Yep, my calf muscles and now my right achilles are sore after my 8-miler last night, though I think it was more from the 16-miler I did this past weekend. I am going to take tonight off, then rest a couple of days and hopefully be ready to do 12 on Saturday. We'll see how that goes...
So, I didn't run my 12 miler yesterday. I've been religiously icing and elevating my right ankle/achilles. Also, I went to the local running store and bought my first ever pair of compression socks. Man these things make a big difference! Anyway, I knew that I still need to keep my fitness up, so... I went to the University Rec Center and did a long swim. Now, I haven't swam (for laps) in a good while, so I now have a good appreciation of swimmers!

However, earlier today, we had the Jingle Bell Run here in Tuscaloosa and my daughter was the honoree, so I felt like I needed to run. I took it really slow and easy and finished in a little over 31 minutes, but my achilles doesn't feel too much worse for the wear. Came home and iced/elevated it for about 30 minutes. I plan on a run/walk mix this week and we'll see how it goes...
For those who carry a small camera, which one do you have and how small is it?

I have had two of these over the years and love them for races/beaches etc. And they survived being dropped mid race- where my phone would not have. It is about the size of a deck of cards. Costco usually has specials deals on them this time of year. For me these races are all about the fun photos! And the bling!


Pre-race nutrition. Peanut butter sandwich. Sometimes a blueberry poptart also. Water to drink.

During run. I wear a belt and add on two hydration bottles (for a full. Just one for a half) that told eight ounces each. I carry one pack of fruit snacks per five miles, so two for a half and five for a full. My phone stays in the belt. And that's it. What else do I need? For training runs, my car keys are in there plus backup toilet paper, but that's it.

Carry phone, earbuds, ID, tissues.

For nutrition I will hydrate for the 48 hours prior. During the race I will have my salt sticks and maybe some cold bacon. I may bring a pack of nut butter in case of emergency fuel. Other than that, I'm good.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

We have a guest Sundays are for Disney question this week (sorry, I don’t remember who asked it). What does everyone plan to carry during their race(s) and how do you plan to carry it? Chews, gels, snacks, water? Running belts? Arm bands?

I’ll add to this, since we're talking about intake, what’s your nuitrition strategy the morning of the race(s)?

For the full at Disney, I carry a two gels, one sleeve of bloks, one pack of Sport Beans, a BASE salt vial, and my phone in a SPI belt. I never intend to consume all the fuel. I like to have extra with me to hand out to people who need it along the way, which happens more often than one might think. For pre-race nutrition, I have a Clif bar and some Tailwind when I wake up, and a packet of Sport Beans 10-15 minutes before my corral starts.
I’m only doing the 10k, so will be traveling light with my phone, Id, room key, and a bit of cash. For a half, i’d add chapstick, a few tissues, and some energy chews.

Great job getting it done @KimM530 - I only did a 5k in MA, but the rain that was supposed to taper off, never did! At least it was relatively warm?!

Sending high fives to anyone in the CT/New England area on the Galloway plan who managed to get through their run in the cold, rainy, miserable weather today. I modified the milage of my last couple runs because I didn't see the need to get up to 26 miles in training, so I did 22 miles today. The weather made it suck, but I was glad I got it done. Only one more sim weekend to go!

SAFD: I use a Flipbelt to hold my phone, Gu, water bottles when I am training, and ID/credit card. I love the Flipbelt because it stays securely in place during the run and holds plenty of stuff at the same time. I have used Gu exclusively for all race training. I've always felt like it has done the job. My favorite flavor is the toasted marshmallow!
Timely question as my dh and I were just talking about this yesterday on our run. For the full what we carry will be partially dictated by the weather. If it's going to be hot and I'm worried about electrolytes, we'll likely carry handheld water bottles with our go-to drink, Replay. If the temps are cooler, then we thought this year we'd just stick with the water and powerade/gatorade (don't remember which runDisney uses) that is provided and spare ourselves carrying something in our hands. I'm running in a Sparkleskirt which has massive pocket capacity, so no belts for us. I carry my phone in one pocket and then usually some sport beans and cliff bars as well. I think we are going to bring along some mini pretzels or something as well. Usually by the time we hit WWoS, we are dying for something salty. Last year, spectators had some things like that and they tasted so good at that point!

