(MNSSHP) YES, I would LOVE to build a snowman!!! Frozen Summer Fun Done Differently

I'll be back to respond shortly. I sent a message to yullinin. I think she went yest day at rope drop. Or at least I saw her pictures fairly early yesterday. I think, but I'll have to check the times guide that Oaken's doesn't open til 9 whether emh or not.

Thank you! :thumbsup2
The Times Guide says park opening. I will try to find out what that means on an EMH. But I thought iceskatingprincess posted about this on the tips thread on opening day? I know she was first to take the ice.

I'm just hoping that if I go right at RD there won't be much of a wait when the park opens at 9am. I'd like to be able to do Oaken's and Funland before checking in for the premium package!
Loving your report, especially glad to see the non package one as this is how I will see it. I have just this minute booked my fast passes for HS for 12th August. Will be a quick visit but hope to see a fee Frozen things that day. Really looking forward to the sing along. I have also just booked tickets to a Frozen Singalong in London's Leicester Square for 7th September (a week after we get home, I will be having Disney withdrawal symptom!) Its the whole film and also games for the children before hand. Should be a lot of fun as I am taking my 7 year old nieces. Hope to get them Frozen dresses whilst at Disney, and all the accessories to go with them.
Its funny but my 13 year old son (who will be 14 on 12th August) keeps saying to me "Do you really want to watch the Frozen stuff at Disney?" as if its really odd, and I am only joking, my answer is of course, er YES!

That's so fantastic that you have tickets for a full movie sing-along after your trip. So the Disney magic continues even after you are over the pond!

I hope you find all the dresses and accessories you are looking for. I know I saw dresses, but I don't remember seeing accessories at Oaken's. I'll have to look better next time.

My son loved the sing-along. He cant wait to see it again. A couple times yesterday he asked when we are going to see it again. He has special needs and one of the things he does is flap and squeal in excitement. I can't tell you how many times I was startled by a sudden squeal. I sure had my adrenaline rush for the day.

Your son is a good sport. I hope he enjoys the Frozen things too. There is plenty of Kristoff and Olaf. But they are definitely lacking in Sven. Only a magics shot (which is awesome), the plush, and some teasing of Kristoff about Sven during the show.
I'm just hoping that if I go right at RD there won't be much of a wait when the park opens at 9am. I'd like to be able to do Oaken's and Funland before checking in for the premium package!

Now I'm second guessing myself. Going to have to search for her post. Because now I'm thinking she got in with EMH but skating didn't start until the same starting time as usual? Sorry, wish I had a better memory.

The merchandise part is small. Not as many people fit in there as the Funland side. So prioritize which is more important to you and get in that line first.

I think if it was me, I'd get in the funland side first. The reason I'm thinking that, is IF it reaches capacity, it doesn't re-open until a set number of people leave. If people are like us and spend an hour and a half there that line won't move to quickly. Keep in mind, figure skaters are on the :15's, guest skate on the 30's, and that could include your lace up time, the Zamboni comes out on the o'clocks. If I was going to skate at opening, I'd head there first. Pay fees and start lacing up. Watch the figure skaters, then skate. Then get in line for the build a snowman. This line moves very slowly. A set number of kids (adult kids too) are allowed inside for a certain amount of time. After the people leave, the snow is raked. And the cycle repeats. We went here first because we had no plans of skating.

Do you think that on a non-EMH day, it is smart to do Oaken's at RD? Think there will be much of a line then? Would it be better to do Oaken's and then Funland? Or reverse?

Also, can you send your items from Oaken's back to your resort? I'm thinking we will not want to carry everything around with us all day if we shop in the morning!

Thank you so much! Your TR is such a great resource for our day of Frozen fun on the 21st!

I'm not sure how lines are at opening. I don't think they are anything like they were opening day, but I could be wrong. We haven't been there at rope drop.

I think making two separate lines has helped with the long lines there.

Yes, you can send items back to your resort or the front of the park.

Just a little over a week away for your trip!!
Now I'm second guessing myself. Going to have to search for her post. Because now I'm thinking she got in with EMH but skating didn't start until the same starting time as usual? Sorry, wish I had a better memory.

The merchandise part is small. Not as many people fit in there as the Funland side. So prioritize which is more important to you and get in that line first.

I think if it was me, I'd get in the funland side first. The reason I'm thinking that, is IF it reaches capacity, it doesn't re-open until a set number of people leave. If people are like us and spend an hour and a half there that line won't move to quickly. Keep in mind, figure skaters are on the :15's, guest skate on the 30's, and that could include your lace up time, the Zamboni comes out on the o'clocks. If I was going to skate at opening, I'd head there first. Pay fees and start lacing up. Watch the figure skaters, then skate. Then get in line for the build a snowman. This line moves very slowly. A set number of kids (adult kids too) are allowed inside for a certain amount of time. After the people leave, the snow is raked. And the cycle repeats. We went here first because we had no plans of skating.

