My first trip to WDW and DH's first time being arrested (Dec 2009)

Joining in! I just love your TR! I feel like I'm reading a Nicholas Sparks book! You and Rig just make the cutest couple! I don't even need to see pics (but I would, of course!) What an amazing past you guys have! I seriously think you could get published! Your trip sounds like a dream! How magical!
My family and I LOVE Big Brother! We've been watching it since season one! My kids grew up watching it! Aren't you so glad Rachel is gone! She is SO annoying and those hair extensions should not be aloud on TV!:lmao:
Thanks for the great trip report, who needs pictures when you are able to have us envision your trip through your creative writing :thumbsup2

Now off to bed, staying up until 2 am reading your report will be hurting me in a few hours ;)
love love LOVING your report.. can not wait for me.

Rig is such a gentleman! you sound like you have a fabulous relationship!!!

Cant wait for more!
Enjoy your show tonight and I think I speak for all of us when I say we can't wait till tomorrow for more! (It's probably good you aren't writing more tonight, my hubby:lovestruc is finally home ontime tonight and I want to get off DIS to hang out with him but I keep checking back whenever his phone rings to read more!) :laughing:
Thank you, my show was good, it's getting really interesting now. Rig hates reality TV, but he watches Big Brother with me, but he always wonders out loud why anybody would go on national television and behave the way they do.

I feel so guilty when I am on the DIS and Rig is home, even if all he is doing is watching TV or something, I have him come read alot of the postings though. I think he is warming up to this idea of retelling our Disney trip story here after reading all the nice posts from people.

Ok so ive read it all and cant wait to read the rest :cool1:
Thank you, I am working on it, and hope to maybe post tonight, It's poker night for Rig, I'm not sure if the wives are going to be there or not, if they go I usually go too.

I just love your trip report and definitly agree with the others that it reads like a novel. Don't feel pressured to post pictures. Seems like you two are having a great time. Can't wait to read more.
Thank you for reading. Rig and I had the greatest time in Disney World, we still talk about it at least once a day, we look through our pictures alot, and since I have started writing this trip report the vacation we took seems like it was yesterday.
Loving this report! And I can relate somewhat to the beginnings of your relationship. I knew my husband exactly 3 1/2 months the day we got married. My parents were not happy to say the least! But 17 years and 3 kids later (oh and a ton of Disney trips and a DVC membership to boot) I think I can safely say we knew what we were doing;) Hard for people to understand at the time though. Everyone thought I was crazy....
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear the rest! Oh, and :welcome: to the boards!
Congratulations! 17 years and 3 kids, (plus a DVC) that is wonderful. Especilly after such a short courtship. To quote Mickeymomofthree, "When you know, you know."

I don't think my parents would ever understand me marrying Rig, there plan for me was college first, then career then find a husband, and they would never agree with me marrying what they would call a "laborer." But I'm happy, so happy, I know I made the right choice.

"It would mean so much to me if you shared in my dream." LOVE it! :lmao:
I know that was like hitting below the belt, but it worked. rig has a hard time saying no when it comes to things like that.

If this was a book, it would be an all nighter until I read it all the way through! I am hooked! And I usually pass reports by if they don't have pictures! I can't wait for the next update!
Thank you, that is such a huge compliment. I have read books that I could just not put down, I almost burned our house down when I could stop reading while cooking dinner.

I normally don't care if a trip report has pictures, my computer doesn't bring of half of them anyway, but there are some good stories out there that don't need pictures.

As I read I keep picturing the movie "giant". Your life just seems like it is from another time!!! So sweet.
I didn't know what movie that was, Rig said he thinks it's a James Dean movie, is that true? I might have to watch it.

