment and you won't be disappointed when you don't get it.

No they shouldn't distinguish between regular and once in a lifetime guests, this rule helps the once in a lifetime and infrequent guests without negatively impacting their regular guests.

The local guests with APs can go all the time, it doesn't matter to them to waste hours holding a spot for a parade, fireworks or character meet.
It does make a huge difference in the day to an infrequent guest. And Disney needs to look after both types of guest.

I love the "HELLO?!". What a closed minded person this blogger is. I, too, enjoyed "camping" out for the parades
at Disneyland. I'm sorry you feel the same way, LizzyS. To me the "purpose" of Disneyland is what each individual
makes of it. Waiting for several hours (clogging the street as some call it) was a big part of our trip - perhaps even
a favorite things to do there.

But clearly most of you feel that is not what MY family should like to do. And Disney is now keeping us from doing it.
We'll get over it. I only wish people were more accepting of others favorite things to do.

YOUR family can do whatever they want, as long as it follows Disneys rules.
Your family is still able to camp out on Main Street if you want to sit and enjoy people watching for hours on end.
What you can't do is do it while holding down a parade spot.
If your favourite thing truly is the camping out then you aren't going to be affected. If your favourite thing is actually holding down a prime parade spot, you are still not at a disadvantage over any other guest trying to get the spot.

Personally I do find it odd that someones "favourite" thing would be to spend hours on end doing nothing while waiting for a parade, I can't see why someone would be unhappy with being told you can go actually do something fun with that time AND see the parade.
No they shouldn't distinguish between regular and once in a lifetime guests, this rule helps the once in a lifetime and infrequent guests without negatively impacting their regular guests.

The local guests with APs can go all the time, it doesn't matter to them to waste hours holding a spot for a parade, fireworks or character meet.
It does make a huge difference in the day to an infrequent guest. And Disney needs to look after both types of guest.
It doesn't matter if a local guest can go every day or does go every day. If they're there that day they are equal to the infrequent or once in a lifetime guest. If Disney allows waiting for the parade for 5 hours or 2 hours, whoever gets there first and waits gets the spot. Period.

If it's going to make a huge difference in their day to wait for the parade, don't wait. If it's going to make a huge difference in their day to miss the parade, wait.
It doesn't matter if a local guest can go every day or does go every day. If they're there that day they are equal to the infrequent or once in a lifetime guest. If Disney allows waiting for the parade for 5 hours or 2 hours, whoever gets there first and waits gets the spot. Period.

If it's going to make a huge difference in their day to wait for the parade, don't wait. If it's going to make a huge difference in their day to miss the parade, wait.

And the point is that they can improve the satisfaction of the infrequent guests by stopping all guests from camping out without negatively impacting on the frequent guests at all, in fact many would see it as an improvement for everyone to be able to use the park for 3.5 hours of that 5 hours that people were previously waiting for the parade.

Disney requires the income of both the frequent (AP holders) and infrequent (once in a life to once a year) to survive they need to satisfy both groups needs.
Surely you can see that allowing parade spot holding for 5 hours really does benefit frequent visitors who don't "miss" anything because they are back again and again anyway. Disney also needs those infrequent visitors to be happy because they are spending as much in a week or two as an AP holder is in a year, particularly when you break down what they spend vs hours spent in the park, AP holders are important to keep "guaranteed" revenue and particularly important when the economy is poor.
His name is Bud. He' s a HUGE Fantasmic fan. However, since I have known him, he has never accepted money and even refused the gesture a few times that I saw him.

CMs, Managers,and Fantasmic staff were fully aware of him as he was there every Friday and Saturday for the 9pm show and if he was selling spots, I'm sure they wouldn't be so friendly towards him. He also never stayed for the second show. Not sure what he does with Fantasmic now being FP only, but I have seen him driving around on his ECV with Christmas lights all over it during the Electrical Parade

His thing was that he's and older guy who loves Fantasmic and liked to give his spots to guests, mostly families he felt deserved it.

That's utterly ridiculous. No better than the people who used to book all the CRT reservations at WDW then dole them out to the people they felt should have them.
That's utterly ridiculous. No better than the people who used to book all the CRT reservations at WDW then dole them out to the people they felt should have them.

