Mini TR for another Boston Road Trip - updated Nov 22

that all sounds yummy!

Doesn't it?? Maybe I can have two meals out of these...or really just keep eating from arrival at EP to departure...I think that's a good plan....

cant wait to see your outfit! :)

Don't get too excited lol. I have to balance looks with comfort for walking/running,'s really just all purple lol but I do plan on braiding my hair lol

I'm up for whatever you like - let me know what you decide :)

Yayyy!! I'm deciding to eat allll the food lol

Oooh! Can't wait to see this look! Great choice :thumbsup2

Thanks!! I just hope it looks like I made some effort lol while still being comfortable!!
Doesn't it?? Maybe I can have two meals out of these...or really just keep eating from arrival at EP to departure...I think that's a good plan....

That’s an excellent plan! ::yes::

Don't get too excited lol. I have to balance looks with comfort for walking/running,'s really just all purple lol but I do plan on braiding my hair lol

Oh I know. :)
But I still wanna see!
Warm brie
Melting snow cocktail
Trio of savoury croissant donuts
white chocolate figment puzzle
Popping bubbles cocktail
charcuterie platter

All of that sounds so amazing, Kathy!! YUMMO!

I think your idea for your costume sounds great. Do post photos when you pull it together. :)
Oh I know. :)
But I still wanna see!

If I can remember how to post pics here I will do my best!!

Happy Birthday Kathy - hope you had a fantastic day!

Thanks!! The day itself was ok, the next day was better because I went to Las Vegas lol

All of that sounds so amazing, Kathy!! YUMMO!

I think your idea for your costume sounds great. Do post photos when you pull it together. :)

I will if I can figure out how lol. Yes, can't wait for all that fooood!

Did I miss a birthday?! I hope it was wonderful :hug:

Yeah but not to worry, I was trying to ignore it so maybe it wouldn't happen lol. It was ok, next day was better because I was in Las Vegas lol
I’m on board can’t wait to hear about your solo adventures. We are hitting the parks for 10 days in May!
Hi Kathy! So sorry I just found this PTR! I haven't been on the PTR thread much aside from our Epic PTR.
Good luck with the race! I'm sorry our dates just don't overlap! We're flying in on the night of the 22nd but we're staying at the airport Hyatt before moving to POR the next day.
I can't wait to hear about what you think of your first Run Disney race!!
Ok, the temperatures have dropped to ridiculous! Counting down my 11 sleeps!

Less now!! So excited for you and looking forward to hanging out!

I’m on board can’t wait to hear about your solo adventures. We are hitting the parks for 10 days in May!

Hey welcome and thanks for following along!!

Hi Kathy! So sorry I just found this PTR! I haven't been on the PTR thread much aside from our Epic PTR.
Good luck with the race! I'm sorry our dates just don't overlap! We're flying in on the night of the 22nd but we're staying at the airport Hyatt before moving to POR the next day.
I can't wait to hear about what you think of your first Run Disney race!!

I'm sad too that we won't get to say hi!! Funny I've seen you in NYC as much as FL lol Oh day we'll be in the same place at the same time again!!
Yeah but not to worry, I was trying to ignore it so maybe it wouldn't happen lol. It was ok, next day was better because I was in Las Vegas lol
:laughing: I've taken this same approach for all birthdays after 29 ;)

Nice! Hope Vegas was great :thumbsup2
I've taken this same approach for all birthdays after 29 ;)

Nice! Hope Vegas was great :thumbsup2

Yeah works for me lol. Vegas was so much fun as always. I think it's definitely up there with fun places to escape reality just like WDW. It's also a place that you don't feel weird being alone, though I'm getting used to solo travel lately, I even tried my first solo table service dining experience in Vegas so maybe now I'll have the balls to do it in WDW.
It's 9 days until WDW for me...squeeeee!! Although to be honest, I've really been too busy to think about it all that much! It's actually in a way good that this solo trip kind of requires less planning because I haven't had much time to do it!!

Because I'm doing a 5K at WDW, and doing a couple park days...then going on a cruise...the packing thing is stressing me out a bit. I need all kinds of STUFF. I kind of took a crack at it this weekend, throwing everything I think I may need into a suitcase that I thought it would fit in and...yeah that ain't happening. So...down to the basement to grab a bigger suitcase, which thankfully, I already own lol.

