No Dreams Here

This thread is ridiculous. We just returned from 11 days in WDW and didn't win a dang thing. But guess what? WE WERE IN DISNEY WORLD!!:cloud9: I don't need the extra attention of CMs (and that is ALL this is about--not even the prizes themselves, but the idea that "no one made me feel special") to make me realize how very fortunate I am. Not to put too fine a point on it, but there are people without food, clothing, or adequate shelter in the world--shame on anyone who would pitch a fit about something like this. Really.
I am grateful for getting to go to Disneyworld. I'm tired of being a second class citizen because I don't have kids. I've never seen the family fun parade so I have no idea what it's like, therefore I would have no idea that it's all kids. All I know is that I'd like to be in a Disney parade and that opportunity was taken away from me.

No, I never acted the way I've seen many kids at Disney World act because if I did, I wouldn't have been at Disney World any longer, I would have been headed home or at least back to the hotel. From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.

Now, are people done bashing on me or should I go put my ice hockey goalie gear on so that you all can beat on me a little more? Or if you'd like to flame me, I'm more than happy to borrow my boyfriend's old set of turnout gear from his firehouse, just tell me beforehand so I can put it on first.

You were expected to act like an adult from a very young age? How sad! Maybe you subconsiously begrudge a child that actually gets to be a child. I know my parents were pretty strict about my behavior as a child but they allowed me to have a childhood. Now all these years later and with two boys of my own I do the same thing with my boys. They know what behavior is expected from them and they have good manners. But they are still children and they have their moments. Also, some adults can act worse than children sometimes. We're all human.
I agree that I'm lucky to enjoy many trips to WDW, and I am lucky to have a stress free life. I feel such empathy for those folks dealing with sickness and disabilities.
But I think this YOAMD promotion could be handled better by Disney. They heavily market and promote it so much so that the average visitor really expects and assumes that they have a very good chance to win something. I think the promotion just sets up the expectations of the average visitor too high. Disney could improve the promotion by giving our more of the smaller prizes or fastpasses.
As Syndrome would say: "When everyone is super, then no one will be."

Or in another pertinent piece of dialogue from that movie:
Mrs. Incredible: "Everyone is special, Dash."

Dash: "That's another way of saying nobody's special."

If there are going to be contests and prizes, then some people will be winners and some people will be losers. It's as simple as that. If everyone is special/super, then what's the point of a contest?
I'm sad to report that we did not recieve even one dream our whole week at Disney. We were a family of 3 adults and one teen. In fact only my sister saw a Dream Squad member standing by city hall once. I was very dissapointed to see hundreds of people wearing fast passes and such. But we never got picked for anything. I had built my family up in hopes of getting something.

I don't understand why Disney would come up with a plan to spend so much money to only make a certain people feel special. And exclude others making them feel left out. It's not like a fast pass actually cost anything. Then to top it off the one day we saw the parade and the Castle winner family it was announced they were from Celebration Florida. I thought only Disney employees lived there. That really made my week.

Thanks for nothing Disney

I just wanted to tell you my story. We were at the AK.We went to Rafiki's Island. We walked into the building there and were standing there for quit a while...all of a sudden I saw the Dream Squad!!! My heart starting pounding!!! They just were standing there at the door. My dd decided she had to go to the bathroom which was right there. My hubby took her, then one of the guys from the dream squad stepped outside. He then opened the door and signaled the other 2 that were standing inside. A few people walked in the door and the dream squad gave them all fast passes. Another group of people came in and they too got fastpasses. I was like"hello I am right here". Fianlly after about 5-10 minutes of them giving them to everyone who came into the door. I walked up to the one and said "can I have them too". He said no!! He went on to say some "official stuff"! I was really hurt! So fianlly my hubby and dd came out of the bathroom. I said come with me. We walked outside and came threw the door, and guess what....we got fastpasses!! Is that crazy or what??
I am grateful for getting to go to Disneyworld. I'm tired of being a second class citizen because I don't have kids. I've never seen the family fun parade so I have no idea what it's like, therefore I would have no idea that it's all kids. All I know is that I'd like to be in a Disney parade and that opportunity was taken away from me.

