My TS reviews for July 15-23


<font color=green>SHHHHH , but we live in the stic
Jan 29, 2005
I am only gonna do the TS since they are the most important when it comes to the DDP. So here we go: Myself, DH, DD6, and DD2

July 15th- Crystal Palace
Buffet and a great selection of food and I cannot remember all the selections but I do know that they had an awesome dessert bar and the girls really liked that part. The characters --Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet were great and they came by several times. DD2 was not too crazy about them but by the end of the trip she was all over any character she saw.

July 16th- DD's 6th birthday @ WCC

When planning this trip for DD's b-day she said she wanted to wake up at Disney and have BBQ ribs for supper. So I delivered!! Our waitress was DIAMOND LIL' and she was a hoot!!! We had the skillet and boy oh boy was it good, she got to eat all the ribs and DH and I ate the pork and the chicken (that was the best chicken ever)...We were not too crazy about the salad but loved the cornbread. For dessert I got a fruit platter, DH got the apple crisp, and DD2 got worm pudding...They brought out DD6 a special cake and sang Happy B-day to her in their "not so lovely voices" they brought out DD's cake and at the end of the song all the CM's came over and ate her cake..SHE WAS P*$$ED OFF until they brought another one.. I don't think I have ever seen her that upset..(well when she got her pre-K shots, but that is another story) so she got her cake and they gave her a card and all was well. DD2 spilled her milk so Lil' brought her another one with packaging tape on it that had the words DO NOT DROP printed on it. That gave us a good laugh!!! We really liked this place!!!

July 17th- Cape May Cafe

Again another buffet with many selections..again I ate LOTS of shrimp but was not crazy about the mussels and the clams...Just not my taste!! The desserts were AWESOME..Our waiter was having an off night and ended up using my DDP credits and charging the total to my room so that was an ordeal getting straight at Guest Services but it all worked out. We more than likely won't go back here because DH is not a big fan of seafood and he was not crazy about too many things on the "AMERICAN" side..LOL

July 18th- LeCellier

Dh- had some BBQ flavored steak, potatoes and some veggie, I had the 14oz. steak (no I did not eat it all) I ordered it Medium Well but it was still MOOING at me a bit. DD got the hot dog!! All the food was still very good.
I did get the Cheese Soup for my appetizer and I was not crazy about it at all, not as good as I was hoping it would be. I LOVED the pretzel bread too.
We got the dessert trio which counted as 2 desserts and we didn't like any of them..DD2 loved the raspberry sorbet though..

Will prob go back just to try other menu items....Our server was Patrick and he was GREAT!!!

July 19th- Kona Cafe ---Mom and Dad's night out!!!
OMG..the only bad thing I can say about this place was our waitress Vanessa seemed really irritated to be there and was very short with us. Bad Night for her wonderful night for us!!!!

Appetizers were crab cakes and sticky wings...AWESOME

DH had the Filet and I had the Beef Teriyaki...MMMMMMMMMMM BEST STEAKS I have ever eaten in my life. I cut mine with a fork it was soooo tender.

Dessert - both of us got the white choc. cheesecake and it was DELICIOUS!!

I am diabetic so I can normally work in a few bites of dessert and be OK with my sugar well this cheesecake and pina colada was sooooo good I ate and drank it all and did not even care...I did get a headache later but it was WELL WORTH IT!!!

July 20th- LTT
We love this place and it was exactly the same as last year..WELL NO.. THEY DON'T HAVE SWEET TEA ANYMORE!!! Dh about cried when they told him this!! The food was excellent, the characters were awesome and Tim our server was a bit frazzled because he had so many tables but he did a great job. We had a TS left over and he ended up letting us use it to pay for MIL's dinner that night.

July 21st- Ohana

BIG HUGE DISSAPOINTMENT----we loved this place last year when we ate there but this time the food was so bland and tasteless we hardly ate any of it. Our "cousin" Wanda told us that they were changing the menu back in October..I HOPE SO or we will not be back!!!

July 22nd- Mama Melrose's Fantasmic Package

The salad was was not good at all that they brought out, but then we got the 4 cheese flatbread.YUMMY!!!
DH got the wood grilled chicken and he said it was OK, nothing special but he is not a big fan of italian food either.
I got the Chicken Parmesan and it was DELICIOUS!!!!
Dessert was ok, nothing special....DH got some warm chocolate cake with gancahe inside and he did not like it, and I got the Tiramisu which I only took 2 bites of because of my diabetes but it was a bit bland. Both DD's got vanilla and choc. gelato's....Won't go back here with DH!!! LOL


July 23- 1900 Park Fare breakfast

This was our departure day and we wanted to have a good big breakfast in us before we hit the road. I was TIRED and VERY IRRITABLE at this point and then comes this lady practically running trying to beat me to the check in podium and she knocks DD2 right into the wall and she hit her head pretty hard. She looked at DD and looks at me like it is my fault...Not once did she say she was sorry...I said my few CHOICE WORDS in non-Disney fashion and gave her the evil death stare and then I proceeded to step in front of her to check in...Did I mention I was already tired and irritable? Our server was Lilia and she was soooo very nice and we went straight to the bar to make our plates...All the food was very good and I got my tummy full of strawberry soup. The only thing I DID NOT like were some little things called Cheese Blitzes..ewww not good at all to me. The characters were great. The MadHatter came to our table and spent about 10 minutes just carrying on a conversation with DD6 about a bunch of nothing..LOL He was Fantastic and he played the role wonderfully!!!

