LuvLuvLuv's Memories TR Starts Pg 73 - Honeymoon Day 6.1

Bit late but happy honeymooning!

Looking on my phone it says 18celcius for LA (not sure how close to DL that is) so hopefully you have swimming weather. Here in the UK it is nearly 9.30pm and it is -1!! My brother gets married on Saturday so we are really hoping it is dry and a little bit warmer!
Deena - Your plans sound wonderful ! I wish DL was not so far away, I really want to go back there but I absolutely hate the long flight.
Happy Friday back at ya :banana:

The long flight there was ehhhh... but coming back didn't seem so bad! I definately want to go back!!

Have fun on your HM! Hope everything is wonderful!

Thank you!!

I look forward to your report!!! And pics!!! I can see HRH and I jumping a flight to DL :hug: Safe travels my friend!:wizard:

Yeah.... she's gonna wanna go :rolleyes1

Deena--Hope you are having a wonderful time on your honeymoon! I'm so glad that some of the financial pressure is off and that you'll be less stressed for this trip; hopefully you will have a wonderful time!!

Can't wait to hear all about it and to see your honeymoon pictures!! popcorn::

Have fun!

Thank you!! I can't wait to post them!!

Hi Deena! I found your PJ/TR waaaaaay back at the beginning of January and I have been spending every spare moment of my life reading about your ups and downs of your DFTW! It was so suspenseful reading page after page, because I could tell by your picture that you obviously got married prior to November 2012, and also, as you posted dresses that you liked, I was like nope, not gonna end up being the one! You do such a good job of expressing your emotions in words that I feel like I have been there with you through it all! I am so glad that you and your DH are living Happily Ever After! If you keep writing, I'll keep reading!!!!

PS- I'm from Richmond, IN which is not far from Cincy, a lot of my friends have bought their dresses on Bridal Row! (I now live in Texas, though) AND I'm happy to say that DF and I penciled in December 9, 2012 with DFTW!!! WP and Whitehall Room!! Let the planning begin!!!


Thanks for joining in and reading!! Congrats on your planning a DFTW!! Have so much fun and enjoy it!!

Bit late but happy honeymooning!

Looking on my phone it says 18celcius for LA (not sure how close to DL that is) so hopefully you have swimming weather. Here in the UK it is nearly 9.30pm and it is -1!! My brother gets married on Saturday so we are really hoping it is dry and a little bit warmer!

It wasn't quite swimming weather, but it was beautiful!! No rain, but comfy in long sleeves and long pants--and sometimes a t-shirt in the middle of the day. I hope your brother had a great wedding!!
I wasn't really planning on updating this week--I kind of needed a mental break. But then I figured--why wait?

We landed on Saturday night and this is how it went down:

*Family Drama #1 (kind of just odd and sketchy)
*Family Drama #2 (the kind that makes your head spin, freak, and pop a pill)
*DH asks if I just want him to drive us home that night instead of staying over
* Get home at 3:00am
* Find that our ceiling is leaking and it looks not-so-great
* Fall Asleep
* Get a better look at the ceiling in the daylight and find papers that outline it's not covered by the HOA :headache:
* Lay around all day, DH goes to Superbowl party, I stay home and mope and try to mentally sort out the family stuff.
* Get a text from my boss to be 30 minutes early on Monday
* Get to bed reallllly late from jet lag
* Get up realllllly early and get to work
* Mandatory meeting up the street in a conference room.
* Company got sold and our last day is May 1.
* My first thought: Thank God I didn't book that Wishes wedding.
* Next thought: What are you going to do with your life :confused3
* Then: Feeling kind of strong since I had a feeling it would happen in 2012-just didn't expect it yet.
* Since then: Completely Numb and Staring at the Wall.

Plus my condo is a hot mess from luggage and bring tons of my belongings from my family's house that I don't have room for. The mess is giving me the shakes--but my energy is sooo non existant that it'll just have to wait. My camera is somewhere in that mess, so I hope for forgiveness if I don't start the TR for a week or two.