I'm not sure how lines are at opening. I don't think they are anything like they were opening day, but I could be wrong. We haven't been there at rope drop.

I think making two separate lines has helped with the long lines there.

Yes, you can send items back to your resort or the front of the park.

Just a little over a week away for your trip!!

THANK YOU! I think we will head to Funland first - DD3 just wants to play in the snow and watch the skaters (no skating for us). We'll then head into the merchandise part after that. Hoping to be done by 9:45 or so and then head over to check in for the premium package. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!:thanks:
Wandering Oaken's Frozen Funland

I'm so glad we went to Oaken's, directly after the parade. It was so nice to walk right inside. The first thing we passed was the lodge.


The queue for the Do You Want to Build a Snowman was way too long the day before when we were there. This time, there were only 4 little children in line. We got on line behind them.

This was the first time ds had ever seen snow up close, EVER. He was beyond excited. He kept jumping up and down. I couldn't get a good picture until after he settled down a bit.


He dug in the sand at the beach many times. He knows how to build sandcastles. But snow was a new experience. I had to explain to him that snow melts to water. (It felt like I was breaking the news to Olaf.) I showed him how the kids were squatting or kneeling because they don't want wet bottoms.

First words our of this mouth, "I want to have a snow fight!"

I explained how we are at Disney and not really outside. No snow fights inside, not allowed. This area is for building with snow. It's called "Do you want to BUILD a snowman."

That taken care of, we waited. And waited. And waited. Figure skating started, but we couldn't see from the line. I'm such a Dory. I thought they were letting people in as other's exited. I kept seeing the people in front of us come and go. I didn't pay much attention that it was both the same kids and the same adults. Sometimes they'd be outside the rope talking and sometimes back in line. Silly me not paying close attention. When those same kids came back in for the last time, I thought they were new kids pushing their way through. Said, I'm sorry he's next. They sure let me know that I wasn't paying attention. Oops. Sorry folks, my bad! Probably some of the adults and those 4 children left the line so they could see the figure skating and they were just returning. I felt like a big oaf.

The snow was cleared of people. Yay! The waiting is over! Nope. Now it's time for the cm gather the buckets, shovels, blocks and to rake the snow.


Finally, it was ds's turn to enter. I followed close behind. Until...

Woosh! I slid backwards right down the little hill I was walking on. So now I'm not only Dory, the forgetful. Now I'm Dory the comedic relief. Dh wasn't watching me struggle. His eyes were on ds. I attempted a couple more times, but backwards down the hill I slid. This hill was only inches high!! So embarrassing. On the 3rd attempt a man grabbed my arm and tried to hoist me up, but my feet kept sliding back down. I thanked him for the hand, but said, I think it's time to switch with dh and let him in here

Dh was annoyed that I was interrupting his video and picture taking, but he went into the snow to play.


By the time they exited the snow, the line for it was snaked around and went all the way to the back of the building. CM were beginning to snake it around the back and head to the front. It was a huge line now!

Guest skating had already begun and we stopped to watch. Ds wanted to skate so badly. But we can't risk the falling and hitting his head. Also, his ankles and knees have hyperflexing and he moves in ways that he shouldn't be able to. Physical therapy has helped a lot. But at this stage in the game, it wasn't worth taking the risk. Also, there is no way either me or dh could pick him up if he fell on his bottom while we are on ice. I can barely pick him up period. In addition, he had a 24 hour video EEG scheduled for the next day.

And my thoughts went back a few years when his big brother went skating with friends. He was a teen and I dropped him off at the rink. Got a call 30 minutes later that he needed stitches. He fell and hit his face on the ice. 14 stitches. Ouch!

So now instead of Dory, I felt like Marlin. I'm sure one day he can try to do these things. It just wasn't going to be today. Although if the rental skates were figure skates instead of hockey skates, I would have given it more consideration. I, myself, can't stop for the life of me in hockey skates. I need those toe picks! I was dying to skate too. But didn't tell him.

A child was out there with figure skates. Another child was dressed as Elsa. There were 2 cm on the ice at all times too.




Once the 30 minutes were up, the skaters were cleared. The cm came out with squeegees. They smoothed the corners of the ice. It was Zamboni time. It was the cutest little Zamboni I had ever seen.




12:15, time for the figure skaters!


