LMTC Disneyland tickets no longer available?/Information on Refunds

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Earning My Ears
Sep 4, 2019
Hi all - long time reader, first time poster. We have a Disneyland trip planned over Christmas (yay) however, I suddenly cannot seem to find Disneyland tickets through LMTC anymore (boo). Has anyone else been able to access them today? I was really hoping to buy through LMTC again because they saved us a ton the last couple times we've gone to Disneyland.
The number one reason why it doesn’t work is that you are not logged in... so make sure you are and just Incase log out and back in... or maybe change a browser...
I hope it works for you then!
They tend to hide sometimes. Be sure to look in the activity section for Anaheim. I think if you just enter Disneyland it doesn't come up.
The number one reason why it doesn’t work is that you are not logged in... so make sure you are and just Incase log out and back in... or maybe change a browser...
I hope it works for you then!
Thanks, tried clearing my history and cache, tried other browsers...still nothing 😭😭
I can get to the ticket page, but every random date I enter shows no tickets available for every date I search. Don't start ugly crying just yet, their website is notoriously terrible.
I logged in and wasn't able to find tickets either. I could find tickets + transport, but not just tickets. Interestingly, I couldn't find WDW tickets, either.

I tried calling them and they are closed due to the hurricane. Their number is 1800 442-0568. I've ordered tickets by phone before so if you can't get the website to work, try calling them tomorrow or the next day.

If you do call, would you mind posting an update here? Quite a few of us use LMT and if things have changed I'm sure we'd all like to know.
damn i was waiting till tomorrow to buy ._.
tried everythign as well I think I last checked a couple of days ago and it was showing up fine
Yep, I just tried, too. I was able to see them two days ago, nothing there now (Except Knotts and Universal, etc). Not sure what's going on. I would call, like Stormy suggested.
If this is hurricane related, as a pp noted, then things should go back to normal soon. LMT's website is notoriously weird, so don't worry.
I called. The CSR said she didn't see DL tickets either, but she did see WDW so she is sure that DL tickets will be available in the 'near future'.

Apparently they get their tickets from another company (Tourico??) and that company occasionally 'pulls the tickets' for some reason or other and then adds them back. She said last week they didn't have WDW tickets, now they do. They are apparently also going through some systems changes.

At any rate, she said 'give it a week' and try again. Personally, I'd probably keep checking daily and if you don't see them, I'd call LMT and see if you can get more info.
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Hopefully the price stays the same or is better if/when they come back, we already had plans for what we were going to do with the extra money saved (Maxpass, Dining options, etc.). Hopefully the full value will still be encoded for those that want to upgrade to passes too.
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Thank you so much for calling and checking! I'm going to stop dragging my feet and just buy the tickets the next time I see them on LMTC.
Wow, I am glad I bought my husband's ticket on Tuesday, and yes, the actual email with the ticket is from Tourico Holidays while the confirmation email is from LMT. I was going to wait until a couple days before I needed mine to order it as I am worried about days being unavailable on the FlexPass for a slightly later trip but now I am not so sure about that idea...
I noticed the other day that LMTC only had tickets with expiration date of Dec 31, 2019. If you tried looking for tickets from Jan 1, 2020 on it would not show them. As others have said they are not showing any even for earlier dates. I wonder if they pulled them and will be replacing them with tickets that expire later?
I noticed the other day that LMTC only had tickets with expiration date of Dec 31, 2019. If you tried looking for tickets from Jan 1, 2020 on it would not show them. As others have said they are not showing any even for earlier dates. I wonder if they pulled them and will be replacing them with tickets that expire later?

The ticket I purchased from LMT on Tuesday says it expires January 12, 2021.
The ticket I purchased from LMT on Tuesday says it expires January 12, 2021.

They must not have updated the terms and conditions on their website. As of 9:30p on Tue there T&C had an expiration date of Dec 31, 2019 (I just checked another post I made about them that day :) ) But I just looked at the e-tickets I purchased a few weeks ago and used already and the expiration on the tickets is Jan 12, 2021. So there website wasn't matching up with what the tickets actually say, that's why I was going with the Dec 2019 date.
I'm still not seeing tickets available... what's the next best option? I need to add one more ticket to my group for this weekend - does undercover tourist send tickets same day as purchase?
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