Joining in! I just love your TR! I feel like I'm reading a Nicholas Sparks book! You and Rig just make the cutest couple! I don't even need to see pics (but I would, of course!) What an amazing past you guys have! I seriously think you could get published! Your trip sounds like a dream! How magical!
My family and I LOVE Big Brother! We've been watching it since season one! My kids grew up watching it! Aren't you so glad Rachel is gone! She is SO annoying and those hair extensions should not be aloud on TV!:lmao:
I love Nicholas Sparks, the books are always better then the movies, I loved the Last song but was really disapointed with Dear John. Thank you for the compliment about Rig and I, I think we look good together.

I am so glad Rachael is gone. I cheered when they voted her out unanimously. I really like Brittany, I hope she wins. If Hayden were to win that would be ok too.

Thanks for the great trip report, who needs pictures when you are able to have us envision your trip through your creative writing :thumbsup2

Now off to bed, staying up until 2 am reading your report will be hurting me in a few hours ;)

Thank you, and wow, staying up until 2am, I hope you do well today, don't fall asleep driving.

love love LOVING your report.. can not wait for me.

Rig is such a gentleman! you sound like you have a fabulous relationship!!!

Cant wait for more!

I'm so happy that you like this report, it really does mean alot to keep getting such wonderful feedback.

Rig is a gentleman, sometimes when he's not with me, I might stand at door waiting for it to open because he is not there to open it for me, then it hits me, duh, I have to open it for myself.

Our relationship is fabulous, but we work at it all the time, Rig and I don't want to get caught up in the everyday normalities of a relationship, once you get too comfortable you stop trying to be the best spouse you can and just settle. We don't want that ever. We want the honeymoon phase until the day we die.
I'm hooked! I rarely ever read trip reports and just happened to see the title of yours and had to read! Rig reminds me of my DH in ways...he isn't a cowboy but he is a southern boy with all the southern charm and manners. I'm a northern girl and like you, I sometimes realize that I need to be more like him in helping others. He will always go out of his way to help anyone whenever he can whereas I tend to be like, hurry up and don't let that group of old ladies, women & children get in line for Dumbo before us, lol. Okay, maybe I'm not that bad but God bless my DH because he balances out my very non-patient ways!

Don't you just love being well taken care of? My mom used to always tell me to wait for a man that would always open the door. I would tell her I can open doors myself but she reminded me that wasn't the point. I get it now. I feel so loved knowing that as long as my hubby is around that bags will be carried, doors will be opened and I will be taken care of :love:

I can't wait to read more!
I have friends who look at me like I have 2 heads when I say that DH opens the door for me. They act like it is silly but secretly I know they wish their DH did the same for them. I like it, it's romantic. Can I open it myself, sure I can, but it's nice that he wants to.
I'm in love with reading your TR already! I just completely zoned out of being at work and felt like I was there at your trip! I hate Space Mountain too. My boyfriend had to help me out of the seat, my legs were all jello feeling. I watch Big Brother too, Rachel's voice was just so annoying! I really really really can't wait to read more. I agree you should write a book. I'm hooked!

I rarely respond to trip reports myself, but I just have to speak up. I am REALLY enjoying your writing style and agree with many others about how it reads like a book.

Clearly writing is something you enjoy, and I encourage you to keep at it because you have a natural talent. :goodvibes

Also, it's nice to find another 'country gal' on these boards. My situation is not exactly like yours, but let's just say I know all about farm duties and dial up internet (though I finally got satellite broadband recently).

My folks and I were in Disneyworld the same time as you, and my dad is a rancher with a favorite cowboy hat. I like to imagine he and Rig tipped their hats to each other in passing somewhere during the time when we were all in WDW.

And by the way, any friend who laughs at you for crying upon seeing the castle is a fool and simply doesn't get the magic. Don't let it bother you - they are the ones missing out.