We were hungry and decided it was time to go eat lunch. DS loved that we went out a side exit that lead to backstage. He declared, "now I know how the Star Wars characters feel." This is the entry and exit for Darth Maul, Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, Aura Sing, Zam Wessel, the Gamorean Guard during SWW. This was icing on the cake for him! :cool1:

THANK YOU! I think we will head to Funland first - DD3 just wants to play in the snow and watch the skaters (no skating for us). We'll then head into the merchandise part after that. Hoping to be done by 9:45 or so and then head over to check in for the premium package. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!:thanks:

Hi!! We went yesterday (morning EMH) arrived at 9:10am to the park headed straight to Oaken, there was no line for either the merchandise or the Funland. The first skating demonstration yesterday was at 10:20am
I am very much enjoying following along and all your help on the Frozen thread. I am especially enjoying this part about the Funland. I could totally see me falling down multiple times too. That's why I'll be letting my husband handle ice skating while I hang back with our DD 4 who has major anxiety and won't willingly try anything new. I'm debating about whether to make a couple hours in the Funland area count as our midday break or if we should venture back to BWI. I want to make sure my 4 kiddos last until the fireworks but since it's our first full day I'm sure they'll be excited. Can't wait to continue reading your journey- thanks for sharing!
Hi!! We went yesterday (morning EMH) arrived at 9:10am to the park headed straight to Oaken, there was no line for either the merchandise or the Funland. The first skating demonstration yesterday was at 10:20am

Welcome, and thanks again for sharing!

I went Dory again. I even have it marked on the first page of the tips thread. The pro skaters start at 10:15.

Fiorintino, did you see that? I'm misleading you here by thinking 9:15.

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Frozen Funland:
- Trading post hours are open to close (times subject to change)
-Frozen Funland hour are open to 8pm (times subject to change)
-There are two queues. One is for playing the other for merchandise. (One line will not lead to the other. You'll need to exit and then enter the other line from the beginning if you choose to do both.)
-Inside Sound Stage 1
(Between TSM and the Studio Backlot Tour)
-Opened from park opening until 8pm
-Ice skating demonstrations one the :15's starting at 10:15am (times subject to change)
-Skate rentals available for guests, 30 minute sessions, $10 fee to skate, starting at 9:30 on the :30's (times subject to change)
-Guest Skating begins at 9:30 and it's on the :30's
-Figure Skaters begin at 10:15 and continue on the :15's

I am very much enjoying following along and all your help on the Frozen thread. I am especially enjoying this part about the Funland. I could totally see me falling down multiple times too. That's why I'll be letting my husband handle ice skating while I hang back with our DD 4 who has major anxiety and won't willingly try anything new. I'm debating about whether to make a couple hours in the Funland area count as our midday break or if we should venture back to BWI. I want to make sure my 4 kiddos last until the fireworks but since it's our first full day I'm sure they'll be excited. Can't wait to continue reading your journey- thanks for sharing!


It was so silly, I could not keep my footing at all in the snow. :blush:

I don't know if you have a DAS for your 4 year old? But since there is no FP+ for any of the Frozen events, DAS isn't accepted. DS has a medical stroller and he uses that partly as his refuge when he is anxious. You may want to consider a stroller as wheelchair for your child. I know it helps ds to have his own little space. I'm sure you alreday know, there is a red sticker you can get at guest services to do that.

We went back to the resort and spent hours at the resort both afternoons. Ds didn't rest, but dh did both days. I hate wasting the travel time, but he really needs it. Both for the air conditioning and to regroup.
THANK YOU! I think we will head to Funland first - DD3 just wants to play in the snow and watch the skaters (no skating for us). We'll then head into the merchandise part after that. Hoping to be done by 9:45 or so and then head over to check in for the premium package. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!:thanks:

Sorry, I said professional skating demonstration at 9:15, it doesn't start til 10"15.

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Frozen Funland:
- Trading post hours are open to close (times subject to change)
-Frozen Funland hour are open to 8pm (times subject to change)
-There are two queues. One is for playing the other for merchandise. (One line will not lead to the other. You'll need to exit and then enter the other line from the beginning if you choose to do both.)
-Inside Sound Stage 1
(Between TSM and the Studio Backlot Tour)
-Opened from park opening until 8pm
-Ice skating demonstrations one the :15's starting at 10:15am (times subject to change)
-Skate rentals available for guests, 30 minute sessions, $10 fee to skate, starting at 9:30 on the :30's (times subject to change)
-Guest Skating begins at 9:30 and it's on the :30's
-Figure Skaters begin at 10:15 and continue on the :15's
Sorry, I said professional skating demonstration at 9:15, it doesn't start til 10"15.

