Major Rehab Planned for Poseidon's Fury


Nov 12, 1999
Here's the big news of the week folks:

Poseidon's Fury will be CLOSING at the end of the day on Saturday, April 21st for approximately 2 months.

Tentative date for reopening is June 22nd.

Here's what I can release on the rehab:

- Major retheming of the entire attraction
- Complete change of the storyline and films
- Major effects will remain (Cartouche, Vortex, and Room Drop)
- New theme will be an archeological dig site - complete retheming of all interiors and some to the exterior
- Poseidon will be the good guy
- Keeper will be an archeologist (new costuming)
- Rehab will include ALOT of work to improve current effects.
- Don't be surprised if the name changes as well

I am REALLY excited about the new storyline and effects - this new show will BLOW AWAY the old one.

And that's all I can say at this point.

So! Come see us on or before April 21st to see Poseidon's Fury: Escape from the Lost City - for one of it's final performances. To those of you with scheduled trips between April 22nd and June 22nd, I'm sorry you won't be able to see one of the best hidden secrets of Universal.

Now you can discuss the topic all you want, unfortunately, questions on the new show, etc, can not be elaborated on by people like Earl and I. Most important is the information on the temporary closure to help you better plan your trips. :cool:
Wow! Sounds cool!


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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I am so upset. My fiance and I were looking forward to seeing the show but we're arriving April 22nd. One day late - what luck do we have? I'm sure we'll have a great time anyway!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the heads up! Sounds interesting..

Any tips on how to catch the last show of the day on the 21st?
All I can say is, phew!! Last year, we missed Poseidon's fury. The saturday that we came home, there was a show about Universal on TV, and they did a spot on PF. My son was so ticked that we had missed it. We are going back in two weeks and I'm so relieved it will still be there!....and, of course this adds yet another reason to go again next year!!!!
I'm really really dissapointed that PF is being closed on the 22nd April. My then wife and I will be visiting Orlando for 3 weeks for our honeymoon and we have planned on going to IOA for 3 days and US for 1, it is such a great shame that PF is closing as this was one of the rides my other half really wanted to see.

I often complain that the parks here in England close for a few months in the year because of our pathetic weather, but atleast it gives them a chance to make changes to the rides without effecting the guests. I'm not having a go at the way things are run in Orlando because you guys are the masters at it, but it is very dissapointing to have rides shut down when guests are in the park.

Oh well, these things happen :(

Thanks for the heads up, CoasterFev. I'm a little bummed tho. I too am going to be at IOA starting 4/22. Somehow, it seems more tragic to miss the show by a day. But I really appreciate the early information.

Guess I'll just have to see the new show in September!!!! :)
Yes it's true. Just found out yesterday. I think it's a great idea. I can verify that everything in Coaster's post is true. Things can change fairly quickly sometimes...
Am I the only person who didn't care for PF? There were some cool special effects, but the story itself was rather lame. I think the new show sounds much more interesting!
I'm sorry to here that Poseidon will be down when we visit in May. I have never seen the show, since it was down the last time we visited.
do you think that it could be changing to The Mummy since the new film will be out by then? and that they are getting rid of the keeper and replacing it with an arch.
hey guys i went in 2000 and missed that show can anyone tell me if it was good cause i wont be going for a while.
We thought the old show was pretty awesome..hope this new show is as good.....Universal parks are so good in our opinion..... :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


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No, it's not changing to the Mummy. CoasterFev's description is correct. Sorry, but that's all there is to say.
hey i am kinda glad to hear you say that earl i dont think the mummy would fit into that island to good and i haven't seen the first show yet so i hope they just make that one better.

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!!
:D :D
:cool: :D

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coasterfev what do you mean when you said about you wont be able to see one of universals best hidden secrets?

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!!
:D :D
Coaster, we will be at IOA, ironically, on June 22. Are the refurbs usually on schedule, or do they typically exceed the target date as do many projects regardless of the company responsible? I assume the completion date estimate includes test runs to work bugs out?

In other words, do you think we will get lucky on the 22nd? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
hey xl is it is back up could you tell me how it was i will be going back in 2002.

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!
:D :D


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