We had an amazing time, and I have TONS of photos! We did lots of comparisons and liked some better in DL and some better in WDW. The hotels were great, and I already know I want to go back.

Because my last day is May 1... I needed to back up my April vaca. As of now, we're going May 3-8 at Coronado Springs. I think a moderate will be most appropriate being that we're trying to save some money--but I definately will need a real pick-me-up after the final day. It's booked, but as always--subject to change.

On the bright side--I still have a second job. I'm going to talk to them tomorrow to see what my options for full time are.

For now.. I'm going to sit at my desk.. read the boards since I don't have much to do... and wish I was at home under the covers. I just have to keep remembering that everything happens for a reason.

I'll be back soon to get this party started :wizard:
I'm glad to read you had an amazing time. You definitely deserved an amazing honeymoon :lovestruc

I hope things work out well with your job situation :hug: You already seem to have a great attitude about the situation, which will definitely help.

Can't wait to see pics from you honeymoon :goodvibes
Just from that outline I am soooo eager to know what happened!

I'm sorry to hear about your job. Thank goodness you have a second one! Let us know how it goes!
Ah! Deena, I'm so sorry to hear about all that stress and not so fun stuff! =[ You're always welcome to hitch hike over to NJ to hang out for a few days! I'm always here for ya! =]

On the upside, I can't wait to hear about your review of DL and what you liked better there than WDW and vice versa. Especially since I've been there recently too!
One year, you and your Dave and me and my Dave should try and plan a trip around each other! We'll be out to California again for sure, since his uncle lives there!

Keep your head up. You're so right. Everything definitely happens for a reason. <3
I went crazy and missed a bit but I'm back!! :goodvibes
Looking forward to hearing about your DL trip!! Sad the Mandara Spa doesnt have good reviews anymore, we went I think in 07 and it was good then!

I definitely agree everything happens for a reason, and great that you at least have a 2nd job that you can maybe do full time while you look for something else? And you have til May to adjust too. You definitely seem to be in a good state of mind about it!

I love the staged posts on FB... totally something I would do ;)
"Last minute trip"... psh. haha what crap!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your job and having to deal with more family drama. I hope something comes through with your other job.

My brothers wedding went great, we all had so much fun. My 3 year old who can definitely have her naughty moments was an angel all day. It did snow in the afternoon, after we had finished with outside photos, but as no gritters had been out, it settled and taxi's stopped taking bookings and buses stopped running so loads more people had to stay at the hotel overnight as they couldn't get home!

Can't wait to hear more about your honeymoon.
Wow, that sucks! I'm so sorry, but I have to say that even though I only know you through the internet--you seem like a very resourceful and intelligent person, so I know you'll get through this. And of course, we're all here to cheer you on!
:hug: we r here 2 give u support.. I'm glad u had a good time.. U know what at least u have another job & money is still flowing in.. Keep ur head up.. Alot can happen between now & may 1st.. I will keep u n my prayers.. Hey u r having more vacays between oct-may then I did in ages! I would luv 2 b traveling as much as u :rotfl:

I am so sorry about your job. Hopefully, you find something even better soon. :hug:

Can't wait to hear about DL.
Deena, I'm really sorry to hear about your job. I know it's cliche but everything happens for a reason. You will land on your feet; you always do!

I can't wait to hear what you think of Disneyland! I love hearing about it through new eyes. :goodvibes
Hey Deena, glad you had fun on your honeymoon. I've never been to DL and DH says we prob wont ever go, so I'm really looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Sorry about your job situation, that really is sucky. :sad2:

fingers crossed things will work themselves out for you :tinker:xx
Hey girl, I hope all is well and that things are working out for the best with your job situation. Prayin' for ya!
I'm so sorry to hear about the job situation and that you had more family drama to contend with. I'm sorry you live so far away I'm hiring right now! You are so bright and fun I am sure you will quickly find something! Looking forward to hearing about your honeymoon. I've never been to DL and am curious to get your perspective!
Take care
I wasn't really planning on updating this week--I kind of needed a mental break. But then I figured--why wait?