Before the race we've done things like cereal in the room, but think we will take bagels or something with us this time to eat in the corral so it's closer to race time. I'm intrigued by the idea of the uncrustables though. Never thought of that before.
SAFD: I wear a flip belt and will carry sport beans, little plastic bag that has tissues, tylenol & immodium (which I always have in my belt, have never used, but like to "just in case"), phone, airpods/case. Tempted to bring a little baggie of "real food," but not sure what that would be. I am also thinking about bringing my little external battery for my phone. I don't plan on bringing my water bottle and will just use the water on the course, but that might change.
I will eat a stroop waffle (or 2) before the race.

So, I didn't run my 12 miler yesterday. I've been religiously icing and elevating my right ankle/achilles. Also, I went to the local running store and bought my first ever pair of compression socks. Man these things make a big difference! Anyway, I knew that I still need to keep my fitness up, so... I went to the University Rec Center and did a long swim. Now, I haven't swam (for laps) in a good while, so I now have a good appreciation of swimmers!

However, earlier today, we had the Jingle Bell Run here in Tuscaloosa and my daughter was the honoree, so I felt like I needed to run. I took it really slow and easy and finished in a little over 31 minutes, but my achilles doesn't feel too much worse for the wear. Came home and iced/elevated it for about 30 minutes. I plan on a run/walk mix this week and we'll see how it goes...
I am so sorry that your achilles/ankle is bothering you! These aches and pains are so frustrating, but I think you did the right thing.
I didn't run my 16 miler last weekend because of a really achy foot. I still did a few 4 mile runs that week before and also a long swim, but just knew a long run would sideline me for so much longer. Missing a long run is the pits. I decided to average my missed 16 mile run and the scheduled 12 miles and did 14 miles yesterday, so hoping that was a good idea...
Here's to us both of us feeling back to 100% in no time!
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

We have a guest Sundays are for Disney question this week (sorry, I don’t remember who asked it). What does everyone plan to carry during their race(s) and how do you plan to carry it? Chews, gels, snacks, water? Running belts? Arm bands?

I’ll add to this, since we're talking about intake, what’s your nuitrition strategy the morning of the race(s)?
SAFD: I'm doing the 5K, 10K and Marathon - different plans for each race:

5K: Inhaler, car key, 1 gel (because I take my sweet time out there and my blood sugar will drop before I'm done and back to my car), lip balm, phone. How I'll carry things will depend on what I wear - either pockets of a skort/capris/tights or a running belt.

10K: Inhaler, car key, 2 gels, lip balm, phone. Carried in pockets.

Marathon: Inhaler, car key, 7 gels, lip balm, sunscreen, ID and a $20 in case I want a drink in WS, phone, handheld water bottle, 2 emergency glucose tablets, 3-4 Nuun tablets. I use a racing belt with little elastic loops that hold gels, which frees up my pockets to hold the rest, with the glucose and Nuun tabs going in a pocket on my water bottle. I normally use an armband to carry my phone, but have found that a leg pocket is better when I need to remove layers along the way (I thread my ear buds cord under my innermost shirt, so it doesn't get caught when I peel off outer layers), as well as for pulling the phone out to snap pics.

Morning nutrition: Breakfast in my room, about 45 mins before departure - either a piece of toast with PB, banana slices and honey, or oatmeal with blueberries, and coffee with plenty of hot milk. Then, an hour before I expect to start, either a granola bar or 1/2 a PBJ sandwich and some water.

