Kids and Family Swap -- COMPLETE!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

mommy2mrb said:
happy to hear your DH and niece are okay Sheila! no rush getting these to me, sounds like you need a down day to catch your breath!

Lisa, I will be mailing my maw pages the end of next week or the first of the week after. Do you want me to hold your letters and mail with my package? It would save your shipping $$. I'm going to try to get my cards made next week, so I can save some $$ too.
3pletprincesses said:
Forgot to post yesterday that I'm postal!!!

Sandy, your box arrived today. All your pieces look fantastic!! Thanks for the goodies. Those were actually on my list to pick up the next time I shop.
Lisa, I will be mailing my maw pages the end of next week or the first of the week after. Do you want me to hold your letters and mail with my package? It would save your shipping $$. I'm going to try to get my cards made next week, so I can save some $$ too.

that's a great idea Sheila! I'm in no hurry for my pieces from this swap! save your $$ and time :thumbsup2 go ahead and use my shipping $ to help pay for the bigger box!
Lol! I love my dh, but I always seem to get less done when he is around. I will be watching for your package and will let you know when it gets here.
BernardandMissBianca said:
I am finally postal!!

I can not wait for DH to go back to work Monday!! Lol

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Your box is here. Everything looks great!

I'm still waiting one more package. It's on its way from Canada. I'm planning on sorting and photographing the completed groups tomorrow.
Tracy, your box arrived this afternoon. Everything looks great! Thanks for the stickers!

I have most of the letter groups swapped out. I hope to get the remaining groups swapped and ready to mail early next week. I will let you know when your packages are postal.
Tracy, your box arrived this afternoon. Everything looks great! Thanks for the stickers!

I have most of the letter groups swapped out. I hope to get the remaining groups swapped and ready to mail early next week. I will let you know when your packages are postal.
So glad it made it!! And although it was the last, it wasn't too late. I was starting to get worried. I was looking for my tracking number, I really need to put them in the same place all the time, I'm too disorganized.
Hi Girls! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get these back out to you. My parent's have been blessed with a bountiful harvest from their garden, and I have been busy putting up lots of yummy fruits and veggies. I finished swapping out everything on Monday and finally made it to the po before they closed this afternoon to pick up envelopes and boxes. I'm heading off to print postage now. Your packages will be headed your way tomorrow, and I hope to have the slide show up this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
thanks for letting us know Sheila! sounds like you've been busy!
With any luck it will get to me before I go on vacation so I know what photos to take...errrr.....:rolleyes1 :blush::rotfl:

If they don't MIL will be round every day so she can bring them in.:thumbsup2
Sheila, did our packages get mailed? only checking because I leave town on Monday.
has anyone heard from Sheila this week? or gotten their packages?

hope they are okay.
Sorry I've been awol for a while. Nothing horrible has happened -- just a lot of things that have kept me so very busy. I mailed several of your boxes late last week. They should be arriving tomorrow or Wednesday. I have the tracking numbers if needed. I have managed to misplace a few addresses. If Mazda, DisNorth, and Bamb will pm me their address, I will get their boxes shipped out on Wednesday (I finally have a day off!) I'm holding Lisa's box until she returns from her trip. I'm going to have to step away from swapping for a while. I just don't have the time or energy to devote to it right now. Again I'm sorry for the delay!
Got my package today. Thanks for hostessing Sheila, and I hope everything works out for you. Sometimes you just need a little break to catch up with "real life." Happens to us all.:hug:
I'm glad everything is ok! I definitely understand taking a break from swapping, it's so much fun but sometimes you just need to walk away for a bit.

I got my package today! Everything looks fantastic! I LOVE the little onesie clothesline that you made in the Baby Boy group!! :lovestruc Dave and I were talking about my making a baby book instead of buying one....I may use all of these pieces for that instead of a scrapbook specifically. :) Thank you so much!


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