What???? Wow. I knew about the ADR hoarding but I didn't know about that! There is apparently an endless supply entitled jerks out there.
What???? Wow. I knew about the ADR hoarding but I didn't know about that! There is apparently an endless supply entitled jerks out there.

It's why those ADRs are now prepaid and cannot be transferred.
I love the "HELLO?!". What a closed minded person this blogger is. I, too, enjoyed "camping" out for the parades at Disneyland. I'm sorry you feel the same way, LizzyS. To me the "purpose" of Disneyland is what each individual makes of it. Waiting for several hours (clogging the street as some call it) was a big part of our trip - perhaps even a favorite things to do there. But clearly most of you feel that is not what MY family should like to do. And Disney is now keeping us from doing it. We'll get over it. I only wish people were more accepting of others favorite things to do.

Yes but your desire to camp out impedes the free movement of people onto and off the sidewalk. If I am walking down Main Street and want to go into a store, I shouldn't have to walk around your family or trip over your belongings hours before a parade is scheduled. Enjoy the parade but don't make it more difficult for others to enjoy the park.
Agreed! if the parade is 6:45 why not 6:00? or even 6:30?!
6:30 would be awesome, possibly crowd insanity, but that'd be a fun spectator sport....nevermind watching the actual parade, the entertainment would be watching the 6:30 rush for a parade seat!

Maybe if they only allowed people to line up at 6:00 or 6:30 people would spend more time in the adjacent shops and spend some money while they wait for the signal. Of course then it would be a mad dash for the curb!
Agreed! if the parade is 6:45 why not 6:00? or even 6:30?!
6:30 would be awesome, possibly crowd insanity, but that'd be a fun spectator sport....nevermind watching the actual parade, the entertainment would be watching the 6:30 rush for a parade seat!

They could get the Mad Hatter to oversee the entire thing...... play some music..... when it stops everyone can find their spot!

Oh wait...... they already to that at Coke Corner.
And the point is that they can improve the satisfaction of the infrequent guests by stopping all guests from camping out without negatively impacting on the frequent guests at all, in fact many would see it as an improvement for everyone to be able to use the park for 3.5 hours of that 5 hours that people were previously waiting for the parade.

Disney requires the income of both the frequent (AP holders) and infrequent (once in a life to once a year) to survive they need to satisfy both groups needs.
Surely you can see that allowing parade spot holding for 5 hours really does benefit frequent visitors who don't "miss" anything because they are back again and again anyway. Disney also needs those infrequent visitors to be happy because they are spending as much in a week or two as an AP holder is in a year, particularly when you break down what they spend vs hours spent in the park, AP holders are important to keep "guaranteed" revenue and particularly important when the economy is poor.

I get where you're going here, but be very careful about lumping all AP holders together. Not all AP holders live in the general area and just pop in for an afternoon or day. We don't and I can promise you that we pay WAY more in a year than most once in a lifetime/once a year visitors. The cost of the pass to start, which will take 2-3 visits (depending on length of stay) to break even on. And then we still pay for hotel, food, etc. And we do that more than once a year.
And the point is that they can improve the satisfaction of the infrequent guests by stopping all guests from camping out without negatively impacting on the frequent guests at all, in fact many would see it as an improvement for everyone to be able to use the park for 3.5 hours of that 5 hours that people were previously waiting for the parade.
I am an infrequent guest, and I was really worried about getting a good spot for parades/shows but it wasn't really that bad. We don't need to camp out to get some good view.
I was there 1st week of Dec so crowds must have been lower during that period.

For the Christmas parade @ 4.15, I had great spot. We came back from break at 3.30pm. While walking along Main St I spotted an empty curbside spot and ran to it. It was just beside the Red Indian Statue. Enough space for the whole family. We felt like AP holders camping for the past 5 hrs (really no joke, even DS says this after the trip).

And for the Candlelight Processional, we got a spot at the corner near the emporium, at around 7.15pm for the 2nd show, after dinner at Carnation cafe. Sure that's not the best spot but at least we can make out people on the stage. Maybe we can get nearer to the stage but since that area was practically empty, I decided to stay there.

As for Paint the Night, We were outside Starbucks at 10.15pm for the 10.45pm show, standing just behind those seated on the curb. So even my youngest (shortest) was able to see the parade as there was no blockage.

