Marathon Weekend 2024

SAFD: I had knee surgery in 2009 and the PT I worked with was an avid runner and Disney fan. In January, 2015, he asked if I would consider running the Wine & Dine half marathon with him. I thought it was a crazy idea. I played soccer and tennis growing up and switched to Ultimate Frisbee in college and adulthood. I found the concept of running not in the service of chasing a ball or frisbee to be supremely boring.

Nevertheless, I agreed to give it a shot and, to my surprise, found running to be surprisingly enjoyable, especially after experiencing my first race, a 10k that April intended to be PoT for W&D when I registered for it. Unfortunately, W&D sold out quickly that year and we were unable to register for it, but I had been bitten by the running bug.

Captivated by the idea of running at Disney, I set my sights on Marathon Weekend, 2016. I initially registered for the 10k & half since that was the original plan for W&D and it seemed a waste to make a whole Disney trip just for the half. I ran my first local half marathon and enjoyed it in June, shortly after registration. Based on that, later in the summer I thought "I'm going to be there anyway, why not try the marathon as a one time bucket list item?" and registered for it.

I was completely captivated by the energy and environment around MW, especially the focus on Dopey. I ended up completing all three races while rehabbing a torn hamstring and knew I'd be back! Running through the parks was exhilarating and Disney is my favorite vacation locale. A match made in heaven. I've been to every MW since, running 6 Dopeys and 2 Goofys, as well as attending 2 DLH weekends, a W&D and a SWDS.

It's not an exaggeration to say that without RunDisney, it's very, very unlikely that I would have come to distance running. Oh, and that "one marathon as a bucket list item?" It's now 14 marathons and 7 ultras. That certainly escalated quickly.

I got into running after DD was born. I couldn't picture doing more than a 5k or MAYBE a 10k. I don't remember how but I heard that there were races at Disney where you could race through the castle. I resolved then and there to build up to the Half distance so I could experience it at least once.

What brings me back is the community. runDisney is, to me, about fun and costumes and personal achievements and runner support and inclusivity. Local races are usually all about results and AG placement. As someone who suffers from chronic anxiety, rD is much better for my mental health (but not for my wallet, eep).
SAFD: My Disney background is that I moved to FL, about 100 miles from WDW, 30 years ago and the WDW parks quickly became a relatively easy, affordable (the perks of being a FL resident and not needing airfare or hotels) place to have some fun as a young, broke adult, and it stuck. My rD introduction came via a friend who ran the WDW Half one year and invited me to hang out with her the next day for a visit - we met up at DHS, where I go to see the last of the marathoners pass by. They looked like normal people like me - not professional athletes - and I already ran regularly for fitness, so I got online, learned about all the races, and registered myself and my son for the PHM 5K the following month. We had a blast and registered for the Expedition Everest race later that spring, and then I registered for the TOT 10-Miler with the same friend who’d introduced me to rD, and I’ve kept coming back for more over the next decade.

What keeps me coming back? the Disney elements that make rD races less “racy”: I’m not there seeking a fast time, and I don’t feel like an outsider doing so there. Even if I don’t stop for all of them, I love the concept of on-course character stops. And running through - and especially backstage of - the parks is so special. And, while I’m fortunate to have local races like Gasparilla that are top-notch events, rD is just that much more special when it comes to logistics and support - I’ve been very spoiled.
SAFD: I knew about RunDisney but had not been a “runner” than in 2015 I decided to sign up for the Gasparilla 5k on a whim… in 2016 with six 5ks under my belt my sisters than still fiancé’s friend was trying to coax us into signing up for the wine & dine half since his girlfriend just did princess and they both were about to do dark side …

We were at a hard No as going from 3 to 13 miles in that short of time was insane to us plus my sisters wedding was two weeks later and what if we injured ourselves?

