Kids and Family Swap -- COMPLETE!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

Received my package the other day. Everything looks great. There are a lot of talented ladies on this board. Can't wait to use the items.

PM sent with my addy!!

Glad everything is ok. I hear you on the busy summer, we have never been this busy before. I thought it was supposed to get easier as the kids got older!
Ill let you know if I got my package when I get home. I'm on vacation and won't be home until Tuesday. Glad everything is ok.
happy to hear you are all okay, summer is supposed to be a time to relax, but never seems to happen...hope things will settle down for you, enjoy taking your well deserved break!
thank you for holding my box, we are home now...send it when its convenient for you!
I've updated the OP with those who have posted they received..
Please post when your package arrives so Sheila knows..

haven't gotten mine yet....Sheila have you sent it? also please update me on the MAW pages!

got my package today, love all my pieces and thanks for the pixie dust Sheila!
Still waiting on a few updates.. hopefully we will hear a little something by the weekend...but I know some are a good distance from CKmom's hometown...
Nothing here :sad2:

ETA I've PM'd my address again - I checked my box and I did PM it in April at sign-ups, so not sure what happened there.
I just opened my box and have lots of groups missing. I'm pretty sure I received Disnorth stuff. I'm missing groups 1, 3, 5, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, A G, I,

disnorth when you receive your stuff, can you check your groups. I think our packages were switched. we have a lot of the same groups but you had boys (which I received) and you probably got 8-9 of mine LOL
I just opened my box and have lots of groups missing. I'm pretty sure I received Disnorth stuff. I'm missing groups 1, 3, 5, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, A G, I,

disnorth when you receive your stuff, can you check your groups. I think our packages were switched. we have a lot of the same groups but you had boys (which I received) and you probably got 8-9 of mine LOL

I'll be home after labour day long weekend and hopefully my box will be waiting and we can sort out everything.
Has my package been mailed? I have a stack of pics waiting and I know I want to use some of the items from this swap.:goodvibes
I will send Sheila a text and see if she has mailed the boxes for DisNorth and Mazda.. I'll report back what I hear...
Any news? I know I am always the last but I'm getting rather anxious now. Swaps are a big investment for me with the price of postage all the way there and back, and I always send in loads of time so no-one has to wait for me. I'm just feeling a bit fed up that 3 months after the deadline there's still no package. I know I'm a long way away but the post shouldn't take more than 2 weeks - that's if it's been sent, of course.


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