Marathon Weekend 2025

Houstonian here. Our little pocket of Houston was not hit hard, but just 10 minutes from here is completely without power with numerous trees down. Memorial Park where many people run has had a lot of damage due to downed trees. Those were certainly 45 scary minutes last night!

PS - I was supposed to do 5 miles with a magic mile tomorrow. Storm has given me a convenient excuse to delay until Saturday. Always the silver lining…
Good morning RunDisney All-Stars! Welcome to this week's edition of Sundays are for Disney (SAFD). Memorial Day is next week, marking the unofficial start of summer. What are your summer running plans? Do you take a break from running and rest up for the start of training for MW? Focus on cross-training? Power through the summer conditions to be ready for fall races?

SAFD: As someone who thrives on consistency and momentum, I'll be running a normal schedule over the summer. My next race is scheduled for mid-October, which doesn't give me much leeway for downtime, anyway. If I were to stop running and get out of the habit, it would be very hard to pick back up. In addition, I've found that the higher I maintain my base, the fewer nagging issues I encounter during a training plan. So five days a week, it's off into the summer broiler I go!
SAFD: if I stop training, I probably won’t start again. This summer, I have an A race on August 17, the Run for the Kids 10 Miler in Minneapolis. It’s an almost identical course to the 10 Miler I ran on April 7, so it will be interesting to see if improved fitness can overcome the difference in temperature (it was upper 30s, windy, and then rainy for the last mile in April) This training will peak at 27 mpw, and I’ll start my Dopey training afterward.
SAFD: I have a 10k in September so I need to train through the summer. Unless I can get myself out running early on the weekends my runs will be on the treadmill. The places I run have no shade whatsoever and I’m loathe to get going early every single weekend. It gets tough if I don’t use the treadmill.
SAFD: I plan on running consistently during the summer while not on vacation. My weekend long run speed/distance will suffer due to the heat, but that's OK.

I've got the Soldier Field 10 miler in Chicago this coming weekend and then the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Half in August. Looking forward to doing both for the first time!
SAFD: I will be training throughout the summer. When MNSSHP dates were announced we planned our now-annual trip down at the end of summer; but we are staying at Universal this time with the intent of going to Volcano Bay as part of our vacation. While I’m well aware that no one other than myself cares what I look like, my vanity and self-esteem demand I look better then than I do now. Should give a nice platform to dial in a fall training plan to chase PRs in my 10k and Half in January.
SAFD: I’m planning on completing a weight training program (main focus) with a side of running (a la Galloway with 2 short and 1 long per week.) Once we reach August or so, I’ll add in a 4th day of running so I’m in a good place to start Dopey training in September.
This is also me, although I probably won’t do any runs over an hour because Florida summer. I’m also going on vacation next month and while that will involve some hiking and camping, probably not much running.
SAFD: Since I don’t have a fall marathon in the books, I don’t push it too much in the summer and just focus on maintaining a good base. Last summer I had pretty low mileage with all the wildfires and poor air quality. Hopefully no repeat of that!

I’m actually totally off running right now with some shin issues and an upcoming trip that will have me off running for at least five weeks, but I’m hoping when I come back the rest will allow me to get back to running. Doctor and PT don’t think it’s anything serious but I’m being cautious. I will probably start ramping up in August so I’m not too worried yet, though I missed a 10k where I hoped to get a better HM POT so I may add a fall 10k to the books! Though I have trouble training both speed and distance so we will see about that!
I've got the Soldier Field 10 miler in Chicago this coming weekend and then the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Half in August. Looking forward to doing both for the first time!
My DD @Archigeek and I will be running the Soldier Field 10 for the third time next week. I hope you enjoy it; I think it's very well organized with great swag and a chance to sit in Chicago's "front lawn" after the race and enjoy a beer.
SAFD: I just started base building 3 weeks ago. I really didn’t do much training after MW due to a nagging hip issue and a little bit of burn out, but I made it through all my spring races on my built up fitness. So now I have 11 weeks of base building, adding in hip mobility, core workouts, and not skimping on stretching before and afterwards. Then training for a November marathon begins in mid July. I’ll stick with being outside over the treadmill. I can usually go out about 7 in the evening and have enough shade to avoid the sun and be proactive and take water and a cooling towel with me. I’ll still take the heat over cold though.


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