Than they delayed registration and added the 10k and challenge and we thought a 10k was a reasonable distance (5Ks still had rubber medals at this time and we wanted real bling) and well the rest is history
SAFD: i was never a runner of any kind. While I was trying to get in healthier shape in 2020 (in order to better enjoy WDW vacations 😄), I got an ad on FB for a cumulative virtual medal program, and discovered that I’m bling motivated. Somehow, in 2021, that led to discovering the rD virtual summer series, which I was planning on just walking. But after reading about the Galloway run/walk method, I decided to give it a try and shockingly, I didn’t die! Then I found you wonderful, crazy enablers and the rest is history.

I ran XC and track in high school. Then I went to college and retired from running 🤣. Iwas pretty inactive and slowly put on weight. I’ve been a Disney nerd since high school, but mostly Disneyland. When Disneyland announced the inaugural half marathon in 2006…. I signed up hoping for fitness motivation. That never came. I never trained and didn’t run it. We kept the trip so I do have the shirt!

Flash forward a few years, I’m married and just had a baby. A colicky nightmare baby and I’m battling PPD. I decide to sign up for the Tinkerbell half after buying DVC as a way to lose some weight and have something that was mine. Well surprise! One week into training I found out baby #2 was on the way and due about two weeks after the race in 2012. PS colicky baby is now 12 and the most chill child ever. He’s been that way since he could crawl. He just needed to move haha! I tell people he cried enough the first 6ish months that he’s done.

DH and I are not getting any trimmer or fitter. We slowly start running using couch to 5K. We did a few local races- we like the Dback 5k a lot because you get to run in the ballpark! We are still Disneying regularly. We decide to sign up for the Inaugural Captain America 10k in 2015. Finally I did it! I completed the race! We did the Thor 10K again two years later, which ended up being the last race weekend at DL…. Until now.

We did the Princess Challenge in 2019 for DHs 40th birthday. I absolutely loved it- the castle, the energy, the characters, the people. DH swore he’ll never run a half in FL again… a story for another SAFD. But I’d love to.

Again I struggled with motivation after Princess. I’m motivated now and working on my couch to 5K to restart. This board helps a lot!
SAFD: I had a mental health crisis at the end of 2013, and I was looking for things to look forward to afterward. I had already biked across the country and knew I liked endurance challenges. I had done a 10K and thought a half marathon seemed compelling. I have loved Disney my entire life (my first trip was before I was even 1 year old), and my skating background makes me also love costumes. I somehow found runDisney and signed up for the 2015 half marathon!
I had a bit of a rD hiatus after that (although not necessarily a Disney hiatus— my parents lived in Orlando and now Tampa so I was able to visit the parks on visits home). I was relatively broke so I didn’t really sign up for Disney races, although I did do other driveable races. When I moved to Ohio my exercise greatly dropped for a few years because of grad school. I did some races with friends but was not trained for them (and my performance greatly reflected that). I found OTF in 2019/2020, started to lose some of the weight I’d gained (I’m down like 30-35 lbs now and still slowly and consistently losing), and my neighbors moved in.

My new neighbors are huge Disney/runDisney fans. They do most of the races. I think I was intrigued and signed up for 2021 MW in July (back when registration didn’t close immediately). With that, I also discovered the rD community on social media— here and Instagram— and it has just amplified my love for rD. I love that the races cater to run/walkers like me, I love that I can wear costumes and glitter and not be alone, I love my friends, I love Disney. Maybe someday the shininess of it will dull but I’m glad to be here right now!

(Image description: Goofy and my very young self. He was probably thinking Gawrsh! She’s going to be a runDisney’er— I just know!)

As someone who suffers from chronic anxiety, rD is much better for my mental health (but not for my wallet, eep).
Agreed! Although I am saving money on therapy and meds… (I haven’t had a good time with traditional psychiatric healthcare.)
Then I found you wonderful, crazy enablers and the rest is history.
I do love this group of wonderful, crazy enablers.
I found runDisney in 2012 when I started running. I was reading an article about best first-time marathons (having only run a 5k and 10k at that point) and it was on there. And it mentioned that it was the 20th anniversary in 2013 with that "Mile 20 spectacular." 😂😂

Anyway, I signed up only a few months into my running "career," thinking the 2013 WDW Marathon would be my first and only marathon.

