My phone went retarted when leaving message on phone.

When ever i tell my dad some sort of technology is being retarded

he all ways replies "maybe its the user" :lmao: :lmao:

I don't think i can go more than a month with out screwing my computer up.

That's exactly what my dad says!

I don't think there has been a week in the last two months where Apple hasn't screwed up my computer... :sad2:
Whenever someone calls me with a computer problem I tell them to turn off the monitor and stare at it and the problem will present itself. Sometimes it takes a while but they all get it eventually.

Catycatcat4, is your phone named Ed? If so I think Stephen Lynch wrote a song about it. You can see it here.
I am all for political incorrectness, however being someone who works with 'retarded' people I think the correct title of your post should be: "my phone went mentally challenged when leaving message on phone". That would be more PC of you :rotfl:

Hey! I work with 'mentally challanged' people too thats 'un-PC' in the UK, we call them 'learning disabled'. So your post should be called 'my phone had a learning disability at the point of phoning you'. :rotfl:

Any better?
ok, we've all had a good laugh, but the term is offensive, and I really think it would be a good idea to change it. Use of the word "retarded" to speak of something stupid and broken is not just un-PC, but also inflammatory and insulting. I am respectfully requesting that the subject get changed, by a mod if the OP cannot do it.

And, as I predicted, it starts.

To be fair maybe the title should be changed. I would suggest either “My phone developed a Moe Howard hair do during my phone call” or “My phone started hugging strangers during my phone call”
ok, we've all had a good laugh,

Did you have a good laugh?!? It doesn't sound like it.

So often I see people trying to sugest how others should act or think. Please don't censor the topics some people find funny.

Pete was lambasted recently for playing some non-pc comments. Please use the fast forward on you player or skip the thread if it doesn't meet your approval. No names are being used or profanity thrown about...

We each find different things that we can complain about, please just skip the ones that bother you.

And with these comments, I mean no ill will...

No word can be offensive. Offensiveness is judged by each individual. If the word retarded is offensive to you that is just fine. The word is not offensive, however, to the OP. Please do not project your valuation of a word onto others.

The same goes with humor. If a joke is funny to person A and offensive to person B, the joke is neither funny nor offensive as those are both merely perceptions. Person A FINDS the joke funny while person B FINDS the joke offensive. Person B has no more right to force person A to stop saying the joke than person A has to force person B to find it funny.
Yes, I think if you want to use the N-word or make fun of anyone for anything it is more than 100% OK. I may not use those words or tell those jokes but I have ZERO right to tell you not to say or tell them. I think here in America anyone should be able to say any word they want.

I can go find 100 examples of songs that use the N-word and people listen to them everyday, so they must not be offensive to those people.

Now, if the mods want to enforce rules then that is fine because this is privately owned. But I would like to know who it is that decides what word is offensive. What if I am offended by the word smile, does that mean I can project that valuation of the word onto the boards and ask someone that uses the word in their post to change the post? To me, the word smile has exactly the same offensiveness as the word retarded.

I do not think you are wrong to be offended as that is your right but I am not less wrong (or the OP for the purposes of this post) in not being offended.
ok, we've all had a good laugh, but the term is offensive, and I really think it would be a good idea to change it. Use of the word "retarded" to speak of something stupid and broken is not just un-PC, but also inflammatory and insulting. I am respectfully requesting that the subject get changed, by a mod if the OP cannot do it.
Request nicely in a good mannerd name denied

it doesnt start, i am not debating, I am simply asking for an offensive word to be removed.


you keep replying dont you?

No word can be offensive. Offensiveness is judged by each individual. If the word retarded is offensive to you that is just fine. The word is not offensive, however, to the OP. Please do not project your valuation of a word onto others.

im a teenager its what i do.

I was under the impression that there are rules on this board about avoiding the use of offensive words. by your logic, I can use the N-word and make fun of Jews here, as long as I personally do not find them offensive? For the records, I do not use the n-word, nor do I make fun of Jews nor engage in any anti-Semitic behavior, but I am using that as an example to make a point.

I have not listened to the show in the last week or so, so I do not know anything about what the previous poster said about fast forwarding the show. I was not referring to anything in the show at all, and I apologize if my statements were misunderstood.

I wanted to add what I think the use of the word "retarded" in this context is offensive. To take a group of people, especially a group of people with disabilities or other traits/attributes that they cannot change, did not choose (such as race or ethnicity), or is a protected group (such as religion), and turn that name into an insult or a degrogatory term, or to use it to denote something negative ("you're so retarded, my phone is retarded, etc), is discriminatory and in general is offensive. If a person were to say "that phone is so ________ (fill in the name of a religious or ethnic group)" it would be considered prejudical. So why is it different when you choose people with disabilities, rather than people with a particular skin color?

I'm not gonna argue *much* but

Im consedierd ESE/Learning disabled (Witch is why i suck at spelling grammer) It doesnt offend me when people say "thats ese" becuase imo its mutiple meanings.

To any teenager or close to that age group the word retarted means "i screwed up" or "this peice of junk screwed up"

KPeveler: Stop looking for trouble and get la ife!