SOOOOO with all the food we ate I gained 4lbs, and DH ain't talking about what the scale says for him..LOL

We had a wonderful trip despite the rude lady at 1900 PF!!!
Thanks for the reviews! We are going in September and can't wait to try Crystal Palace and Le Cellier.
sorul82? said:
That's it, we are kicking Florida out of the South!

I just don't see what the big deal is..I mean how hard is it to add sugar to one of the tea containers?

COME ON!!!!!

Like my FIL says "We can't get that in the BIG CITY!!!" I suppose this holds true with SWEET TEA!!!
Sounds like you had some wonderful meals. Sorry about the obnoxious woman at 1900 Park Fare. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the reviews, I really enjoyed them.

jennifer293 said:
Our "cousin" Wanda told us that they were changing the menu back in October..I HOPE SO or we will not be back!!!

Is this true? Has anyone else heard this. My trip is in Dec, so this would affect my meal. I've only eaten there once before, and that was after the menu change, so it would be a new menu for me.
Great review! Thanks! I hope they are right about the menu change at 'Ohana. We really wanted to try it, but the new menu didn't appeal to us.
Thanks so much for the awesome reviews of your TS dining!! We are doing a few of the same: Cry. Pal (B) - to be able to enter MK BEFORE it opens!!! :banana: Kona Cafe (D); O'Hana (D); Le Cellier (D); We loved O'Hana last year also...hope it's the same this year or DH will be REALLY upset!! We also enjoyed WCC last year, but couldn't find the place to squeeze it in again this year! DS10 and I loved LTT but DH wasn't too fond of the food :confused3

Thanks again!
Thanks for the reviews - very informative!! :)
I am not sure why LeCellier is cooking their steaks so rare. I have heard other posts like this. Just to set the record straight, I live in Canada and normally restaurants do not cook their steaks this rare!! :sunny:
:wave: Hi ya'll !!

I'm sorry to hear about that mean ole' lady, I do hope that your little girl was OK. Maybe the mean ole' lady learned a new word or two that day !!! :rotfl2:

Anyway, I have a question to ask: what is the difference from last yrs menu & this yrs menu @ O'hona's? We have ADR's in Nov & we've never been so, I was just wondering? :confused3 Either way, I'm excited about going !! ;)

Glad ya'll had a great time !
Thanks for your reviews.

I had heard that LTT got rid of the Sweet tea, but I was hoping it wasn't so! That was one (of many) reasons we LOVED LTT. Did they still have the bread with honey butter???? I heard they got rid of the honey butter. I hope not. THOSE TWO REASONS (honey butter and Sweet tea) are two major reasons we DO love LTT for lunch.
Great reviews! OOOHH, I think I would have been tempted to knock that ladies head into the wall! I have to say I think Im fortunate that nothing like this has ever happened to me, I know I would loose it..I am a very laid back person but I am way protective over my kids..I get upset just hearing about things like this..
We have an ADR at LTT on our first day at WDW (for lunch :love: ) and I was just curious - what was the sweet tea that everyone is raving about? I know they don't have it anymore but my curiosity is getting the best of me! :sunny:
Enjoyed reading your reviews ~ Thanx for sharing.
MelanieC said:
Thanks for your reviews.

I had heard that LTT got rid of the Sweet tea, but I was hoping it wasn't so! That was one (of many) reasons we LOVED LTT. Did they still have the bread with honey butter???? I heard they got rid of the honey butter. I hope not. THOSE TWO REASONS (honey butter and Sweet tea) are two major reasons we DO love LTT for lunch.

They still have the honey butter but the bread is not the same it is still a roll but more of a sourdough type bread than the soft rolls they normally have. They were still good just a bit tougher than the others..
deany said:
We have an ADR at LTT on our first day at WDW (for lunch :love: ) and I was just curious - what was the sweet tea that everyone is raving about? I know they don't have it anymore but my curiosity is getting the best of me! :sunny:

Sweet tea is basically just your regular brewed tea with LOTS of sugar in it. But the key to really good sweet tea is that you put the sugar in while the tea is hot so that it all dissolves in the container. I have found it is more of a southern states thing. My DH can EASILY drink 2 gallons of sweet tea a day and to have to go for 10 days without it, he was not a happy person..LOL

I am diabetic so I don't drink it anymore, but I do crave it every once in a while!!! It is THAT GOOD!!!
Great reviews. I hope to take my' grandkids to some of these restaurants in December. Forgive me for asking, but I'm relatively new to DIS boards and I seem to have misplaced my codebook. Could someone please tell me what WWC and LTT stand for?

I tried "Walt's Water Closet", "Wonderful World of Cranberries", "Little Turtle Town" and "Lost Trolly Tunnel" but none of them would take reservations.

Seriously, this old man needs your assistance. Is there a Board lexicon somewhere?

Grampini :confused3
Grampini - Welcome to the DIS boards :)

WCC - Whispering Canyon Cafe at the Wilderness Lodge resort

LTT - Liberty Tree Travern located at the Magic Kingdom
p.s. Grampini - forgot to add:

go to: to access the menus for all the resorts and theme parks by clicking "dining" and on the left side you can view by location.

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