No, I never acted the way I've seen many kids at Disney World act because if I did, I wouldn't have been at Disney World any longer, I would have been headed home or at least back to the hotel. From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.

Now, are people done bashing on me or should I go put my ice hockey goalie gear on so that you all can beat on me a little more? Or if you'd like to flame me, I'm more than happy to borrow my boyfriend's old set of turnout gear from his firehouse, just tell me beforehand so I can put it on first.

Not once did I see someone refer to you as a second class citizen, but you have referred to yourself as that a couple of times. and I don't know what you expect. You come on a board, whinning because you didn't get picked to be in a parade because you weren't a "family" and you bashed parents with children and said you never want them and you want people to be nice to you??!?!! Its your opinion as to never want children, and that is your opinion. I actually had that own opinion when I was young, and now am the proud mother of two! And even when you were apologizing in your last post, you were complaining about the kid on the plane!! I hate to point on the obvious, but you were be around children, whether you plan on having them or not, for the rest of your life! In the grocery stores, at the malls, concerts, vacations, and especially at places that cater to children such as DISNEY!!! Maybe you should actually talk to a child and realize that they are not all that bad! and maybe because you had to act like an adult at a very young age, maybe you need to let loose and act like a child! I know many people who do not have children, but not one of them has an attitude about children like you do!
I actually felt the opposite. Yeah I was hoping to win something, but I saw all the little kids and even a couple without kids walking around and they were absolutely thrilled that they got their fast passes and they won mickey ears. And the family that got to ride in the parade looked exstatic. It made me happy and it made me smile. And I still had a wonderful trip!
I am grateful for getting to go to Disneyworld. I'm tired of being a second class citizen because I don't have kids. I've never seen the family fun parade so I have no idea what it's like, therefore I would have no idea that it's all kids. All I know is that I'd like to be in a Disney parade and that opportunity was taken away from me.
As someone else pointed out, you're the only who keeps referring to yourself as a second class citizen. I don't have children, so I get that feeling...however, I also have to take responsibility for my feelings. No one can make me feel a particular way unless I allow them to. As far as something being taken away from you, you can't take something away that wasn't given in the first place. They were looking for a certain criteria to be met. This is not the first time they have done so. I get the disappointment, but it's time to move on from it.

No, I never acted the way I've seen many kids at Disney World act because if I did, I wouldn't have been at Disney World any longer, I would have been headed home or at least back to the hotel. From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.
And that is very sad. You weren't an adult. And neither are little children around you. Try to remember that the next time you come down so hard on them. And try to remember that the complaining about not being in a parade and letting it ruin your entire day is not that much different than how a child would act about a situation....although many children would actually forget about it once something else at MK caught their attention.

Now, are people done bashing on me or should I go put my ice hockey goalie gear on so that you all can beat on me a little more? Or if you'd like to flame me, I'm more than happy to borrow my boyfriend's old set of turnout gear from his firehouse, just tell me beforehand so I can put it on first.
Well here's what I don't get...
You complained about the CM for being tactless (even though you admitted you don't always have much tact yourself)
You begin to criticize & complain about children and have unrealistic expectations of them
You have complained more than once and on more than one thread about not being in the parade...
And then you get upset that people are complaining about your posts. :confused3

No one is telling you that you must love children...but do try to have at least a little respect for them as they are people just like you.
I'm sad to report that we did not recieve even one dream our whole week at Disney. We were a family of 3 adults and one teen. In fact only my sister saw a Dream Squad member standing by city hall once. I was very dissapointed to see hundreds of people wearing fast passes and such. But we never got picked for anything. I had built my family up in hopes of getting something.

I don't understand why Disney would come up with a plan to spend so much money to only make a certain people feel special. And exclude others making them feel left out. It's not like a fast pass actually cost anything. Then to top it off the one day we saw the parade and the Castle winner family it was announced they were from Celebration Florida. I thought only Disney employees lived there. That really made my week.

Thanks for nothing Disney

I'd like to answer this thread with a simple comment and a link.

Being able to read something like the thread I am pointing you to is more then enough dreams for me and I haven't even gotten to the parks yet. I thank Disney for something as wonderful as the dream they made possible for this family. I hope those of you that can't get around how simple the idea of what dream is can at least understand by reading whats at the end of this link. It's amazing to me that you even have the nerve to take time out of your day to complain about something so magical just because it didn't touch you directly.