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Frozen Funland:
- Trading post hours are open to close (times subject to change)
-Frozen Funland hour are open to 8pm (times subject to change)
-There are two queues. One is for playing the other for merchandise. (One line will not lead to the other. You'll need to exit and then enter the other line from the beginning if you choose to do both.)
-Inside Sound Stage 1
(Between TSM and the Studio Backlot Tour)
-Opened from park opening until 8pm
-Ice skating demonstrations one the :15's starting at 10:15am (times subject to change)
-Skate rentals available for guests, 30 minute sessions, $10 fee to skate, starting at 9:30 on the :30's (times subject to change)
-Guest Skating begins at 9:30 and it's on the :30's
-Figure Skaters begin at 10:15 and continue on the :15's

Opps! I misread that before! Oh well - she can still play in the snow and then we can shop a little. Maybe be done quicker than anticipated and fit something in before we check in for the premium package at 10am. :-)
Welcome, and thanks again for sharing! I went Dory again. I even have it marked on the first page of the tips thread. The pro skaters start at 10:15. Fiorintino, did you see that? I'm misleading you here by thinking 9:15. Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Frozen Funland: - Trading post hours are open to close (times subject to change) -Frozen Funland hour are open to 8pm (times subject to change) -There are two queues. One is for playing the other for merchandise. (One line will not lead to the other. You'll need to exit and then enter the other line from the beginning if you choose to do both.) -Inside Sound Stage 1 (Between TSM and the Studio Backlot Tour) -Opened from park opening until 8pm -Ice skating demonstrations one the :15's starting at 10:15am (times subject to change) -Skate rentals available for guests, 30 minute sessions, $10 fee to skate, starting at 9:30 on the :30's (times subject to change) -Guest Skating begins at 9:30 and it's on the :30's -Figure Skaters begin at 10:15 and continue on the :15's Welcome. It was so silly, I could not keep my footing at all in the snow. :blush: I don't know if you have a DAS for your 4 year old? But since there is no FP+ for any of the Frozen events, DAS isn't accepted. DS has a medical stroller and he uses that partly as his refuge when he is anxious. You may want to consider a stroller as wheelchair for your child. I know it helps ds to have his own little space. I'm sure you alreday know, there is a red sticker you can get at guest services to do that. We went back to the resort and spent hours at the resort both afternoons. Ds didn't rest, but dh did both days. I hate wasting the travel time, but he really needs it. Both for the air conditioning and to regroup.

Thanks! We do use the stroller tag & DAS (for the rides she'll actually ride- lol). Sometimes I feel silly taking her stroller through a line and then she refuses to use it but then the times I've thought she would be fine and left it, we needed it. We just can't always predict when she's had enough and it's so helpful to have that safety net if nothing else it's for her other 3 siblings benefit- I always hated having to leave a show or line with them because their sister freaked out. I saw you used JJ's wheelchair for the sing-a-long and were able to get a seat upfront still. We brought her stroller into all four shows at SWW and my boys hated sitting way in the back with it. I'm debating leaving it behind for the package show seating to make sure we get a spot in the first 4 rows as that seems like a big benefit of the package. I wonder if I could keep her stroller while waiting to be let in and then if there's not a spot up front decide to park it then. How did you guys navigate this?
We didn't make it to lunch right away. Instead we turned back and went to check out the merchandise. DS wanted to buy himself an Olaf magic band. Come to think of it, I think we did go to lunch and came back here before fireworks. I'm getting my days mixed up. I really need to take notes. So this was either before lunch or later when we returned for fireworks.

The day before the magic bands were in glass domes, like the kind with Belle's Rose. Much of the merchandise was gone. Displays removed. There was more room to walk.

They were out of Olaf magic bands. And Elsa ones too. He bought himself a stuffed Olaf instead.

The set up for paying is just like at Darth's Mall. The cm will hold up a sign when they are available to ring purchases. We were surprised when a cm at the snack counter raised her sign. We didn't know whether to go or not. She urged us to come.

Behind her was this great door.


NOW, we were off to lunch at the Backlot Express. Then back to the resort to rest until fireworks.

I have thoroughly enjoyed your TR!!! I know we won't be able to get out to see the Frozen Summer so I'm living it up through you!
Opps! I misread that before! Oh well - she can still play in the snow and then we can shop a little. Maybe be done quicker than anticipated and fit something in before we check in for the premium package at 10am. :-)

She'll have a blast in the snow. There's weren't too many shovels though. Most people had to use their hands.

