Kissimmee Housing


May 1, 2001
Just a few questions for all you Disney brainiacs out there. I've been looking into buying a home in the Kissimmee area for use as short term rental property and a vacation getaway for my family. Just curious if anyone else out there has done this, or has any suggestions for realtors.

I will coming down to FL in just a few short weeks to scope out some property. I can't wait!

Thanks for your help.
I bought a house about two years ago and I was very happy with the way it was handled, by Premier Vacation Homes who advertise their rentals on this site. Unfortunately I'm going to have to sell it due to a recent divorce and the resulting financial constraints that places on one :( .

The whole list is going to be far too long to explain in a post and I'm sure you'll have a lot of questions that will be of limited interest to most readers. Please feel free to email me and I'll talk you through as much as I can.
I would appreciate any additional information you may have concerning owning a vacation home. You can email me if you would like.
We are renting a home through the Florida vacation home rentals website (, and I noticed they have information about purchasing homes as well.

They have over 200 homes that they rent, and the one we are getting is only 2 months old. They seem to be in good shape, etc. from the website pictures.

Good Luck. I wish I had the $$$ to do this myself!



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