And you didn't ask, but I'll add anyway - post-race, I keep a shelf-stable container of chocolate milk in my car and drink that as soon as I get in to get my blood sugar back up and get some protein in me.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

We have a guest Sundays are for Disney question this week (sorry, I don’t remember who asked it). What does everyone plan to carry during their race(s) and how do you plan to carry it? Chews, gels, snacks, water? Running belts? Arm bands?

I’ll add to this, since we're talking about intake, what’s your nuitrition strategy the morning of the race(s)?

I plan to carry a hand held water bottle that I always run with and it has a pouch that I'll put my inhaler in. I'll carry my nutrition in one side pocket of my leggings and my phone in the other side pocket. I'll carry cards (ID, insurance, etc,) in the back zipper pocket of the leggings.

As far as nutrition, I practiced that in my half this past weekend and it worked pretty well. Starting at three miles, I'll take a little bit at every mile marker. I'll alternate between a clif shot block or a couple gold fish crackers. And I'll have nuun in my water bottle.
ATTQOTD: My pockets are feeling heavy just reading these! I don't like having a lot of stuff on me and have learned to despise belts of any type. I figure if I need bandainds, etc that's what the med tents are for. I'll drink the course water and sports drinks.

Half Marathon
3 gel packets in my short or capri pockets.
Some just in case cash and my drivers liscense in a baggie in my shorts.
Carry my phone in hand then shove it in my shorts pocket. (Dis races I end up carrying my phone a ton bc of pics, in other races I keep it in an armband)
Wear wireless earbuds but only turn up the volume when not in the parks.
Wear magic band

That's it.

I did the exact same setup for my marathon this year but added one backup pair of headphones in a plastic bag and doubled on the gel packs shoved in my pockets.
I honestly haven't put much thought into it but that will be on my agenda for my next long run. I've been so stressed about whether or not I can even do this crazy thing!!

5k & 10K- just my phone in my pocket (if I wear bottoms with a pocket. Again, I have not planned well so far)
Half- Nathan hand-held water bottle with Nuun. And an extra tab in the pocket to refill at a water station. And maybe a few tootsie rolls. Phone in my pocket.
Full- Nathan hydration pack filled with Tailwind. In those pockets I will have a Kind bar, tootsie rolls, my phone/earbuds, and maybe some lemonheads. (I crave candy when I run!)

Pre race - Coffee x 2 in the room, Kind bar or Luna bar on the bus, and a banana while waiting around.

Well I always struggle with nutrition on long runs, but I think I have come to a decent place now that I have realized I need a fair amount of calories during a half or full marathon.

Pre-Race : Coffee and bagel with PB in the room with Nuun, honey stinger 15 minutes or so before race start.

During Race :
  • I wear a fitletic Hydra belt with two 8 oz bottles I use for water/tailwind mix (typically about 4 servings or 400 calories worth of tailwind - *side note this stuff is great for anyone who has any GI issues during races, wish I could carry more easily)
  • Phone in belt for pictures and music as needed
  • Wear Jabra Elite Active earbuds which are off and on during the race
  • 2 honey stingers - I have found eating real food in addition to tailwind really helps me - usually around miles 10 and 20 or so
  • 2 bags of sports beans with caffeine just in case - I don't care for them but are needed sometimes
  • Saltsticks - just discovered these and they have been great!
  • ID and Credit Card just in case
Love hearing what everyone else brings/uses. There are so many options out there, I know this is an area I am constantly tinkering with.
My nutrition and hydration is a little over kill, but I get very hangry when I run.

Pre-race I’ll be having leftovers from Le Cellier. It sounds a little crazy to have filet and risotto before a marathon and at 3:30 AM, but it has worked for me for my previous runDisney half’s.

