From the general WDW area, here are directions to each shooping area. Hope this is what you were asking for....
The new one is in the Premium Outlet Mall. Just go from the Crossroads
and go under I-4 and turn left into Little Lake Brian (toward the Mary
Queen of the Universe Shrine and the new Bahama Breeze. The mall will come up on your right.
Belz Outlet Mall:
to get there from WDW take I-4 East to Exit 30A, Universal Studios.
At the end of the exit, make a right. Get in the left lane and
turn left at the next light (International Drive).
Follow I-Drive all the way to the end, You'll see Belz
Factory Outlets. Disney has stores in Mall One and Mall Two. One is called Character Premier and one is Character Warehouse (they don't say Disney).