However...said big suitcase is BIG. Which is good, for throwing in everything I may possibly need, but can be dangerous because it does hold so much that if you fill it, it's almost guaranteed to be overweight...ahem...not that it's happened to me or those people that are opening their bags and trying to rearrange 10 lbs of stuff into their carryons to avoid handing over their first born child to the airlines and showing their undergarments to a line of grumpy people behind you...that wouldn't be me...well not more than twice anyway :) So I'm going to have to be careful on that front. I think after I do some laundry this week I will have to actually sort through the stuff and put together actual outfits and see if I really need all that crap. You guys know how it is though!!

My knee is almost better, which is good news for the 5K. I may actually be able to run some of it...but I have to be careful because I don't want to be hobbling through the rest of my vacation. So I will probably take it easy with a slow jog between stops for character photos. I'm really excited because I have a friend with PP who gave me one of her magic bands so I can actually try to get some magic shots on this trip. That's new for me so looking forward to it. Also hoping to see some characters in the race that maybe don't generally appear in the parks, I know that's more for the longer distances, but hopefully for the 5K there will be some too.

We are expecting two giant snowstorms this week here in Toronto - one this Tuesday which doesn't worry me, but longer range they are predicting one for the day of my flight from Toronto to MCO...I am not panicking yet because usually the forecast for over a week out isn't too accurate, but let's hope they are wrong on the timing because I really am hoping for no delays. I want to get checked in and over to DS as quick as I can to meet up with @DonnaBeeGood for some eats :)) Crossing my fingers that it won't be an issue.

That's all for now folks!!
I may have Marie Kondo'd the pin when I was "cleaning" out my entryway of extra hats... Guess I might have to pick up a replacement, lol

I find that so funny that you are using Marie Kondo'd as a verb lol. Love it!! Actually you just reminded me that I should maybe bring some pins. I have a whole cork board full of them at home, and maybe I will take some of the ones that I wouldn't mind trading that what you bring with you? Or do you bring your whole collection? I did a fair bit of trading when I was there with my DD but wasn't sure how much I'd have time for this trip, or if I wanted to lug my lanyard around with them this trip...
It's 9 days until WDW for me...squeeeee!!

Single digits!

Because I'm doing a 5K at WDW, and doing a couple park days...then going on a cruise...the packing thing is stressing me out a bit.

I can see how that would be. I've never done a cruise. Not even gonna lie and say I'd know what to bring!

However...said big suitcase is BIG. Which is good, for throwing in everything I may possibly need, but can be dangerous because it does hold so much that if you fill it, it's almost guaranteed to be overweight...ahem...not that it's happened to me or those people that are opening their bags and trying to rearrange 10 lbs of stuff into their carryons to avoid handing over their first born child to the airlines and showing their undergarments to a line of grumpy people behind you...that wouldn't be me...well not more than twice anyway :)


My knee is almost better, which is good news for the 5K.

:) That is good news!

but I have to be careful because I don't want to be hobbling through the rest of my vacation.

No. That would be a bad thing.

We are expecting two giant snowstorms this week here in Toronto

Call out the Army!!!


Because I'm doing a 5K at WDW, and doing a couple park days...then going on a cruise...the packing thing is stressing me out a bit. I need all kinds of STUFF. I kind of took a crack at it this weekend, throwing everything I think I may need into a suitcase that I thought it would fit in and...yeah that ain't happening. So...down to the basement to grab a bigger suitcase, which thankfully, I already own lol.

The packing always stresses me out to no end too. Good luck!!

carryons to avoid handing over their first born child to the airlines and showing their undergarments to a line of grumpy people behind you...that wouldn't be me...well not more than twice anyway :) So I'm going to have to be careful on that front.

I always worry more about trying to stuff more in coming home.

My knee is almost better, which is good news for the 5K. I may actually be able to run some of it...but I have to be careful because I don't want to be hobbling through the rest of my vacation

Huzzah!!, but yes, please be extra careful!

.I am not panicking yet because usually the forecast for over a week out isn't too accurate, but let's hope they are wrong on the timing because I really am hoping for no delays. I want to get checked in and over to DS as quick as I can to meet up with @DonnaBeeGood for some eats :))

I hope they are wrong as well!! Crossed fingers for you!

And... how on earth did I miss this that you were going with @DonnaBeeGood ?! How incredibly fun, you two!

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