Here we are, eight marathons later (five being the WDW Marathon). I did Dopey this year since it was the 30th anniversary and 10th anniversary of my first marathon.
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SAFD: I’m not really sure how I came to running. I never liked PE growing up, but I did exercise at home, just not running. After having kids, I joined a gym, but I mostly did weight machines, the climbing wall, and walked on the treadmill. I eventually started running a little. DH was in the Army then, and had to do PT tests, so he ran some to get ready for those, and I
guess I started occasionally running then, too. My first 5k was in 2009, I think. I remember being amazed that there were people there doing a 10k, and couldn’t imagine running that far.

In 2012, DH told me that some women from his office were doing a half marathon at Disney in 2013 that had a Princess theme. He asked if I would want to do that. I don’t think I’d run more than a couple of 5ks at that point, and could not get my head around longer distances. When he brought it up a couple of weeks later, though, I signed up, with eight months to train. (I like to say that he confused me with all the talk of a Disney trip, medals, and costumes, and I didn’t know what I was doing). He told me that he would go through the training, too, even though he wasn’t doing the race. Of course, I needed a POT race, so I signed up for a local 10k. I started using the Galloway method, and had a great time at PW2013. We did a local half a few months later, and then W&D. By then, we were hooked. In 2014, I did the Glass Slipper Challenge, then we did W&D again. By 2016, we signed up for the marathon at MW, and came back in 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023.

I‘ve now done 43 halfs, 6 fulls, 2 ultras, and countless shorter distance races. I think about a dozen of my races have been at WDW. Running down Main Street and through the castle never gets old. At this point, I don’t see myself going beyond the half distance any more, but never say never. After a year full of serious medical issues, I’m happy to still be able to complete a half, even if it takes an hour more than it did before. At Disney, that doesn’t really matter, anyway. I’m looking forward to PW next month, and hope we can get in DL in 2024.

I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this thread, and the DIS community. I am glad we have SAFD as a way to get to know each other, and it’s fun to do the meetups and put together names and faces. Having running and a love of Disney in common makes for a great community!
For today’s question - If you are reading this, then at minimum you are at least interested in runDisney, or maybe more like me, you are completely addicted; maybe something in the middle…. So, what brought you to runDisney/what makes you stay?

SAFD: My runD history is way shorter than many here, my first race was Princess weekend in either 2018 or 2019, but for me...