I can't wait for more chapters! :)

- Carey


OregonGirl (29) princess: [[ Mom (58) :cutie: Dad (59) :cool2: ]]

Oregon Family of 3 - Nov 1-11, 2007 – Boardwalk Inn (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl - Our August 2008 Disneyland visit - Marriot Residence Inn Maingate (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl, family of 3 – January 24-31, 2009 – Boardwalk Inn concierge (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl, family of 3, December 6-12th 2009, Boardwalk Inn concierge ºoº (Mouseplanet TR with pre-trip info)

NEXT DISNEY TRIP - DECEMBER 2nd - 11th 2010 - Boardwalk Inn club level
i love this report! cant wait to hear more!
Thank you for reading, I will try and get a chapter out tonight.

Don't you just love being well taken care of? My mom used to always tell me to wait for a man that would always open the door. I would tell her I can open doors myself but she reminded me that wasn't the point. I get it now. I feel so loved knowing that as long as my hubby is around that bags will be carried, doors will be opened and I will be taken care of :love:

I can't wait to read more!

The first time Rig ever opened a door for me I told him I could do that myself, he just said I know you can but I want to do it. I asked my mom if she ever wished Sir would open doors for her and she said it was silly to let a man think you are incapable of doing things for yourself. But I love being taken care of, I love that he comes around to my side of the truck opens the door for me and helps me down, or when he lifts me over a mud puddle, it's comforting.

I have friends who look at me like I have 2 heads when I say that DH opens the door for me. They act like it is silly but secretly I know they wish their DH did the same for them. I like it, it's romantic. Can I open it myself, sure I can, but it's nice that he wants to.
It is romantic and your man is telling you that he cherishes you each time he opens a door for you. Other woman can act like they don't care or that they aren't helpless and can do it themselves, but deep down there has got to be some jealously that they didn't marry a gentleman. I'm not helpless but letting Rig open doors for me makes him happy, let him do it.

Great trip report, you are a wonerful writer--- but still hoping for a picture along the way!
thank you, I think south will freeze though before Rig gives in on the pictures.;)

I'm in love with reading your TR already! I just completely zoned out of being at work and felt like I was there at your trip! I hate Space Mountain too. My boyfriend had to help me out of the seat, my legs were all jello feeling. I watch Big Brother too, Rachel's voice was just so annoying! I really really really can't wait to read more. I agree you should write a book. I'm hooked!
since I have been writing this report I tend to zone out at work alot now, I am always ready to get home and start posting again.

Space mountain has that jello leg inducing effect, what would we have done if we didn't have great men to help us stand?

Rachaels voice was the most annoying thing ever. (I can hear Rig in my mind now, "Lee, that's rude, don't be so hateful.") but I couldn't take her for much longer, I would mute the TV when she would be talking and just put captions on and read. I'm glad she's gone.


I rarely respond to trip reports myself, but I just have to speak up. I am REALLY enjoying your writing style and agree with many others about how it reads like a book.

Clearly writing is something you enjoy, and I encourage you to keep at it because you have a natural talent. :goodvibes

Also, it's nice to find another 'country gal' on these boards. My situation is not exactly like yours, but let's just say I know all about farm duties and dial up internet (though I finally got satellite broadband recently).

My folks and I were in Disneyworld the same time as you, and my dad is a rancher with a favorite cowboy hat. I like to imagine he and Rig tipped their hats to each other in passing somewhere during the time when we were all in WDW.

And by the way, any friend who laughs at you for crying upon seeing the castle is a fool and simply doesn't get the magic. Don't let it bother you - they are the ones missing out.

I can't wait for more chapters! :)

- Carey


OregonGirl (29) princess: [[ Mom (58) :cutie: Dad (59) :cool2: ]]

Oregon Family of 3 - Nov 1-11, 2007 – Boardwalk Inn (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl - Our August 2008 Disneyland visit - Marriot Residence Inn Maingate (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl, family of 3 – January 24-31, 2009 – Boardwalk Inn concierge (Mouseplanet TR)

OregonGirl, family of 3, December 6-12th 2009, Boardwalk Inn concierge ºoº (Mouseplanet TR with pre-trip info)

NEXT DISNEY TRIP - DECEMBER 2nd - 11th 2010 - Boardwalk Inn club level

Hi Carey, writing is something that I enjoy, I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it until now. I have always wanted to tell me and Rigs story from when we met until we got married. I might start penning something soon.