Now breath some of this in.... pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

Don't fight it just take it in. pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
I'm sad to report that we did not recieve even one dream our whole week at Disney. We were a family of 3 adults and one teen. In fact only my sister saw a Dream Squad member standing by city hall once. I was very dissapointed to see hundreds of people wearing fast passes and such. But we never got picked for anything. I had built my family up in hopes of getting something.

I don't understand why Disney would come up with a plan to spend so much money to only make a certain people feel special. And exclude others making them feel left out. It's not like a fast pass actually cost anything. Then to top it off the one day we saw the parade and the Castle winner family it was announced they were from Celebration Florida. I thought only Disney employees lived there. That really made my week.

Thanks for nothing Disney

We were there last week and didn't even see anyone win anything and we were visiting in 2 different groups. We did see the fast passes that some had but never anyone winning anything. I had the misconception that there would be more winners around and winning at least something would be in plain view at least once!!
The amount of winners I've seen has been steadily decreasing lately. I usually get to the parks at least once a week, and before I was noticing LOTS of FPs, plus lanyards and ears, and I usually saw at least one giveaway and usually more (although never a winner myself...always a bridesmaid, never a bride). But now I see only a handful of FPs and haven't seen hats or lanyards in a looong time. Since they extended the promotion till the end of 2007, I wonder if they are spreading the prizes more thinly now if they didn't add any to the originally planned quantity.
I am grateful for getting to go to Disneyworld. I'm tired of being a second class citizen because I don't have kids. I've never seen the family fun parade so I have no idea what it's like, therefore I would have no idea that it's all kids. All I know is that I'd like to be in a Disney parade and that opportunity was taken away from me.

No, I never acted the way I've seen many kids at Disney World act because if I did, I wouldn't have been at Disney World any longer, I would have been headed home or at least back to the hotel. From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.

Now, are people done bashing on me or should I go put my ice hockey goalie gear on so that you all can beat on me a little more? Or if you'd like to flame me, I'm more than happy to borrow my boyfriend's old set of turnout gear from his firehouse, just tell me beforehand so I can put it on first.

No bashing here!

People pull out the "You were a child once too!" line, but a lot of parents are FAR more permissive now than they were 15 or 20 years ago. I agree with you. If I had done half of the things I've seen kids do now, we'd have left whereever we were, be it the Wal-Mart or WDW. And no, I'm not resentful of "kids being kids." I resent the parents who inflict their children's bad behavior on the people around them.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Is a single parent and children any less of a family because there's only one parent? What makes children the one and only definition of family? Family can be a married couple, parents and kids, or even two sisters and an alien (or three).
"I am grateful for getting to go to Disneyworld. I'm tired of being a second class citizen because I don't have kids. I've never seen the family fun parade so I have no idea what it's like, therefore I would have no idea that it's all kids. All I know is that I'd like to be in a Disney parade and that opportunity was taken away from me.

No, I never acted the way I've seen many kids at Disney World act because if I did, I wouldn't have been at Disney World any longer, I would have been headed home or at least back to the hotel. From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.

Now, are people done bashing on me or should I go put my ice hockey goalie gear on so that you all can beat on me a little more? Or if you'd like to flame me, I'm more than happy to borrow my boyfriend's old set of turnout gear from his firehouse, just tell me beforehand so I can put it on first."

Okay, I understand your feelings. You were apparently picked for something then rejected for lack of kids. I would think that would hurt, I mean, even in the commercials they show a senior citizen couple (no kids) in the parade. I think your point was that it shouldn't have mattered whether you had kids or not, you should have been in the parade. Disney apparently told you No Kids, No Parade and I can see how that, on the surface, seems drastically unfair. You were hurt, and I think it is wrong for anyone on this board to tell you how you should have felt or how to feel now. (Famous quote from Everybody Loves Raymond - "Don't tell me how to feel")

My wife and I have been married 21 years and guess what, no kids. Although we are going to Disney in Nov., I already told my wife NOT to have expectations of being in the parade because Disney wants the Mom, Pop and 2 kids sterotype. It is shame, because even though we don't have children, I still consider us a family.