We landed on Saturday night and this is how it went down:

*Family Drama #1 (kind of just odd and sketchy)
*Family Drama #2 (the kind that makes your head spin, freak, and pop a pill)
*DH asks if I just want him to drive us home that night instead of staying over
* Get home at 3:00am
* Find that our ceiling is leaking and it looks not-so-great
* Fall Asleep
* Get a better look at the ceiling in the daylight and find papers that outline it's not covered by the HOA :headache:
* Lay around all day, DH goes to Superbowl party, I stay home and mope and try to mentally sort out the family stuff.
* Get a text from my boss to be 30 minutes early on Monday
* Get to bed reallllly late from jet lag
* Get up realllllly early and get to work
* Mandatory meeting up the street in a conference room.
* Company got sold and our last day is May 1.
* My first thought: Thank God I didn't book that Wishes wedding.
* Next thought: What are you going to do with your life :confused3
* Then: Feeling kind of strong since I had a feeling it would happen in 2012-just didn't expect it yet.
* Since then: Completely Numb and Staring at the Wall.

Plus my condo is a hot mess from luggage and bring tons of my belongings from my family's house that I don't have room for. The mess is giving me the shakes--but my energy is sooo non existant that it'll just have to wait. My camera is somewhere in that mess, so I hope for forgiveness if I don't start the TR for a week or two.

We had an amazing time, and I have TONS of photos! We did lots of comparisons and liked some better in DL and some better in WDW. The hotels were great, and I already know I want to go back.

Because my last day is May 1... I needed to back up my April vaca. As of now, we're going May 3-8 at Coronado Springs. I think a moderate will be most appropriate being that we're trying to save some money--but I definately will need a real pick-me-up after the final day. It's booked, but as always--subject to change.

On the bright side--I still have a second job. I'm going to talk to them tomorrow to see what my options for full time are.

For now.. I'm going to sit at my desk.. read the boards since I don't have much to do... and wish I was at home under the covers. I just have to keep remembering that everything happens for a reason.

I'll be back soon to get this party started :wizard:

Hmmm...more drama from family SHOCKING :laughing:

Argh! {that is how I feel about family drama}

Can't wait for pics of DL

And you know I am very sorry about your went FT at the second job? (sorry I should know this) AND everything does happen for a reason, but it doesn't mean it doesn't suck :hug:
Thank you everyone for your kind words. It's been a whirlwind since we've been back, and I think I'm just about back to myself :)

I guess there's no better time than now to get this party started :yay:

The journey begins Saturday morning. We procrastinated and didn't pack. I set my alarm early to pack and get ready--but hit snooze for a few... hours :rotfl: We got up, packed, and were on the road to PA about 3:30. We got there, ate at home, had to go out for a last minute trip to walmart, came back and went to bed. We didn't sleep well at all in the double bed, we were up every few minutes.

Sunday morning, we got up, got ready, and my stepmom took us to the airport. I haven't flown out of Pittsburgh in a longggggg time and was not sure what to expect, so we were there early. Wayyyyyy early. We got breakfast and waited, and waited, and finally got on. He was enjoying his new Beats by Dre and I desperately wanted a little more sleep. The plane was small and we were crammed like sausages. I was thankful to get off the plane. We had a layover in Minneapolis and our flights were on opposite sides of the airport. We pretty much ran to the nearest food stop, and kept running and they were already almost done with boarding, so we got on. This plane was crammed, and it was not so comfy. I was able to sleep a bit on this flight which was good. I got up, did my makeup, and we were there. We were both so glad to be off the plane. That was my longest plane ride ever. We were both pretty cranky from being stuck in a long car ride, being crammed all night in a small bed, then all day on full flights.

So we land at the Orange County airport, proceed to baggage claim, make our way out to the shuttle bay... and then you can see.... beautiful California! Well at least, beautiful skies and beautiful trees, lol.



