Just rec'd call from CRO about POFQ ressie

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Originally posted by skiwee1
That is the only reason I will never stay at the WL again! The tranportation was the worse I've ever seen! When we were there in May 2002, we stopped at Fort Wilderness before going anywhere else.

No kidding...I will never stay there again either. I would stay at the All Stars before I went back to WL. :rolleyes:
I realize this isn't the WL thread, but....;)

While I don't think anyone who had mobility issues would be pleased with WL, I have to say that our experience with transportation this past Christmas was quite good. True, the busses share with at least one resort on each route, but they were frequent and very prompt. If I had to find a complaint about the transportation it would be the DTD route. Then again, mutiple stops didn't bother us. It's my understanding that a lot of the standard views are exceptionally bad though and last year the upgrades from CBR to a deluxe were for standard views.
What it didn't offer wasn't important to us though and we truly enjoyed the WL and would return, especially at Christmas time.

Still, it requires much more walking to the stops themselves than probably any of the moderates, although I don't know what the setup of CSR is.

So, if you're looking for a large food court, short walking distances to transportation, convenience to DTD or a heavily Disney themed resort, WL would probably be a bad choice. If what you want is a cheap upgrade from moderate to deluxe, it's a very nice resort.

It is the lowest priced deluxe though so if Disney offers upgrades, I'm pretty sure WL will be one of the choices. Last year's AP rate was nearly the same as the discounted upgrades from CBR.
We had the worst transportation at CSR, where the bus almost never stopped at our stop first, though it was the supposed 1st stop. Second to that, worst transportation was at AKL. We missed EE and some lunch and dinner PSs because we had to wait close to an hour for buses on many occasions, and the shortest wait we ever had there was 30 minutes. So that sort of stuff can happen at any resort. However making 7 stops at CBR would be worse for us than stopping at other resorts. We don't mind stopping at other resorts since we'll sometimes get off and eat at another resort or just look around. Like I said, we dont' want multiple stops at the same resort--we're already staying there so it's not anything new to see or do. Also, I pointed out that we have never wanted to stay at CBR and still don't want to. Also, we really don't want to go back to CSR. So while you guys might think they're the best resorts for us, since we don't like the resorts at all, we don't plan to stay at them. If WL is all booked up, then we'll stay elsewhere. No, we don't need a wheelchair or ECV, so we'll be fine getting on the boats. WL has always been our 2nd choice and since we can't get all that we want at POFQ, we'll be going with WL. We realize it doesn't have many things that FQ had, but we like it and so for us we'll be choosing it. So we really don't need anyone to tell us we'll be miserable, since we've always been happy with our resort choices and since everyone in our party (besides the 5 year old) has always wanted to stay there, I'm sure we'll be happy this time too. And isn't this thread about calls from CRO regarding POFQ, not about disadvantages of WL for justhat's family!?!
So we really don't need anyone to tell us we'll be miserable, since we've always been happy with our resort choices and since everyone in our party (besides the 5 year old) has always wanted to stay there, I'm sure we'll be happy this time too. And isn't this thread about calls from CRO regarding POFQ, not about disadvantages of WL for justhat's family!?!

Actually, my comments were not directed at you, there are others besides you that are booked at POFQ and I was simply sharing my experiences at the WL as it's a good bet that it will be one of the choices should Disney decide to give upgrades. Sorry that you don't appreciate the information, but perhaps others would like to know details about their possible choices. Feel free to skip over my posts if you'd rather not know.

Btw, my comments were not at all negative about WL. I loved it. But I wouldn't stay there if I was looking at the things I mentioned.....no matter how cheap I got it. For us, a bargain isn't a bargain if it doesn't suit our needs.