- Generally flat courses
- Usually warm/good weather (I really really love warm weather running and strongly dislike cold weather running, lol!)
- A reason to plan a Disney trip (not that it really takes much!), and sometimes can make them a rare adults only trip
- The unspoken camaraderie among thousands of strangers who have all made similar life choices that put us in the Epcot parking lot at 3am (actually this is one of the parts I find oddly addicting to the whole thing)
- A reason to have a fitness goal/plan (with two kids and constantly evolving schedules/life needs, we have found having a race weekend somewhere on the calendar is something we can generally make work and helps keep from slipping into 'I'm too busy to workout' habits)
- I'm not really a character person but I am a big parks person, so the time in the parks either onstage or backstage has a ton of appeal that has to date not gotten old (except maybe that stretch backstage past Mission Space/Test Track and between GotG buildings - having just finished Dopey I'd be OK never seeing that section ever again)
SAFD: I've been a runner for over 20 years when I ran track and xc in high school. Sometimes more into it than others. But after my oldest daughter was born in 2010, I struggled with ppd. Running turned into something I could do for myself, gave me some time to myself, and a way to calm my mind.
How I got into rD, well it was accidental! I've been a big Disney fan my entire life but because of school and family schedules we always went in the summer. In 2015, we were able to go right after New Years and we overlapped with marathon weekend. I saw everyone walking around with medals and was instantly curious! After that trip, I joined groups like this one and learned more about rD races. I knew it was a dream of mine to make it to one of them at least once. Last year, 2022, I was able to run the princess half and it was magical....pairing 2 of my favorite things Disney and running! My goal is to now participate in each weekend at least once. 2024 will hopefully be my second rD weekend with doing goofy challenge marathon weekend!
SAFD: In 2010, we happened to be at WDW for Princess weekend. I saw all these women walking around with their medals, and I was like "Wait, WHAT?? There are races here??". I had no idea! I was just trying to get back into a fitness routine after having kids, and I have always been a huge Disney nerd (former DL cast member, here!).
So - I decided to run my first half marathon at Princess 2011. Running down mainstreet, thru the castle, the character stops, and the emotion of the finish line had me hooked! I came back for my first marathon in 2013, lured by the the 20th anniversary (still my most FAVORITE medal of all time!). This led to getting me into Ironman triathlons, and a goal to complete all the World Marathon Majors. I'm not sure any of that would have happened without rD inspiring me to get into distance running!
I have done many Disney race weekends since, including 7 marathon weekends (3 dopeys!), every SW Darkside weekend, one DL race for the last SW lightside, one W&D and another Princess. I keep coming back because the races are so well organized, the bling is *usually* awesome, and running through the parks and getting character pictures still holds a lot of magic for me. Plus - it's a good excuse for a Disney trip!
Was not a runner until my mid-40's. I somehow stumbled upon being able to run in Disney. My thought was I could have an excuse to get to Disney if I signed up for the race. It was a no brainer.

The first Disney race we ran was the 2018 Princess Half. Seeing the apple medal was then end of any thoughts of not attending a future Disney race. I love that medal. I am hooked and have an unhealthy obsession with collecting those darn medals.
For today’s question - If you are reading this, then at minimum you are at least interested in runDisney, or maybe more like me, you are completely addicted; maybe something in the middle…. So, what brought you to runDisney/what makes you stay?
SAFD: I've always been an on and off runner. Train for a race, race, stop running until I sign up for another race. We've always been a big Disney family and when the pandemic hit I started exercising a lot more to get a break. I signed up for the 2021 marathon (cancelled) and then the 2022 marathon which I switched to Dopey. I always intended to go solo. I was drowning with two young kids during the pandemic and I thought this would be the best break for me. Exercise + Disney. Came back for another solo 2023 Dopey. I'm always the trip manager on our family trips which means I'm making sure everyone else is fed, happy, sleeping, getting up, etc while I'm relaxing zero. So the solo rD trips are for me and a welcome break. I plan to continue this now tradition and I hope as my kids get older maybe they will want to join me. But for now, these weekends are for me to eat wherever I want, shop, sleep without interruption, go at my own pace...well MW weekend at least! The family decided to crash my SS weekend, but we turned it into our big yearly trip so it'll be a fun combination trip.
Sort of happened on accident. My first half was in May 2015 in Atlantic City. I was probably looking at a Star Wars news site for info on TFA or something when I found out about the race weekend in Anaheim the following year. I had never been to DL and have several friends in the area so it seemed like a neat idea for my second half. Liked it enough that I signed up again next year for DL, and then Dark Side Challenge at WDW in Spring (my first trip since 2000 😳). After that I was content to take a break until signing up for Dark Side in 2020, partly to see GE, which obviously didn’t happen. I then had way too much time to think about what I might do when it returned and it went from SW (until they announced it wasn’t coming back) to the full, to Dopey.

