My fiance, the stinker!


<font color=darkgreen>Lives in Fear of Sweeps<br><
Feb 7, 2005
I have hair, nails and make-up coming at 6:00am. Our wedding is at 9:00am. Since my fiance, as he so graciously put it, can't "lie on the bed in his underwear watching tv with a room full of girls" (I swear he DOES have more class than that! :rotfl: ) he's going to go off to the Polynesian and have some Tonga toast....without me! :rolleyes:

Well, I guess under the circumstances, it's OK. I suppose I'll be too nervous to have Tonga toast anyway.

LOL that's hysterical. :rotfl: Sounds like something my fiance would say too. Tell him he owe's you a breakfast at the Polynesian that way you can have some of that delicious tonga toast before your vacation is over!
I love it...You sure you don't have any last minute errands that need to be run?? *evil grin* Or can he bring a take out order back to the room?!?!?!?!?!?
Yes, I told him to bring me back an order. :banana:

Can you see me, all made up, in a big old fluffy white gown, eating Tonga toast...Yes! I can! :rotfl2:


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