Thanks! We do use the stroller tag & DAS (for the rides she'll actually ride- lol). Sometimes I feel silly taking her stroller through a line and then she refuses to use it but then the times I've thought she would be fine and left it, we needed it. We just can't always predict when she's had enough and it's so helpful to have that safety net if nothing else it's for her other 3 siblings benefit- I always hated having to leave a show or line with them because their sister freaked out. I saw you used JJ's wheelchair for the sing-a-long and were able to get a seat upfront still. We brought her stroller into all four shows at SWW and my boys hated sitting way in the back with it. I'm debating leaving it behind for the package show seating to make sure we get a spot in the first 4 rows as that seems like a big benefit of the package. I wonder if I could keep her stroller while waiting to be let in and then if there's not a spot up front decide to park it then. How did you guys navigate this?

You can always choose to have her transfer. Just let the cm know. During SWW we often drove him up to a seat. Then parked the wheelchair in the way back of the theater. The parking area is in the back far left as you are facing the stage; opposite side of the tech booth.

I called for the 4th time last night at 9pm and was able to get package tickets. Since he had problems overheating at both FTF and the Frozen parade package. I've decided that we aren't going to stay in the parade viewing area.

We will check in, pick our show time, grab a drink and an icecream, then head to the Backlot Express to sit in the air conditioning as we wait for the parade. We did this often at SWW to see the 501st and Rebel Legion. The heat just doesn't agree with him. And after getting a call about the results from the VEEG, we know we can't push him to endure things right now.

I have thoroughly enjoyed your TR!!! I know we won't be able to get out to see the Frozen Summer so I'm living it up through you!

Welcome, Bridget! Thanks for joining along.
Of course now I have "You want to build a snowman" in my head. As Scotty and I are the only ones who have watched the movie nobody else gets it. :rotfl:

I'm sorry about the Dory moments. I would never make it up the incline. I wear Birkenstocks.
OMGosh - this was your son's first time EVER seeing snow?! How magical for all of you! :wizard: Being from New England, I've seen my share of snow, but I imagine it's still neat to see it in the middle of summer! :cool1:
Of course now I have "You want to build a snowman" in my head. As Scotty and I are the only ones who have watched the movie nobody else gets it. :rotfl:

I'm sorry about the Dory moments. I would never make it up the incline. I wear Birkenstocks.

It's a cute song. So the rest of your family hasn't seen it?

I was wearing an old pair of sperry dockside flip flops. The treads are really worn.

OMGosh - this was your son's first time EVER seeing snow?! How magical for all of you! :wizard: Being from New England, I've seen my share of snow, but I imagine it's still neat to see it in the middle of summer! :cool1:

Yes!! He is born and raised in central Florida. Dh and I both are from the north. So we've seen our share of snow. My dad use to build an ice-skating rink in our back yard every winter when I was growing up. Dh grew up near Lake Erie, so he KNOWS snow.
Frozen Fireworks​

After a break back at the resort, we headed to DHS for fireworks. The temperature was so nice. It had stormed and dropped 10 degrees or more. It was comfortable out...for me. Ds still had to wear his cooling vest and use his squirter.

We asked every photopass photographer we encountered if they could do magic shots. We found two who could!





DS was really into the Take-Along Olaf. We went all around DHS taking pictures of him with Olaf. Olaf driving the car outside of Sci-Fi, and the speedracer near Star Tours, at Tatooine, singing in the rain, etc.

We decided it was time to find a place for fireworks. But first we stopped at the Backlot Express for a cupcake. I chose an Elsa one. DS and DH changed their mind and didn't get anything.


We found a picnic table right by the Echo Lake at Min and Bill's.



We watched the dance party on the screen. They showed the live band. When it switched to the dj they showed snowflakes on the screen.


This was our view of the stage from our picnic table. Not the best.


The view of the screen was much better. Though once the firework show started, people filled in all the empty space.


This is a picture of the package area. This night, guests were not allowed to stand in front of the package. I thought that was great! Because the night before there were at least 4 rows of people in front of the package.


And here's our great view of the fireworks. Even with people standing around us, and us sitting, we still had a very good view!





Our full view.


I really liked our viewing spot for fireworks. It was nice to sit. The Elsa cupcake was amazing.

The only downside were these nasty swarming little bugs. They only came by a couple times, but they were very annoying. I think they liked the wet towel and squirt bottle of ds.

I was using my phone to take the firework pictures. My camera battery died. I had to put the phone away before the ending because it was raining.

After the fireworks it was a mass exodus. We took our time. The rain mostly stopped by the time we left. As we got to Hollywood BLVD, it was SNOWING! What a great kiss goodnight from Disney!!

Whew! That's the quickest I've ever whipped out two days of a TR!



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