Just Remember to Beer Me at Mile 25 When I Do the Full Marathon - Jan 16 TR UPDATE 4/24 Pg. 8

Gorgeous, but hello this is it for the trip ; ) I was full on expecting a full face of make-up for the race!

Be afraid, be very afraid

Is it really that crazy at the expo sometimes? Hubby is running the dark side next month and planned on getting in and out of there in 30 minutes or so. Guessing that isn't quite in the cards, huh?

Do they have special purses for each race? I'm a complete idiot on all things race


YES and thank you. Dear disney and anyone else who will listen, I do not like glitter, I do not like animal print, and I don't feel the need to dress in pink 24x7 because I got all the right girl parts ; )

Wow, those are some serious lapu lapu balls ya got on that one. Hope there is no lapu lapu on the course the next day ; )

Hahaha! If you're expecting a full face of makeup for a marathon, you can definitely see it. There are some people that do it. I don't understand how. ;)

I hope you were able to get out in 30 minutes! I was able to get my packet nice and easy and seeing as though we arrived on Saturday for Dark Side, there was basically no merchandise left. Thank goodness for Caitlin getting it for me before the race started!

They do have special purses for each race! Not good for a person like me who is just addicted to all the pretty things.

Jeez, I know right!? Just stop putting glitter on everything, it's just annoying.

No Lapu on the course. It seems to be a good drink to have, seeing as though I had one before Dark Side too.

I love your eye shadow for that day - so pretty!

I love that when you do a race you get a special pin! Too cute!

I love EOS! And yes the line is always long, but somehow doesn't take that long, I guess since it is QS. The food there is so worth the wait though!

Love everything - very cute! Too bad they didn't have any Dooneys, especially the one you wanted, but that's great you were able to order it online.

That looks so cool! Nice entertainment for the night!

Those drinks look so good lol!

Thanks so much!

Yes, I wish the pin was free, but you definitely can get a special pin. LOL. With the price you pay to race at Disney, you'd think they'd give you something more than a shirt, but Disney is cheap apparently. Or greedy, depending on how you look at it.

Glad things went so much better than last time. I remember reading about that - it sounded like a nightmare.

Dug was at Disney Springs recently and said the same thing - he loved the new parking structure and the ease of getting around.

Haha, stalking a table seems like a requirement to sit at Earl of Sandwich, from my experience. Glad you got one!

Wow, sorry you had such poor service. I have no idea how the server managed to not see all the antics of your party. :confused3

Oh my goodness, this one was so much better than the last. I was grateful for it.

The new parking garage makes everything so much easier. I'm glad that they did it.

I was glad we got one too! I try to be a subtle stalker, so I don't freak anyone else.

I don't know how she didn't notice us! We're all loud and raucous.
Yay!! The funny is back. again love the writing style, eye style, dads style, friend style......you so styling........
But yeah :flower1::worship::flower3::yay::yay::yay: So glaaaad to see you back....:sunny:

Awww, thanks! Hahaha, I try to be stylin'. It's just how I do. LOL.

Hey Danielle! I don't know how I didn't find your trip report earlier. I think it's awesome that you had so many people there supporting you in the race!

The suite at the Poly is huge!

Hey girl! It was great having so many people supporting. My parents are great, and my Disney family is the best! They're so supportive all the time.

It was massive! I never wanted to leave.

That was a really busy pre-race day. No wonder you girls crashed so early! It was a fun day but that waitress :headache:

It was busy! Although pre-race before Dark Side was worse for me I think. Thank goodness for that massage......

Ugh that waitress. That girl needed some serving lessons!
Glad going to the expo went smoothly! What a bummer about the Dooneys though.

I'm with ya on the glitter..that stuff gets EVERY-WHERE.

Sounds like a great dinner, despite the annoying server at the Lounge beforehand!

Can't wait to hear about the race.

I was bummed, only because I really wanted to pick placement on this one with it having Donald. And then I ordered it anyway and got one with basically no Donald on it. :sad:

I'm all for banning glitter. It's like a nightmare.