At WOC, for the show that we got FP, we were rather late as I was having a Corn dog... LOL
And we were almost right at the back, very near the walkway. But it was OK as I can see the far-wide view. I prefer this to the Dining package area.

So don't really need to camp out hours before.
His name is Bud. He' s a HUGE Fantasmic fan. However, since I have known him, he has never accepted money and even refused the gesture a few times that I saw him.

CMs, Managers,and Fantasmic staff were fully aware of him as he was there every Friday and Saturday for the 9pm show and if he was selling spots, I'm sure they wouldn't be so friendly towards him. He also never stayed for the second show. Not sure what he does with Fantasmic now being FP only, but I have seen him driving around on his ECV with Christmas lights all over it during the Electrical Parade

His thing was that he's and older guy who loves Fantasmic and liked to give his spots to guests, mostly families he felt deserved it.

That's ridiculous! I don't care that he is old and sweet. He gets 1 spot for himself not blankets worth that he gets to give to families as he sees fit. That isn't fair to anyone at all. That's why I'm glad the blanket policy hopefully stays changed. Sure if your whole family wants to sit on that blanket and only get up to pee or buy food whatever but to save large amounts of restate for people not even in your party and then to give it out as you see fit is down right awful.
Oh wow, this is such great news. We were there during what turned out to be a very busy week last month, and the camping out on Main St was ridiculous. And I agree it's a vicious cycle (it's been getting earlier and earlier) and I'm so glad Disneyland is putting a stop to it.

I know, right? My favorite thing to do at Disneyland is stand at a urinal in the Adventureland restrooms. Not necessarily to relieve myself, though I'll certainly do that if the need arises. I just like taking in the sights and sounds of Disneyland while standing at the urinal. I could do it for hours, and I frequently do.

But people get so mad! They yell at me because there is a long line of people waiting to use the restroom and they say that I'm hogging the space even though I'm not using it. (But I will be later tonight!) If they were only mad because I'm blocking one of the prime spots for urinating (they should have gotten there sooner and waited, like me!), I guess I could handle that. What really makes me angry is the way people act like I'm weird or like my choice is somehow illegitimate. HELLO?!? I paid my admission, if I want to stand at a urinal starting at 9:00 a.m. and stay there until after the fireworks, that's my choice! Stop judging me and insulting me and bullying me! CM, mind your own business and stop calling security on me!

It's nice to see others out there agree with me on this!
Awesome. :jester:

Yes but your desire to camp out impedes the free movement of people onto and off the sidewalk. If I am walking down Main Street and want to go into a store, I shouldn't have to walk around your family or trip over your belongings hours before a parade is scheduled. Enjoy the parade but don't make it more difficult for others to enjoy the park.
And the point is that they can improve the satisfaction of the infrequent guests by stopping all guests from camping out without negatively impacting on the frequent guests at all, in fact many would see it as an improvement for everyone to be able to use the park for 3.5 hours of that 5 hours that people were previously waiting for the parade.

Disney requires the income of both the frequent (AP holders) and infrequent (once in a life to once a year) to survive they need to satisfy both groups needs.
Surely you can see that allowing parade spot holding for 5 hours really does benefit frequent visitors who don't "miss" anything because they are back again and again anyway. Disney also needs those infrequent visitors to be happy because they are spending as much in a week or two as an AP holder is in a year, particularly when you break down what they spend vs hours spent in the park, AP holders are important to keep "guaranteed" revenue and particularly important when the economy is poor.
Do infrequent visitors spend as much in a week as an AP holder? Many stay off site and bring food into the parks. Many APs get hotel rooms on site many times throughout the year, frequently eat in the parks and buy collectibles with monthly releases every month. I wouldn't make blanket statements without knowing Disney's research numbers on this. I'm all for trying the new parade rules, but it remains to be seen if there will people lingering on Main St for hours waiting for the curb to open or a massive crush of people when it opens. Having people in a fixed spot for hours may turn out to be better for crowd control. Either way, I agree the majority of the party should wait.