I am still getting used to country life, I love it, it's just different. when I first moved here people told me that I wasn't just marrying a cowboy, I was marrying a way of life. It has it's up and downs, but mostly ups.

I like the idea of Rig and your Dad tipping their hats as they pass eachother at Disney, let's just say they did.

and I am finding that alot of people, even the ones who have been to WDW just don't understand the magic of it. I feel sad for them.
Hi friends, I hope everybody here had as good of a day as I did.

Rig surprised me and showed up at the diner today for lunch, he had to come into town to get a part for one of the work trucks. I see him everyday, but when he shows up unexpected it does something to me.

I was able to take a break and spend some time with him.

Poker is off tonight, charlie who was hosting isn't feeling good, so instead I am watching my friends boy so her and her cowboy can go out to eat. Josh is 4 and loves the horses so Rig will probably take him riding and that frees me up to be here on the Dis.

I will try and get a chapter up before dinner though.
I'm loving your have such a way of telling your story and I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip....... I even got teary eyed reading about you getting teary eyed as you looked at the castle...
I've been waiting all day for this evening to hurry up and get here so I could check to see if you had written any more. I know you are busy, so I try to be patient. :rolleyes1 I LOVE reading your story. I am between books and this is definately giving me my fix!

I have been going through our pictures of disney trying to figure out days and parks, you know you never forget your first trip. Your first trip will be the one to stand out more than any other trip. that's just my opinion, no matter how many more times I go to disney world, I will not have the same feeling of seeing the castle for the first time. I will still feel something, but the dream was lived, you can repeat the action, but you can't repeat the realization of your dream coming true.
I can look at a picture and remember the smells, and hear the music playing and feel again what I was feeling. I can look at a picture and a conversation, or a funny look giving by Rig will pop into my mind. Rig and I had some of our best conversations at Disney world, it's easy to do when you are cut off from every day life.

I only had a little over an hour to spend pool side, I was hoping it would be enough to put a little bit of color on my legs. I really wanted to wear shorts at least once while I was on vacation. I was thinking it would be nice to go back to work not necessarily tan, but maybe looking a little more healthy. People who are sun kissed in my opinion look healthy.

Rig had gone to everything pop to fill our mugs and was now laying on the lounge next to me. Boots kicked off and shirtless. (if there were a smiley of a girl fanning herself I would insert that here.) shirtless Rig gives me the vapors.

A friend of mine had lent me a book to read, I'm a book lover. I was reading the Glass Castle. It's a good story but not really one to read while at Disney World. My heart kept breaking for the little girl in the book.

I was telling Rig about the book. "Lee, why would you read something so sad while being on vacation in Disney World?"

"I didn't know it would be so sad, and now I'm hooked."

"Stop reading it. I don't want you to be sad."

I put the book away for the moment, I knew I would be pulling it out again later, but for now I would just talk to Rig.

We had the pool almost to ourselves. there was a family of 5 across the pool from us. A dad, a Mom, 2 young boys and a teenage girl.
The mom and girl were watching Rig, he didn't notice but I did. I used to point out to Rig every time he would catch the eye of another woman. He didn't like me pointing it out to him, he said stuff like that can make a person vain, I think it made him self conscious.

But it got me to thinking about us and our future, everything gets me thinking about us and our future, but disney really had me thinking.

"what do you want more Rig? a girl or a boy?"

"It doesn't matter to me."

"I think I want to have a girl first."

"You said you always wanted a boy first so he could grow up protecting his little sister."

"Yeah, but since I have been here I am really excited to have a daughter to dress up like a princess and bring her to the castle, and have her meet Cinderella."

We sat quietly for a while, I was already planning in my head our first trip with our daughter. I would build her up in her early years to love Disney world, I would create such a magical vision for her.