Glad to hear the expo wasn't crowded - I have heard horror stories (from you and others). That is kinda weird you have to go to another place to get your t-shirt. Where there others you could buy at the same time? (I mean, any opportunity to get you buy more stuff)

Thinking about people buying all the Doony's to re-sell ... can anyone get into the EXPO? I would have thought the whole thing would have been somewhat exclusive. If not they should just limit the number of bags anyone can get or give runners tickets that get them access to stuff or something like that

I think the torch lightening ceremony is the best thing because you have the guy who, I guess, is in decent shape for the girls/guys who like that sort of thing ... and then fire for guys/girls who like that sort of thing. I mean, combined that has to cover like 98.76% of the population or so.

I think Disney wants to get everyone out of that area as soon as possible, or something. I can't explain why else they would have you go across the way to Josten's to get your shirt. It just makes more sense to me to have them put it in your bag and then tell you, if you want a different size, you need to go across to Josten's.

Absolutely anyone can get into the Expo, which is very frustrating. With Dark Side, all of the good merchandise was gone by the time I got there on Saturday. Had I not had Caitlin buy it for me Thursday, I would have left with basically nothing. They will definitely get a complaint from me on that. I think you should have to show your bib.

Hahaha, agreed it does cover about 98.76% of the population!

I'm not a fan of the glitter all over everything either. I love that aren't you slow for a storm trooper shirt! And my rule before a race is to limit it to just one drink :)

I love that shirt too!

That's my limit too. It helps to relax me a little bit and it's nice with the social aspect of dinner, but I would definitely be afraid of drinking more.
Yummmmm.....Lapu Lapu. There is definitely one of those in my near (55ish days) future....

That's a bummer about the service at Tambu. I've found it to be spotty, but not having someone downright ignore you!

Love all the merch, and TOTALLY agree about glitter....I freaking HATE glitter.....

Yay Lapu Lapu!

Yeah the service was crappy for sure. It was my first time going to the lounge, because normally I'm at Ohana right away, or at Kona, but we had some time to kill.

Glitter is the DEBIL!

The expo is an interesting beast.

I got that same pin as well as an I did it shirt, and half marathon jacket. I got a 5K pin too since I was doing that race.

As for the Dooney's yes there was a production issue and my mom actually ordered the wristlet. While they said it wouldn't come until April it actually showed up early and arrived for her last week!

I have never eaten at Earl of Sandwich but have heard many good things about it.

Another thing I have never done Ohana' for dinner. I have done breakfast there but I need to get to dinner there next time.

It definitely is an interesting beast.

I did order the wristlet too, but was a little bummed that Donald was placed poorly on my print. Oh well.

You should definitely try Earl of Sandwich, it's a great place. Love the sandwiches.

Ohana is great for dinner! I could just eat the noodles the entire time.

I was mainly coming to Florida to help my friend Teena get ready for her move to Las Vegas, but I ended up going to the Magic Kingdom Friday night and EPCOT and HS unexpectedly on Sunday. I posted a few pictures during the trip to Facebook, but not that many.


Apparently I wasn't paying attention! Or Facebook hid things from me, which happens too!
What a fun pre-race day!

Haven't been to a running expo, don't like shopping, don't like crowds. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as the previous Princess race expo. And I am totally with you about glitter. Part of my job is doing crafts with preschoolers and elementary age students. None of the crafts we do will ever have glitter. Glitter is evil.

If it has been forever since you have been to EoS, it has been forever and a day for me. August 2008. I didn't even make it there when we were in Disneyland, but I wanted to. T-Rex keeps getting in the way when we go to DTD.

Ummmm.... THAT is a good-looking... torch!

What a bummer that you had crappy service at the lounge. It looks like a lot of fun, but I have only heard stories of crowds and poor service.

At least you managed to find some Lapu Lapus and you had a great dinner.

I look forward to reading about the half.


If you're not a fan of shopping or crowds, than a race expo is definitely not your thing! It was not as bad as before, which was very nice.

I'll say it again. Glitter is the DEBIL!

I haven't eaten at T-Rex! I just can't because it reminds me of Rainforest, and we have a Rainforest here. That's how I reason it out at least. LOL.

That TORCH was amazing.....

Lapu Lapu's will always be found.

Even though I don't run, I still want to visit the expo sometime just to see all the stuff.

Bummer that you still haven't gotten your Dooney! Hope it shows up soon.

It's worth a visit, it's definitely a different experience.

It did show up! Finally.