Finally, yep, I am a person who doesn't like kids either. And yes, I was one once too. And my parents did expect me to behave in public areas. A lot of the things I see kids doing today my parents just would not have tolerated. This doesn't mean I didn't act like or play like a kid! The poster never said that! It just means we were far more well behaved that a lot of the stuff we see today.

Opps, second finally, flying on an airplance for 3 hours with a screaming kid is not pleasant for ANYONE! Coming home to Chicago from LA, a 2 year old burst an eardrum. Yes, we all felt very sorry for the child (who would wish such a thing on anyone), felt bad for the helpless mother; however, we all were very, very glad to get off the plane!

3rd finally, just because someone says they don't like kids, doesn't make them an evil person, it just means we don't really like them. I have 5 neices and nephews I love to death, they are great kids. But I am glad they are not mine and that at the end of the day, we come home to a quiet house. Also, we understand that going to WDW there are going to be lots and lots of kids. We will just all get along, as we are all there to have a good time.

1st Post
Lisle, IL
No bashing here!

People pull out the "You were a child once too!" line, but a lot of parents are FAR more permissive now than they were 15 or 20 years ago. I agree with you. If I had done half of the things I've seen kids do now, we'd have left whereever we were, be it the Wal-Mart or WDW. And no, I'm not resentful of "kids being kids." I resent the parents who inflict their children's bad behavior on the people around them.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Is a single parent and children any less of a family because there's only one parent? What makes children the one and only definition of family? Family can be a married couple, parents and kids, or even two sisters and an alien (or three).
No offense to you or to honugirl, but I have yet to see a family be "officially" defined as "boyfriend & girlfriend." Sorry, but there does really come a point when a line has to be drawn as to what is actually considered a family. Otherwise let's take it to its logical conclusion where anyone can start calling themselves a family..."hey, I just met this stranger five minutes ago, he's my family now, why can't I be picked?" But I digress.
No one said anything about couples without children not being able to be defined as a "family", but in this case, Disney WAS looking for something specific. My husband and I don't have children...and there are things we can't participate in as a result. Life goes on...we don't qualify for everything 100% of the time. And thing is, there will be times we WILL qualify for stuff where children cannot be involved, whether it be Disney or something else.

And this truly has nothing to do with how permissive or nonpermissive parents are. But I do find it rather childish to rant over and over on multiple threads about not being in a parade...and then start to rant about how children act. Pot, meet kettle....
Okay, I understand your feelings. You were apparently picked for something then rejected for lack of kids. I would think that would hurt, I mean, even in the commercials they show a senior citizen couple (no kids) in the parade. I think your point was that it shouldn't have mattered whether you had kids or not, you should have been in the parade. Disney apparently told you No Kids, No Parade and I can see how that, on the surface, seems drastically unfair. You were hurt, and I think it is wrong for anyone on this board to tell you how you should have felt or how to feel now. (Famous quote from Everybody Loves Raymond - "Don't tell me how to feel")
No one said she couldn't be disappointed, but there comes a point when it's time to move on and no one is wrong for saying that.

My wife and I have been married 21 years and guess what, no kids. Although we are going to Disney in Nov., I already told my wife NOT to have expectations of being in the parade because Disney wants the Mom, Pop and 2 kids sterotype. It is shame, because even though we don't have children, I still consider us a family.
Well I personally consider there to be a difference between a husband & wife and a boyfriend & girlfriend. My DH and I do not have children, yes I consider us a family. No I do not consider a boyfriend and girlfriend to be a family. Neither do many places. That said, Disney does not take an official stance on what they consider to be an actual "family" but we do know in this case they were looking for specific qualifications. That's reality...we don't always qualify for things 100% of the time. It can't always be "our way."