I sighed, "I hope it's a girl."

Rig started fidgeting, he fidgets when he's nervous, "Lee, you're not pregnant are you?"

The question startled me, "Oh heavens no, I'm just thinking way into the future."

Rig and I talk about babies alot, we both want children, 2 years apart, 1 girl and 1 boy. we would love any baby God gave us, but I already have a perfect husband, it wouldn't hurt to pray for a perfect family.

"I hope if we ever have a boy he grows up to be just like you Rig."

"thank you baby."

"Would you love him if he were gay?"

"I would love him even if he were green and had a tail, he'd be part of us, what's not to love about us?"

"Is that conceit I hear coming from you Rig?"

"No baby, just the truth."

When I was younger and living at home I had a cousin who came out of the closet to the family, his family disowned him. I knew that I would never do that to my own child, and I knew Rig would never do that either. Can you imagine how scary it must be for somebody to know they are different, that they aren't what society says is correct, and the people that are supposed to love them turn them away. that's harsh.

I think that is one reason why Rig and I depend so much on eachothers love. His family kicked him out because he didn't want to live the life that they chose for him, and my family would have never accepted Rig, I would be disowned if they knew about him. I guess, I in a way disowned my family. I didn't want it to be that way, but I knew nothing good would come from them knowing about Rig. It used to make me angry, but now it just saddens me, their ignorance has cost them the chance to know real beauty in a man.

We talked about other things. what we wanted to do that night, which rides we had to go on. We took some pictures, trying to squeeze in together and hold the camera out. We looked through all the pictures we had taken so far, deleted the blurry ones and the ones that Rig took multiples of. The pictures of Rig with the surfer Goofy statue are my favorite. I only wished I had taken random pictures of Rig trying to get to Goofy. the after shot is cute, a soaked Rig smiling triumphantly next to Goofy, his arm around him like they are best buddys, but it would have been nice to have a few pictures telling the story that lead up to the picture of a soaked Rig smiling triumphantly next to Goofy.
Rig said he would recreate it so I could get my random shots, but I declined the offer, it wouldn't have been true.
I told myself I needed to be ready with the camera at all times just in case Disney Rig came out to play again.

Our time by the pool ended and rig and I needed to go get ready for our dinner at Libery Tree Tavern and Mickeys Christmas Party.

It was still warm out but I expected it would get chilly like it did the night before. I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt and had my hoody tied at my waist. Rig just put on a long sleeve shirt over his tshirt and then we left to go to Magic Kingdom again.

The bus stop for the Magic Kingdom was full. There were alot of people dressed in red and green, and alot santas hats.
Christmas music was playing in the back ground. I got the Christmas spirit. Having the Christmas and the disney spirit at the same time is enough to send all your senses into over drive.

"Rig my brain feels tingly."

"I don't know what to say to that baby, you need a tylenol or something?"

"No, I'm just so happy I feel crazy."

We hugged it out, I just stood there in line for the bus my arms wrapped so tight around Rig praying that this feeling could stay forever.
But I love being taken care of, I love that he comes around to my side of the truck opens the door for me and helps me down, or when he lifts me over a mud puddle, it's comforting.

or throws his coat over the puddle so I can cross it.... :love:

and my family would have never accepted Rig, I would be disowned if they knew about him. I guess, I in a way disowned my family. I didn't want it to be that way, but I knew nothing good would come from them knowing about Rig.

so you're saying at 18, you walked away? Didn't wait to see their response, just left. And they don't know where you are, or how you are?
wow. just wow.
A little late to the party, but I am loving your TR. It does sound like something like a harlequin reomance. Can 't wait for me. I can relate to your story if a slight way. I was engaged for three years to someone, but during his last year of law school I met my DH and we were married less than a year later. Yes, my parents thought I was crazy. Twenty-three years later and we are still going strong. Can't wait to read more.


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