It's good to get the Expo done and behind you without any major issues. Never had to pick up my own packet for a 1/2, but I've seen firsthand how crazy it can be at WWoS during the Expo. Thankfully it wasn't nearly that crazy doing pickup for the Expedition Everest Challenge. :thumbsup2

Stinks that you had such a difficult time getting drinks at the Tambu Lounge. That is never a good thing when you're ready for your Lapu Lapu! :headache:

It is crazy! I was glad that this one was much more low-key. I'm hopeful that Avengers in November will be like this as well.

I was so ready and thinking about the fact that I needed to go to bed early that night, so she was getting on my last dang nerve.
I love your eye makeup. :)

I'm glad that the race expo went better this time. I guess it helped to leave the kids at home and to get there early. That's too bad about the Dooney. I hope you bag comes soon.

I had the gluten free wings at 'Ohana and I loved them, too. We are going back there in June for the first time since 2013 and I'm glad to hear that they still have the delicious wings.

Thanks! I wanted to keep it nice and easy.

It definitely makes a difference to leave the kids behind and get there early. It did arrive, and I've been using it daily. :)

I'm still convinced it's all Caitlin eats there......LOL

I can't comment on anything else am I'm still in shock from reading about another person who believes that

JUICY PEAR is #1!!!!!!!!!!!!


...why must you make me feel old?! At home, we seriously have dinner at like 5:30/5:45pm :rotfl2:When my friends invite me to dinner and they're like, "Let's go at 7", I die a little!



Seriously, you can make me a GIF of all your Dinosaur photos and i'll laugh every single stinkin' time!

Wow that's crazy!

Yep, gonna start using this thanks :thumbsup2

That sounds about right!

You'd think she'd know, the bigger the party, the bigger the tip (well hopefully!) Her loss.

Ugh, how tempting though.

Hahaha, then I'm old too! That's my preferred dinner time, especially in Disney! I can't do dinner that early here with work, but in Disney I'm like "why are we waiting until 7pm....."

Did you enjoy my Dinosaur flipogram!?

You would think the server understood that concept, but apparently she didn't like our faces. Or something.
Can't wait to hear about your race and the rest of your trip! :)


You can just send the glitter you don't want my way -- in my house, there are 3 things that everything is better with: bacon, cheese, and glitter.

Loving the report so far -- so glad to see you're back at it!

Haha, noted! I'll make sure to send all of my extra glitter your way.

My Mom is obsessed with those glow cubes. When there's one around, she will do that with it every time.

This is the most perfect sentence I've ever read. :laughing:


I always want to get in, grab the iguanadon and get out! It's really my life motto.

I agree- When I worked afterschool I banned glitter too. It is the gift that just keeps on giving on EVERYTHING.

Ohhh I hear you I am an early eater too.

Danielle - So far so good - easy trip down, easy expo - minus the Dooney but hey besides not being able to pick Donald placement you could order and get out.

Hate that Tambu let you down. Glad the bartender saw it and told her what you were thinking.

It just gets everywhere! And is annoying. Plus, the feminist in me just gets annoyed that people assume that girls things just need to have glitter on it.

I actually am an early eater too. I've only eaten late a few times, out of necessity. I took a late Be Our Guest in July because it was the only thing available. But I'm convinced we'll all be complaining about it. Haha!

I was glad for the bartender too. I think he didn't really know what was going on. Like, why are these people coming up here?
Phew, glad to hear i'm not the only one!

Nope, clearly not. :)

Caught up! Glad the expo wasn't crazy! Bad service from the server at Tambu though. :(

Jill in CO

Yeah, the bad service at Tambu was a bit disappointing.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I know you died a little inside when you heard this.......... :eek:


I just found this, glad to see you're back!!

As you know, TSA pre-check is really unnecessary at MKE, but man is it worth it in MCO!! As many times as you go, you should totally get it!

We have found our new favorite spot to eat in MKE - Pizzeria Piccola, right in the "C" concourse. It's really good brick-oven pizza!

Looking forward to reading more! :)

Yeah, it is definitely not necessary at MKE, but I'm going to get it anyway. You can use it when traveling internationally out of the US too, so I figure with traveling out of MCO again in July, out of O'Hare in November, and going to Tokyo next year, buying the pre-check will be an added bonus.