Hard to answer the question about why I come back bc my motivation was different with each race weekend, but the end result is all the same: it’s a fun time and the races are unlike anything I’ve done otherwise.
SAFD: Disney family with DVC. Used to run ultras because of an “addictive personality“ as my wife says. Son had a brain tumor at 4 so we first started at Princess Weekend as a fundraiser for Noah’s Light (Now Dragon Master) which was directed towards pediatric brain tumors.
Several years later and not running for some years… Daughter reminded me I promised to run Dopey with her when she turned 18. So… 2022 we signed up, trained, and completed it.
This year, 2023, I had to return again. This time running for Give Kids the World and Stop Soldier Suicide with USAA. My “addictive personality“ had to return.
And because of my “addictive personality“ I will hope to return again 2024.
SAFD: I have always been a recreational runner, and had a dream of running a marathon *someday*. Well, I got into my 40's and felt like my window for doing this was closing (Yes, I know that's dumb, I'm in my 50's and still running marathons. anyway...). I had a lot of concerns about choosing which marathon to do, and when I saw an ad for the WDW Marathon in Runner's World in 2013, I looked into it further and it checked all the boxes:
1) It is a good time of year for my training and race travel: Always falls over my winter break.
2) It's flat and I'm the World's Laziest Distance Runner (TM): I hate hills and will go out of my way to avoid them, especially on a 26.2 mile run.
3) Size: I was not then, and am not now, a competitive-pace runner. Even less so when I was picking my first. If I did a small. local marathon, I had a real concern I would be last. I know somebody has to be in every race but I didn't want it to be me. The bigger the race, the less the possibility of that.
4) Distractions: Lots of on-course entertainment and spectators to keep me from the misery that surely would come with running that far. Decent transportation for DH to be able to travel around and support me on race day.
5) Logistics: I know people like to complain about runDisney logistics, including transportation, which I know isn't perfect. But in most other big races you do, in any city, you are walking at minimum a mile (usually more) after the race is over, just to get to transportation to your hotel/home. When I tell other runners that Disney has buses waiting a few hundred yards from the finish line (at max) to drop you at your hotel, they salivate. Even people who are not into Disney. My legs are always shot after a marathon and just being able to stagger to an air conditioned bus has been a life saver.

I hesitated registering for my first Disney Marathon, because it seemed crazy to travel so far just to run a race. But after my first, I was pretty hooked. I only ran my first non-Disney Marathon in 2021 and will run Chicago in 2023, but after that I may just stick to WDW Marathons (or Philadelphia, my home town) if I ever do one again. Just so much fun. And of course the community is like no other.
SAFD: I was very much not a runner, but I did it from time-to-time just to get some exercise. My ex wanted to do a runDisney race, so I did the fall feast Animal Kingdom 5k as my first runDisney and was hooked from there. It took some time for me to get comfortable with longer distances, but the energy and positivity from rD was my springboard to becoming the regular distance runner I am today.

As for what keeps me coming back? I am not registered for any rD races at the moment, so that remains to be seen!
SAFD: I played a lot of sports and did some sprinting as a kid but never ran just to run. I graduated from college and moved to FL for a job and wanted to get back into my peak pre-undergrad shape. I was lifting and one of my friends challenged me to do a 5K. I did it and fell in love with racing.

That was February and come June I moved back to Ohio and started doing longer runs. I had an annual pass that was good through February of the following year so I decided to do the half to get one last trip out of my AP. It was my first half (2006) and I loved it.

I love Disney and we go often and since I try to do races on vacation it is a natural fit. I am not a big fan of rD because I do not life for-profit companies doing races. I prefer non-profit local events so while I love Disney I don't love RunDisney. I've done a total of 8 Disney races (7 in FL and one in CA) over the 17 years.
SAFD: We had been loving family vacas to Disney for a couple years and DH and I wanted an excuse to go to Disney without our kids, so we started running and signed up for our first RunDisney event. We were firmly not runners and I wanted to just do the 10k, but it was sold out, so we signed up for the challenge (W&D 2017)!

What keeps me coming back - tradition, fun running in costume, chance of meeting rare characters on the course, trying out new-to-us Disney hotels and dining options.


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