Yes but your desire to camp out impedes the free movement of people onto and off the sidewalk. If I am walking down Main Street and want to go into a store, I shouldn't have to walk around your family or trip over your belongings hours before a parade is scheduled. Enjoy the parade but don't make it more difficult for others to enjoy the park.
If Disney allows camping out, and are clearly aware of how that impacts movement on Main St, I don't blame the guests for doing it because I don't like it. If there are people sitting on the curb at a time when it's permitted, and you don't want to move around them, don't go on Main St during that time. One way Disney has tried to alleviate store crowding in the past is to offer discounts before 2pm. To me that says Main St and the stores aren't crowded before that time, try entering the stores earlier in the day to avoid people and their belongings.
You know what would be interesting? Having a parade in the later morning. Maybe 11 or 11:30 or even 1:00. It would give people a chance to hit rides early then still be able to see a parade before kids (or adults) get tired and grumpy. Perhaps that would alleviate some of the congestion by letting those that like going early to see a parade and keep the later afternoon or evening parade for those that either can't or don't get to the parks earlier. Or better yet, if the parades or so popular, and a another showing of the parade completely. Especially while so much is closed down it would help with the long ride lines a little and help to let more people see MSEP.

I do love that they are trying to restrict the camping out. At least they are trying something.
Do infrequent visitors spend as much in a week as an AP holder? Many stay off site and bring food into the parks. Many APs get hotel rooms on site many times throughout the year, frequently eat in the parks and buy collectibles with monthly releases every month. I wouldn't make blanket statements without knowing Disney's research numbers on this. I'm all for trying the new parade rules, but it remains to be seen if there will people lingering on Main St for hours waiting for the curb to open or a massive crush of people when it opens. Having people in a fixed spot for hours may turn out to be better for crowd control. Either way, I agree the majority of the party should wait.

If Disney allows camping out, and are clearly aware of how that impacts movement on Main St, I don't blame the guests for doing it because I don't like it. If there are people sitting on the curb at a time when it's permitted, and you don't want to move around them, don't go on Main St during that time. One way Disney has tried to alleviate store crowding in the past is to offer discounts before 2pm. To me that says Main St and the stores aren't crowded before that time, try entering the stores earlier in the day to avoid people and their belongings.
During that time? People have taken to camping out 3, 4, 5, 6 hours and sometimes all day. So when exactly do you propose we make our way down Main Street?
I get where you're going here, but be very careful about lumping all AP holders together. Not all AP holders live in the general area and just pop in for an afternoon or day. We don't and I can promise you that we pay WAY more in a year than most once in a lifetime/once a year visitors. The cost of the pass to start, which will take 2-3 visits (depending on length of stay) to break even on. And then we still pay for hotel, food, etc. And we do that more than once a year.

Do infrequent visitors spend as much in a week as an AP holder? Many stay off site and bring food into the parks. Many APs get hotel rooms on site many times throughout the year, frequently eat in the parks and buy collectibles with monthly releases every month. I wouldn't make blanket statements without knowing Disney's research numbers on this.

You are both right thatvwe don't know Disneys numbers on this and we should be careful of making blanket statements about either group, I don't know if infrequent guests are more or less likely to bring their own food into the parks, I would have thought that was more likely to be a local AP guest but who really knows.
I am also not sure AP holders are any more likely to stay on site? Don't know, obviously the sol cal select pass holders are unlikely to do so often.

Onsite isn't the only way Disney makes money from lodging, they have their good neighbour program and must be making some money from giving that designation plus all the tax breaks etc because they can show their impact on the areas economy, they wouldn't be able to do that if everyone stating onsite, ate onsite and didn't spend elsewhere.

2-3 visits to break even really does depend on your pass, a sol cal select pass is only approx $339, they are paying less for the year than most are for 5 days. They also get a discount on food and merchandise.
The cheapest generally available pass is $619, a 5 day hopes is $350.
We alternate DLR and WDW each year, our DLR trips we have 10 day tickets.
I don't think it matters whether someone takes one 14 days trip (10 park days) or two 7 day trips (5 park days) or three 4 day trips (3 park days), it is still the same amount on food and lodging.

As I said before both groups are important to Disney financially.
AP holders receive several benefits beyond park entry, so shouldn't feel too precious about Disney implementing rules to improve the satisfaction of infrequent guests (making the assumption of course that many of the people camping out were locals)


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