It's a good place! I'll either eat there or Chili's.

I'm a total lurker on here. I like reading your trip reports. Your family cracks me up. Reading this one I realized that we don't live to far from each other. Lol. I am happy your back on here!

I'm glad we ran into each other! I never expected to run into someone in my hometown.
Yay for expo not being total madness!!!
When Pearl went in the am it was a HOT mess and line ups were extending outside and around corners, but when we went after Fof it was pretty dead!
As if you don't like being covered in glitter...guess we can't ever hug again...bahahahaha
Love the Rey make up!
UGH, seriously though Tambu lounge has be SLACKING in service, even just going up to the bar takes forever nowadays I find...ugh. Glad you finally got drinks and had a good meal!

I was grateful for that!

Hahahaha, no hugging me!

Yay! A new TR! I'm in!

Enjoying so far. Your adventures are some of my favorite on the DIS!

Glad you're here! And I'm glad that mine are some of your favorites!

Did you finally get your Dooney? I ordered mine and got it last week after an issue with signing for it. They would only deliver it if someone was there to physically sign for it and the UPS driver always came before anyone in my house is home so I had to pay $10 to deliver it to me at work. Such a nightmare.

I did! They didn't want to deliver it either, so I re-routed it to work, paid $5, and then they delivered it late at my home anyway. So annoying.

Yeah but there is a reason we go to the bar vs. a table. ;)

With Clinta now at The Top of the World, that seems the place to have drinks now.

I will have to remember to just sit at the bar instead.

Clinta at the Top of the World. I'll have to remember that.

Joining in! I'm loving your TR so far! It looks like you have a fun group to Disney with! Can't wait to read more.
Oh and I grew up next to the Jelly Belly Factory in CA. Whenever I am back home I stop and get a bag of belly flops and do a tour :)

I do have a fun group to Disney with! I'm grateful for them.

Us too! Although we never go, but it's there. LOL.
I love that!Disney Ohana. Why did I never think of this!

That's definitely what they are. :)

Hey, your mom stole my Ariel shirt. Or did Target make more than one? Hehe

LOL, they made more than one?!

Your makeup is really pretty! I can't be bothered to wear makeup at Disney, sometimes I try, but it melts off. :confused3

One of the reasons I want to do a Disney race is to go to an Expo, lol. They have so much cool stuff there, I love the themed sneakers they have for some of them. But they sound obnoxious, I'm not sure I could deal with actually going to one.

I love Tambu Lounge, I'm sorry the service wasn't great that night. We always sit at the bar and the service is pretty decent, but I can see how it might be a problem at the tables. :eek:

Yum, a Lapu Lapu! I definitely have to get one of those next time I go, now that you can order bread pudding at the bar, I tend to get that instead of alcohol haha! :rotfl:

I don't wear a lot of it when it's really hot. When I'm there during cooler times though it's not so bad.

They're not terrible, they just have a lot of people there normally.

Good luck with the 1/2. Sorry I can't be there to cheer you on this time, but I'm sure you'll do great anyway......... :tinker: :darth:


Good luck and have a great trip!! :)

Thank you!!

Good luck and HAVE FUN!

Thanks girl! It was fun!

Have a great trip! Stay cool with the heat and I look forward to living vicariously through you on FB and Instagram!

Thanks! The heat was definitely better than I thought it would be.
Have fun at the Dark Side!!! :darth:


Good luck! I'm headed down tomorrow! I'm running the challenge. What corral are you in?

Thanks!! What corral did you end up in?
Clinta at the Top of the World. I'll have to remember that.
Well, I think the Top of the World is the bar/member perk room for DVC members at the top of BLT where you can go and watch the MK fireworks. Clinta is actually at the top of the Contemporary..........the bar in California Grill. :thumbsup2
So excited to read another of your TRs! Seriously, you should do YouTube Disney inspired make-up tutorials. Yeah, I know, just one more item to add to your busy schedule, but you do such an amazing job! Can't wait to read the rest of your TR.
"I WON!!!!! Against My Fitbit Friends At Least......"

Let no person mistake it. Getting up for a race at 3am is not easy.

I didn't sleep really, which is par for the course. I don't think that Caitlin slept very well either. It's an anxious feeling. It's not nervousness, it's just anxiety. Nervous about oversleeping and having to rush, anxious about the race. We had crawled into bed at 9pm and were up before the alarm went off at 3am.