Finally, yep, I am a person who doesn't like kids either. And yes, I was one once too. And my parents did expect me to behave in public areas. A lot of the things I see kids doing today my parents just would not have tolerated. This doesn't mean I didn't act like or play like a kid! The poster never said that! It just means we were far more well behaved that a lot of the stuff we see today.
Actually the poster said exactly this when being asked if they had never acted like a child when they were a child:
From a very young age I was expected to act like an adult.
I find a big difference in expecting a child to behave themselves (which is a reasonable own parents were very strict) and a child being expected to act like an adult, which they are not. Furthermore, it's unreasonable to start to push those expectations on other children you do not even this case children at WDW. How totally unfair to those children, especially when you don't even know any history behind the child to know why they are "acting up."

Opps, second finally, flying on an airplance for 3 hours with a screaming kid is not pleasant for ANYONE! Coming home to Chicago from LA, a 2 year old burst an eardrum. Yes, we all felt very sorry for the child (who would wish such a thing on anyone), felt bad for the helpless mother; however, we all were very, very glad to get off the plane!

3rd finally, just because someone says they don't like kids, doesn't make them an evil person, it just means we don't really like them. I have 5 neices and nephews I love to death, they are great kids. But I am glad they are not mine and that at the end of the day, we come home to a quiet house. Also, we understand that going to WDW there are going to be lots and lots of kids. We will just all get along, as we are all there to have a good time.
I can respect a person not wanting children or not caring for them (but still respects them as a human being and doesn't talk about them like they're vermin)...but when one starts to rant on and on about their quite apparent dislike for children and calls them names, then it's not wrong for one to wonder why they choose a vacation destination where children seemingly outnumber the adults. And it is not wrong for people to call the person out on the attitude. Personally speaking, I see a huge difference in attitude between you and honugirl. You come across MUCH more respectful.
Dolby I can respect your opinion because you didn't come out sounding like this:

I was contacted by a Disney cast member looking for "20 special families" on my recent trip there, but because my boyfriend and I "aren't a family" we were turned down and didn't get to be in the parade. I almost cried right there on Main Street. It ruined my whole day in the Magic Kingdom. When you've been through some of the stuff I have you forget that you can dream and that you can make wishes, I thought for once that I was going to get to be special and do something cool, but no, I was wrong, guess I've got to go adopt some of those baby brats running around Disney to have my wishes fulfilled.

No one said she couldn't be disappointed, but there comes a point when it's time to move on and no one is wrong for saying that.

Well I personally consider there to be a difference between a husband & wife and a boyfriend & girlfriend. My DH and I do not have children, yes I consider us a family. No I do not consider a boyfriend and girlfriend to be a family. Neither do many places. That said, Disney does not take an official stance on what they consider to be an actual "family" but we do know in this case they were looking for specific qualifications. That's reality...we don't always qualify for things 100% of the time. It can't always be "our way."

Actually the poster said exactly this when being asked if they had never acted like a child when they were a child:

I find a big difference in expecting a child to behave themselves (which is a reasonable own parents were very strict) and a child being expected to act like an adult, which they are not. Furthermore, it's unreasonable to start to push those expectations on other children you do not even this case children at WDW. How totally unfair to those children, especially when you don't even know any history behind the child to know why they are "acting up."

I can respect a person not wanting children or not caring for them (but still respects them as a human being and doesn't talk about them like they're vermin)...but when one starts to rant on and on about their quite apparent dislike for children and calls them names, then it's not wrong for one to wonder why they choose a vacation destination where children seemingly outnumber the adults. And it is not wrong for people to call the person out on the attitude. Personally speaking, I see a huge difference in attitude between you and honugirl. You come across MUCH more respectful.

Mary, you took the words right out of my mouth! ITA!! :thumbsup2
Next time you post a problem or concern I hope people are just as nice to you. My mother told me once if you have nothing nice to say then keep it too yourself.

which might have applied to your original post :rolleyes1
Not to sound like a beeotch but your kids are lucky they even got to go to Disney. There are so many kids that dream about it and parents can't afford it.

I wanted so bad to be married at Disney but we couldn't afford it at the time. We went on our honeymoon and enjoyed ourselves I didnt whine the whole time that I didnt get married there.

Just have a good time with what you have. You teaching your kids to be jealous of others and they will miss out on so much.:rolleyes:
My wife wanted to say that she does have 1 child. :laughing:

On another topic, what is DH, DS and other "D" stand for? I see it everywhere, and I just cannot figure it out.


And thanks for those who understood I just wanted to have a say.



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