Live From GC



Hi all - and Happy Easter!!!! It is a glorious, sunny Easter Sunday here at the Disneyland Resort. We have been to the beaches for the last week and now here for the rest of the week. The weather has improved to perfection! Alot has to be said for the convenience here. We were in CA and walked onto Soaring - (GREAT) and to the room to rest and on monorail to DL and walked to CA to catch our fast pass on Grizzly Run. Got soaked and in hotel in 98 seconds (no kidding - timed it) and on to a wonderful Easter Egg hunt on the lawns. The kids got dozens of eggs and candy each. Now some downtime for them, dinner and than parades and fireworks at DL.
The kids woke to little washcloth bunnies at each door this AM. The temp is to be 80 tomorrow and we deserve it as a bit chilly last week but always sunny. We hear it will be snowing back home - oh well. Hey sis - Happy Easter! The GC is so much like WL in WDW. Hey Frank!!! More later...staying on points and will post some interesting info on DVC board later.
I just love the "ON THE SPOT" reports---Makes me feel like I'm already there. Send some nice weather this way. Please so a trip report when you return. Have a great trip. PattyN

thanks for your "report"....

keep them coming...

where is your room located ...using points...???

did you buy the park hopper passes...???
Hi - another great day - did soaring twice and having fun! We are on points and were assigned a standard view on 5th floor of courtyard and monorail. As I was confirmed a view room I finally got moved to a beatiful room on 3rd floor overlooking CA Paradise Pier and pool. The weather is warm and the crowds seem to be getting bigger as week goes on. We do early entry from hotel entrances and use fast pass and do fine. We overlook Molholland Madness and it must break down a few times a day. We watch CM's climbing around trying to get people off. The kids on the incline had to sit still for a good half hour but a CM stood next to the car somehow to keep them calm. I am glad it wasn't my kids or I would be climbing up myself! The hotel is so nice and I am a die hard WDW fan but have to say that the original Disneyland offers more and after we got past the size of the castle, have now names DL our all time favorite park. More rides, some even better, like Pirates, nice weather like85 degrees and no humidity. The restaurants offer more seating areas and choices. It has many more small special touches too. I will do more in a report later - have to go swimming.
What is your opinion of the GC Pools? Do your kids
like the slide? Are they heated a little bit? I am enjoying your reports - we will be at the GC on May 3 and am trying to soak up as much info as possible! :D
The slide is nice for kids to about age 12 or so. My kids 5 and 7 loved it. There are two regular pools and a kiddie pool plus a hot tub. The water temp is Beautiful. The kids swam every day and the air temp went from 62 degrees to 85 degrees. We are so close to CA that with our two park AP we walk two minutes and go on the big climbing attraction we see from our room. Withthese passes it seems that the resturants and attractions in CA and DD are part of the hotel. You will really enjoy the concenience. Anaheim really doesnot offer much and our only regret is wasting money on a car for the week. Except for one time to check out Harbour BLvd. we didn't need. We were in CA at the beaches the week before and did all the touring that needed to be done. If Disney is your only destination, use a car service and avoid the traffic hassle.
Thanks Niagara2! My kids are 10 year old twins and my DD is part fish. She will want to be in the pool everyday. Your posts are really getting me excited for our stay at GC. Less than 2 weeks to go!! :D


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