That was absolutely me. All night long I think.

Welp, that race wasn't going to run itself, so I suppose it was time to get up.

But first, stretching, which is an important component. I would stretch more when we got to our corral, but I wanted to get some time in. Caitlin stretched too.

And jumped around like the energizer bunny that she is.

We headed out of the room at about 3:30am. The last pickup was at 4am, so we were on the monorail at 3:40am. We should have walked to the TTC from the Poly, but I didn't think about it that early in the morning.

The monorail ride wasn't too crowded and we definitely didn't have to wait long.

In case anyone ever wanted to know what it looks like when you arrive.

Ha! Totally boring picture right? Ok, they do play music and they normally have an announcer up on the stage trying to keep people energized.

For those who haven't run a RunDisney event, I'll let you know things along the way. First here, you get to the race but you don't line up for it right away. This is kind of a mingling area if you will. Gear check is also there, in case you decide to bring anything along. I did gear check for the Princess and decided I wouldn't do it again. I have everything I need on my person, and have my Mom bring anything I might need after. If the P's weren't there, I would just head back to the room for anything I would need.

Cutting out gear check is a good way to save time and hassle. I recommend not using it unless absolutely necessary.

Onward! We hung out and had some pictures taken. Yes, I know my shirt has glitter on it, and I'm a non-glitter person. It was the only thing I could find when I needed it.

After about 30 minutes, they announced that it would be time to start heading to the corrals.

Another thing to note. The corrals are not close. You have to go on a fairly lengthy walk to get to your corrals. Typically, before the race has even started, I clock about two miles of walking. So, you get a good warmup ahead of time!

Once we made it to our corral, we took some pre-race selfies.

For the races, you're assigned a corral. You can get assigned a corral either by submitting proof of time, or winging it getting placed in one of the last five. The corrals up near the front are assigned by proving you can run a race in a certain amount of time. So those who can run a half marathon in an hour and a half are up front, then they do more corrals by about 15 minute intervals.

My proof of time put me in corral J. Caitlin didn't submit proof of time, so she was in K. RunDisney will not allow you to move up corrals, but you can move back. So I moved back to start in K. The last corral for the Donald half is corral P.

This is for a lot of reasons. It's best that you end up in corrals with people who are a similar speed as you. Otherwise, if you're in with people that are significantly faster, you can get swallowed up. And, it's an annoyance for them, because there's a big difference.

Once in the corrals, we took the time to stretch again. Better to use your time wisely.

Finally, the race started at 5:30am. First they send the wheelchair participants, and then the elite corral. That corral obviously will always hold the winner. They're insanely fast!

Once the proverbial gun went off, Caitlin and I downed our caffeinated sports beans. They take about 30 minutes to start working, so it was good that we took it then.

Little by little, the other corrals went, and we got closer.

And we were off! My initial goal for this race was to finish sooner than I had finished Princess. I've said before that I'm not a fast runner, but I was hoping to come in even a little before I did the last time.

Caitlin had said she was going to stick with me the entire time, so we could stay on track. I had a nagging pain behind my knee from a long run prior, so I was hoping I would be all good.

I don't have many pictures, because I'm the kind of person who focuses more on the run itself. I want to do better with that on upcoming races.

To give you an idea, here is a picture from the Princess Half. You get the lovely chance to run through the Magic Kingdom gate! Where the cars would normally be. :)

At this point, you're almost at mile 4. And at this moment, someone to the left of Caitlin and I said "we're halfway!"

Unless a half marathon became 8 miles, you are definitely not halfway my dear. I'm curious if she was trying to encourage her running partner, but at this point, Caitlin and I looked at each other like.....

We kept up with our pace until............the castle.

When you run into the Magic Kingdom, you run down Main Street towards the castle, and then take the right by Tomorrowland. The you run through Fantasyland and come back through the castle.

And that is where everything came to a dead stand still. It felt like we stood there forever! Although in reality, I think it took us about 3-5 minutes to move through the castle. At a snails pace.

FINALLY. We made it out. And had lost some time off of our pace. I wasn't worrying about it. Soon we were out of the Magic Kingdom and on the back service road. We would be coming up on mile 7 soon, which was by the Grand Floridian and the Polynesian. Our parents would be waiting there to cheer us on.

