Mercantile at VWL?


May 1, 2001
We will be arriving late Saturday night for a one night stay at All Star Movies, and then move Sunday morning to VWL. We will not have a car on this trip. I'm planning on packing some non-perishables such as cereal and snacks. What food and beverage items are available at the mercantile, and where is the mercantile? Thanks, Michele.
the mercantile is around the corner from the front desk in the WL lobby. It is on the way to the door leading to the walkway to the villas. I don't remeber what food items they have in it, I just stopped in to buy a VWL hat for my collection, since I had bought in the previous day!

They have a mini grocery store. You can find just about anything if you are not brand specific. They do have fresh friut but no fresh vegetables. We usually tote a lot of canned and sealed items, and just buy the perishables there since the groceries there are more expensive. But you can buy just about anything like I said it's just the selection is not great; ie. a jar of peanut butter, 1 kind, 1 size, not a dozen like at the grocery store. They have a large selection of beverages and frozen foods too. Don't forget to buy your refillable mugs, they really save a lot and they are a great reminder when you use them back home. Oh and bring laundry detergent, tablets are the best, and dryer sheets as they will run you a buck a load if you buy it there. The washers and dryers are free though.
We were there the end of January. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the prices on food at the Merchantile. We did pick up some perishables before we got there. We checked in late, about 10 pm. When I was putting stuff away in the room I realized we left the eggs out in the van! I was too tired and so was DH, he said just buy them here tomorrow(and threw the ones away in the van!). I was very surprised when I went to buy the eggs, they were only $1.25 for a dozen. Some other prices I remember were(I think) Tombstone Pizza $5.50, Milk $2.95 1/2 gallon, Packs of deli kind of lunch meats around $6, Haagen Daaz Ice cream $5, Donuts $4, bread $3. I think these prices are pretty close. I don't remeber the prices on the fruit, but I thought it was high. They had a very nice variety of foods, I thought. Have a fun trip!

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