We waited about 20-30 minutes to get on the Super Shuttle. We were the last stop of 4. Disneyland doesn't have Magical Express. You can get a shuttle, cab, rental car....etc. The Super Shuttle with a coupon was $11 per person each way--so $44 in full. Because we were cranky, I kind of wish I just took a cab. I think we just wanted to be there. (Now, departing to the airport on the last day was fine, and I would use Super Shuttle again)

We arrived at Paradise Pier. We stood in a rather long line at the front desk, only to be told to go to the 3rd floor to check in with concierge. So we go up... it's a locked off door and you can't get in. I go back down stairs, wait to talk to someone again, they tell me to knock on the door :confused3 What? So we knock. No one comes. We knock more. Nothing. I see a wall phone down the hallway, so I go to it and call the front desk. Explain that I've been waiting, and we just want to check in. She sends someone to open the door. So we get into the lounge which was like a busy restaurant at dinner. It was the day of the marathon and it was packed in there.

They get me a Sprite, DH a Corona and we sit down to check in. She says to me... We are completely booked in King Beds for your view, but we upgraded you to a suite. She said we could take a non view King and get money back, or the suite, but the suite had Queen beds--but was on a high floor with a great park view. I asked "how sweet is the suite".... she said "pretty sweet"... then we all started laughing because it was like a scene from the Hangover :laughing: We took the suite. We got all our info, our Just Married buttons, our promo fastpasses, and we went up to the room to drop our luggage. We discussed on the elevator that we would be sleeping separate. We had been crammed together for about 24 hours and this was a blessing, lol. We got up to our room on the 10th floor. It was a Paradise Suite with a living/dining room (sectional couch and dinner table), a microwave, and 2 bathrooms--really nice. I took some pix that night.













We then went down to the lounge. I have those pix on my phone and not in photobucket yet. It was picked over, but I wasn't interested in what they had that night. The MAJOR plus was they had wrapped uncrustables and bags of chips. I love the blue bags of Disney kettle chips. The fact that I could have as many as I wanted excited me, lol. DH loves uncrustables so we took a tray of uncrustables, chips and sprite back to the room for "later".

Upon returning to the room, we were soooooooooo tired. Completely exhausted, and it was only 7pm PST. I kinda just wanted to go to bed. Neither one of us were totally full from the lounge. I figured we should venture out and watch fireworks at DL, so we made our way through Downtown Disney and into Disneyland. We get in the gates, start walking down Main Street taking it all in... and an announcement comes on: Due to winds, Fireworks will be canceled tonight :headache: I was mad. The only nights they had them in our stay was Sunday and Friday. So we figured we'd walk around.



We didn't know what we wanted to eat. I didn't really want something huge and sit down, but I wanted something yummy. We went to the Plaza. This was a perfect choice for the evening. He got the fried chicken, I got the pot roast and we sat outside.



It was pretty good, actually excellent for counter service. We were having trouble navigating the unfamiliar park in the dark. We were tired... so we just trekked back to the room. We wanted to relax.

When we got back to the room... there was a knock at our door. It was a delivery!


I think every resort should do something like this. How fun!

We got settled in our jammies, and just about that time, we were able to turn the TV to the World of Color channel and watch it from our room! I was far too fascinated with it that night to take any pictures. I wanted to see it everyday!!! Don't worry--I took plenty in the days to come

After it was over... we got into our beds and I was out cold within seconds. It was only about 9:30, lol.

And that's the end of Day 1
Yay! The honeymoon TR begins! :yay:

No matter how many times it's been, flying cross-country is EXHAUSTING. I lived in CA for most of my 20s and came home at least once a year (sometimes twice), and that first night, ugh!

That was pretty sweet of them to upgrade you. And a fantastic view of California Adventure! And how awesome that they sent you rice crispie treats! I might need to splurge on our next visit out there! :laughing:

*gasp* World of Color on tv?! Awesome!

Yay!!! You started!!! Your room looks absolutely amazing: and that is a kickbutt view of the park!!!

Also, that fried chicken looks reallllly yummy. And I love the rice krispie treats :D
I'm excited for this TR! I've never flown cross country but I imagine it's exhausting. I flew to England and back and I've never felt more tired in my life. But it's pretty cool that you got upgraded to a suite! It looks gorgeous. I've never been to Disneyland so I can't wait to hear all about it!


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