BUT FIRST...I had to potty.

Which wasted like 8 minutes! I learned from this for the Dark Side and opted for no potty stops. Because normally it's your bladder being nervous and you THINK you have to go, but you don't.

8 minutes and a porta potty visit later, I realized this.

Oh well. What can you do.

And at this point, I'm introducing you to the best series of pictures my Mom has even taken.

Just wait for it.

Hahahahahahaha. Still cracks me up. I like to be dramatic when I know there is a camera around.

After mile 8, the back of my knee was bothering me. We stopped by a medical station so I could use some biofreeze. It helped, but the pain was still there.

At that point, Caitlin urged me to just walk. We were more than halfway done, and we knew that there were a ton of uphill parts we would be contending with. So walking it was.

My walk isn't too slow, since I'm long legged, so that's a plus. But it was definitely not what I had wanted.

Getting closer and closer, we did see a Green Army man, so of course we had to get a shot with him.

My leg was still nagging me, but I kept on keeping on. There's nothing else you could do at this point.

The finish line was coming. And we HAULED!

Yay! We finished! And I was the proud owner of a new medal.

All in all, this race had it's ups and downs. I didn't finish faster than I finished the Princess, and I was a little upset about that. It's because I'm too competitive. But I did what most people can't and that's finish a half marathon. And just finished my third this last weekend.

RunDisney events are exhilarating! They're a great way to get yourself into running half marathons, because there are a ton of first timers out there. They're more relaxed than other races, which is a plus. You feel a little less pressure that way.

I was so grateful to have Caitlin with me! I wasn't anticipating she would stay with me, and she definitely didn't have to.

In case anyone is wondering, here are the races I have planned coming up:

November 2016 - Avengers Half Marathon (Infinity Gauntlet Challenge) in Disneyland. I'll be doing the 10k and the half.
January 2017 - Donald Half Marathon (20th Anniversary!!) in WDW.
April 2017 - Dark Side Half Marathon (Challenge) in WDW. I'll be doing the 10k and the half.
January 2018 - Mickey Full Marathon in WDW. Get scared with me folks.

Oh, and I totally won at Fitbit today.

Up next: Pop always finds girlfriends everywhere.
Yay! Congrats on the finish!

This was my first half marathon I submitted my 10k time from marathon weekend 2015 and that got me in corral H.

The half is so much different than the 10k and not just in length but the setup up and everything. I don't seem to go into Disney races with a time goal because I know between characters and just running in Disney my time isn't going to be great.

I'm glad you had a good time despite not meeting your goal. I'd love to hear about your Star Wars experience this year as well.

I will be back for the 20th as well in 2017 but that won't be all I'll going dopey or goofy.
I :lovestruc this update! We were all so excited to see you girls run past the Poly and then again at the finish line! Congratulations (again) my dear! Keep up the hardwork!
Love your Monsters Inc outfits!

Those pictures your mom took are awesome!

I also love the series of pics at the end when you finished the race- Victory!

I really enjoyed reading the ins and outs of running a Disney race. I'm sure you were dissapointed in not getting a faster time but you should be SO proud of yourself regardless! I know I could never do it! Congrats :)
We headed out of the room at about 3:30am. The last pickup was at 4am, so we were on the monorail at 3:40am. We should have walked to the TTC from the Poly, but I didn't think about it that early in the morning.

The monorail ride wasn't too crowded and we definitely didn't have to wait long.
That's great the monorail was running that early in the morning! much easier then a bus!

Onward! We hung out and had some pictures taken. Yes, I know my shirt has glitter on it, and I'm a non-glitter person. It was the only thing I could find when I needed it.

I love your costumes! Mike and Sully is a great idea for two friends to do!

Great job with the race. It sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it's amazing to be able to run through the castle that early in the morning!
I love that series of photos your mom took! And I laughed at the person who thought they were halfway at mile 4. I hope they weren't too disappointed when they got to mile 8 and had to keep going :) Though doing math on runner brain is hard. I did a half with a friend in March and I was encouraging her and when we got to mile 10, I said only 5 miles left to go! She gave me a horrified look and I quickly corrected it to 5k.


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