That is all back to the fun
The word does have multiple meanings. That does not mean the alternate meanings are not inappropriate.

I will go back and erase my other posts except my original request, as it is clear you are not interested in an adult conversation and I want in no way to be associated with your rude and insulting posts. Good day.
I dont see why people find it okay to make fun of people with disabilities, but I admit that I live with a disability (a physical one, not a mental one) and face such prejudice every day. I do not know you, so I cannot say what you deal with, but often it is hard to understand why a term is offensive until you find yourself fighting it.

I totally agree. I work with both adults and children with learning disabilities, and i personally don't like the word retarded.

However i do not going around preaching, if they are a close friend of mine i will tell them it upsets me. On these boards i might lightly say that some people do not like that word, but to be honest it is used so much in my generation, its hard to have a go at everyone saying it.

I think kindly reminding people that some people might not like the word works a lot better than telling them off.

I dont like the term 'mentally challanged', as that is not a term we use in the UK. We use the term 'learning disability', however i keep it to myself, as it isn't worth fighting people about.

At work we aren't allowed to call anyone 'handicaped' it must be 'disabled', however i know a lot of people who wouldn't see it as offensive to call people 'handicaped'.

I guess i mean to say that telling people off just makes them angry, where as gentlely reminding can work wonders in my experience.

Just my two pence!
I think the sentiment boils down to this:

There is such a thing as inappropriate usage, no such thing as offensive useage.
(well, there is, but it is relative and no way feasible to regulate.)

First and foremost, the word was spelt wrong and therefore, if we take
what was actually stated, the term could NOT be offensive unless you
are offended by the re-tarting of objects (I.E. making them sour again!)


Secondly, and this is most important: Language is only personal if you
make it so or if a pronoun is put in that implies a person or persons
attatched to the language. This case in point has the object in question
as a cellular phone, an inanimate object with no (probably no) feelings.
While your valliant attempt to discourage the demeaning of inanimate
objects is... well... valliant, it is not neccessary as the cellular phone will
never say thank you or feel the joy of being stood up for.

On the third point of "offensive" language versus "in-appropriate useage";
while there are words that are clearly used almost always in a derogatory
manner, and phrases of the same, it is NO SINGLE PERSONS right or
privalage to decide the instance at which these words become such and
then change or remove them UNLESS that person is a moderator or a
activator of the law. You may request (By PM please, no need to yell
it out here, if the mod hasn't seen a problem with it yet, they probably
wont notice your request!) to have it removed but realize it is only that:
A Request.
And it can be fufilled or not. Because, as you can see, the word was
NOT used improperly. Moving away from our misspelling fun, lets look
at the word retarded:

American Heritage Dictionary Defines thus:
v. tr.
To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.

v. intr.
To be delayed.

A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay.
Music A slackening of tempo.

If the phone in-question did infact slow, or sees to function, or infact
did impede or delay her voice message, her useage of the word is
correct and neither rude nor inflammatory. Therefore, no ill will was
meant by it other than to explain frustration with the inanimate object
in question.

Vocabulary is a blessed thing, in the english language their are a million
words and hundreds of differentials and possibilities for saying what you
want to say. Every society and culture is different in their understanding
of these words. For example, in southern areas of the united states
(and midwestern states sometimes) a man or woman may be required to
go chop a *** or to up for the smoke house for some deer jerky
(mmm... tastey) conversely, a young woman in wales may ask her boyfriend
for a *** after dinner. Are these people using offensive language? Or
are they using a WORD in appropriate context to their culture for a bundle
of kindling and a cigarette even those many people might confuse them
with a sometimes found rude word for the homosexual community?

Words can't hurt you unless you don't take the time to remember what
they REALLY mean. If you assume everyone means ill will with their
words and do not try to contextualize them, you are in for a world of
aggrevation. A new word is taken to mean something foul each and
every day and if we are not careful about how we view the language
around us, soon no one will be able to say ANYTHING without offending
us! What a shame when our words are THAT harmful...

I recall a nursery rhyme to this effect..

But I digress, I think my forensicator is showing...


Thanks for listening to my rant!


P.S. OP: Just call them back, let them know your phone went "sour" :laughing: On you and re-do your message!
I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one. As I said I don’t think you are wrong for being offended, but I don’t think you should feel I am wrong for not being offended. Each case would be the same, one person telling another person how a word should make them feel.

EDIT: Oh great, since all the posts I am referring to have been deleted (or changed to nevermind) I look like a retard arguing with myself :rotfl:
I just thought of an example!

Try saying fanny to an English person, you will get a very different response than in the US.

Most of us would get offended! :lmao:
I just thought of an example!

Try saying fanny to an English person, you will get a very different response than in the US.

Most of us would get offended! :lmao:

I bet you love that we have fanny-packs here! I know what that word means over there and find it hilarious to even think about it!
He should have called the phone retardant to protect it from all the flames...Let it go. He called the phone a name....not a person.I really didn't take offense and I am borderline mentally challenged some days more than others. Just my two cents...:hug:


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