I think I’ve decided to carry my Nathan hydration vest. My SPIbelt has been annoying me recently and I don’t like to weigh down my pockets. I’ll have a Skratch mix in one bottle and water in my 1.5L bladder. My other bottle is a little wonky so I put my phone in the bottle pocket. I alternate water and Skratch each mile, and I take a tiny sip after each 3 minute interval. Towards the end, I do drink more water than Skratch. If I run out of Skratch, I’ll use the Powerade at the tables.

I think I will use 3 sleeves of Cliff Bloks and 3 SiS gels (+1 for the corrals). I’m leaning towards a gel at 7, 14 and 21. The other miles I will have 1 Blok. I’ll be short 2 bloks, but I will probably be over them by mile 20. I’ll also have a baggie of pretzels in case I have the urge for real food and not something sweet. I’m allergic to peanuts and tree nuts so my options for real food that’s easy to carry is limited. I don’t like beef jerky, but I’m open to trying different types to see if that works. My kind pressed fruit bars are too sweet after I’ve had all the bloks and gels.

I definitely need to remember tissues. I’ll have my ID in my shorts pocket and I’ll be wearing a Magic Band.

Great info everybody... this is a really cool topic.
  • 5-K and 10-K - I will have lip balm (a must) in my pocket, and a flipbelt with my phone and probably some cash. I will probably consume a GU before each of these races, but won't carry any other fuel or hydration.
  • Half - same as above, but I will carry a GU and consume after the first hour, and take a couple of Clif Shot Blocks during the last few miles (all in my pockets)
  • Full - same as the Half, but I will carry another GU and more Clif Shock Blocks. I typically don't carry hydration as the aid stations usually provide enough for me, and I time my consumption of GU's and shot blocks to coincide with them.
I will carry my phone for pictures, and I asked for wireless ear buds for Christmas, so I'm guessing I'll take these and listen to music. I've always ran races with an iPod shuffle, so it will be a bit of an adjustment, but hopefully not too difficult.

For GU's my favorite flavors are Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Outrage and Salted Caramel, but I might try Toasted Marshmallow given the recommendation above from another poster. For Clif Shot Blocks I like Fruit Punch and Mountain Berry, but I am really digging the Salted Watermelon I tried for the first time this weekend.
This seems like a good place/time to offer this little tip I learned, utilize, and like to pass on...

Those little plastic contact lens cases with the screw-tops? Are fantastic conveyances for on-the-run sunscreen and/or Vaseline! I put sunscreen in one side and Vaseline in the other and carry it on long runs/races so I can apply/reapply sunscreen (because I'm slow and I live in FL - reapplication is critical!). The Vaseline was originally brought along when I broke a toe and the buddy-taping was causing friction blisters, but was a race-saver at PHM when I lost my lip balm before I even started running.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
And I know having kids can equal TONS OF STUFF while in the park whether you like it or not.

I personally am a very light park packer. I tend to just spend more $$$ if I need something instead of having to carry it around just in case I may need it. I'm the one you ask yourself about when in the gift shops thinking "who would spend $15 on sunscreen" etc. I just don't like being weighed down, and it's the same for races.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
And I know having kids can equal TONS OF STUFF while in the park whether you like it or not.

I personally am a very light park packer. I tend to just spend more $$$ if I need something instead of having to carry it around just in case I may need it. I'm the one you ask yourself about when in the gift shops thinking "who would spend $15 on sunscreen" etc. I just don't like being weighed down, and it's the same for races.
I pack everything going down & I carry a backpack in the parks with all sorts of things from bandaids to snacks (I'm picky before races) to extra socks.
For races though I like as little on me as possible, less is better.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
I'd say I'm about the same in both areas: I pack the things I absolutely must have, but strive to do so in the most compact ways I can. And in both cases, health issues trump any desire to carry nothing: hypoglycemia means I don't mess around with fuel - always adequate gels for a race and snacks for a park day, exercise-induced asthma means the bulky inhaler can't be left behind, and major skin sensitivity means I need my own tried-and-true sunscreen, so that comes, too. For park days, that means a small cross-body bag, and for races it means pockets.


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