Need Help Budgeting!

Timba Is My Kitty

Earning My Ears
Jan 9, 2001
I didn't realize there was a Budget Planning board! I posted this at the Orlando Hotel board. And now I guess I'll post here. I appologize for the double post. :D

Hi! I found this place and figured some people might be able to help me.
Me, my mother, and a friend are looking to go away for a week to Orlando in late July, or early August. Compared to the prices we have a pretty slim budget and since the last time we went to Disney I was pretty young, so we're not too sure about how are the hotels and etc.

Does anyone know of any good hotels that would be no higher than $70 a night?

Also, I read up on tickets and are the Park Hopper tickets worth it?

Our budget is $2,000 - $2,500. That has to include travel (Amtrak. We're not flyers), hotel, tickets and food.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

I'm 15, and I've only been to Disney twice, at the ages 2, and 7. So yes, I'm trying to plain fairly early because I'm just so excited! :) I'm just trying to help my mom out. Who has since my mention of trying to help out with pricing has now said we do not have a budget. She's a worry wort so I know when she is!

Thanks in advanced,

First of all ... Welcome to the DIS Jen!

Secondly ... you are not planning early! I'm already planning for my trip next New Year's Eve :).

As you have guessed, going to WDW can be very expensive. Your main expenses will be transportation, park passes, hotels, and food. You can probably shave off $$ on every one of these.

You'll save money on park passes by (1) buying the correct pass for your needs and (2) getting a discount through this site or by joining the Disney Club. You'll be at WDW for 7 nights, but you might not really need a 7 day pass. You might be able to get away with a 5 day pass which includes 2 days at the water parks. The Disney Club will save you about 5% off the regular price, but you'll need to pay $39 to join it. You'll have to see if it will actually save you any money.

You'll save on the hotel by staying off-site. Staying on-site would probably be the best for 2 teenagers :), but the cheapest rate is $99 per night at the All Stars. There are many hotels that are recommended by Pete, DIS's webmaster, on the Resorts and Hotels section of the website. Your mom might also be able to use Priceline to get a really cheap hotel, but I'd rather give her that advise personally. Either way, you should be able to find a place in your under $70 price range which includes a shuttle to the parks.

You'll save on food by eating breakfast in your room and making lunch your big meal. Some of the shuttles from the airport include a grocery stop. Use it and pick up a styrofoam cooler to fill with milk, juice, pop and other things. Also, you can bring snacks and water bottles into the parks which will also save you a lot of money.

The best thing for you to do is to read the boards here and write down any hints that you think might work for you. Check out ticket options and prices and find out which one will be the best for you. Keep your eyes peeled for hotel deals. Don't wait too long to make your final plans. July and August are busy times at WDW!

Good luck!

-- Robin
Our family took our first trip to Walt Disney World in September. If you plan ahead and compare prices you can really get some great deals. First of all, I highly recommend staying at Holiday Inn Family Suites. They have made great use of the space in each suite. They aren't huge but there are 2 bedrooms, a pullout couch, and a kitchenette area. They also offer free hot buffet breakfasts each day so that can be a real money saver right there. I found my room through and had absolutely no problems with using them. The rate they offered was much lower than the rate the hotel offered me when I called there directly.

Holdiay Inn Family Suites if just minutes from each of the Disney parks. You can't go wrong staying there. Anyway, Those were my recommendations for saving money. Have fun planning your trip! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


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