Leaving Sat for USF/IOA Any ?


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2001
I am leaving this Saturday for USF/IOA. If anyone has any questions or is just curious about something let me know and I will check it out for you. I can post it on my trip report when I get back. I am staying at Vistana Resort (off site, no FOTL for me). However, I do have a 3 day pass with EE. I have been looking forward to this trip for some time. I love Hulk and DD coasters. Hey Barry, I plan on going to Margritaville to watch the dirty dancing. Can't wait!! Hope to have an extensive trip report for everyone to enjoy when I get back. Thanks.....
ADP :)
Now Margritaville business will increase because of the nightly dirty dancing. :)


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Roller coaster king

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Hope you have a great time. We are going June 3-7 and would really appreciate knowing how late the parks plan to stay open at that time. I assume by then they will start staying open longer. It would help us to plan if I knew . THanks for your offer. HAVE A GREAT TIME chrissy
Hey, don't forget you get express passes for each day of your ticket, if someone in party doesn't want to go allows you extra rides.I don't think the hours of operation will change in June, as I am going same dates as other poster. Last year they didn't, Universal til 7, IOA-8.Have a great time.Remeber go early, the lines don't get bad til like 10:30 or so...


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