Also, if you feel that a post is off topic, why not alert a moderator, they'll be more than happy to remove any posts that they feel are inappropriate and then this thread won't be cluttered with posts that are off topic or complaints about them.
Peachgirl, my comment was not for you. I was replying to Skiwee1 who said we would be miserable, as I noted in my post: "Justhat, personally I think you are going to be miserable at the WL ..." So unless you too said that we will be miserable, you obviously are not who I meant. If all of this info is really for people being move from POFQ, why not tell us about every resort we could possibly be allowed to switch to instead of just WL. But then again you also said, "Actually, my comments were directed at you..." So maybe you were just talking to me.
Originally posted by justhat
Peachgirl, my comment was not for you. I was replying to Skiwee1 who said we would be miserable, as I noted in my post: "Justhat, personally I think you are going to be miserable at the WL ..." So unless you too said that we will be miserable, you obviously are not who I meant. If all of this info is really for people being move from POFQ, why not tell us about every resort we could possibly be allowed to switch to instead of just WL. But then again you also said, "Actually, my comments were directed at you..." So maybe you were just talking to me.

I figured you were responding to me. Let me just say that you have been going on and on about choosing the PO because of your medical needs, food court, and yada, yada...... So we so gernerously point out that the WL meets none of your criteria that you have went on and on about. So now it looks like your wants outweigh your needs and I couldn't care less. I was just giving my opinion on the resort you think you are going to get if you get some kind of upgrade and that is wasn't what you were looking for in terms of everything you have said. It would have been much easier to just say I WANT THE WL for no other resort except I want it. But you didn't. So I and others who had indeed stayed at the WL and the CBR resort in the past took it upon ourselves to give you VALUABLE info with which to base an intelligent decision on. I'm sure there are some out there hoping to have the chance to make an upgrade to a deluxe and will find the information on this thread very valuable and helpful. Please feel free to ignore my posts and have a wonderful time at the WL.
Oops! Freudian slip perhaps?;) Seriously, I meant NOT directed towards you, I fixed it.

At any rate, I don't think anyone really knows if you'll be miserable or not. I know if I had the situation you described I wouldn't pick WL, nor would I be happy there. I had said I thought WL would be a bad choice under the conditions I described, so I figured at least part of your post was directed at me. At any rate, I don't think anyone was doing anything besides pointing out that the WL didn't meet your criteria. It goes without saying that you can do whatever you want to do.

I can only comment on resorts I've stayed at or am very familar with and that I think will most likely be resorts that may be offered for an upgrade. I've stayed at FW, YC and WL. I don't believe any other resort will be offered from that group other than WL. I was there for 2 weeks and got pretty familiar with how things worked there. I don't care for the AKL theme so I know little or nothing about it. That's the reason for me restricting my comments to the WL.

At any rate, that's my opinion on all this so I think I'll leave this topic for it's original intentions.
LOL JOC!! I just don't understand why people have to get so nasty with each other. What does it matter, really? Life is too short to worry about anything but your own problems. Peachgirl, you have been very helpful with all the information you have provided. But some of you others really need a lesson on how to MYOB!! It seems like all you want to do is get technical with people who have had their vacation plans turned totally upside down. It's no picnic to be in this position, trust me. I don't understand why it matters to you if they want to wait for an upgrade to a deluxe. It's their desicion.
Originally posted by DisneyFreaks
LOL JOC!! I just don't understand why people have to get so nasty with each other. What does it matter, really? Life is too short to worry about anything but your own problems. Peachgirl, you have been very helpful with all the information you have provided. But some of you others really need a lesson on how to MYOB!! It seems like all you want to do is get technical with people who have had their vacation plans turned totally upside down. It's no picnic to be in this position, trust me. I don't understand why it matters to you if they want to wait for an upgrade to a deluxe. It's their desicion.

I do not care about anyone wanting an upgrade. As I stated in another post that I would probably be doing the same thing! Please read my other post. I saw that Justhat was really upset about getting booted out of her long planned resort and I THOUGHT I was being helpful. How is that being nasty I do not know!:confused: I simply pointed out that the things she valued in her choice of PO is not at the WL which is the way she was leaning. I really do not care where she ends up but thought she should know some more info on the WL. Isn't THAT what this board is about? I get sick and tired of some people accusing some others of being nasty and telling them to MYOB when in fact maybe THEY should be ones minding their own and not calling others names. If she wants the WL then go for it but don't bash anyone for trying to give helpful info about a particular resort. As I stated in my last post to Justhat, "HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME AT THE WILDERNESS LODGE!!!!!!!!" :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I know this is probably off topic from the originial poster's questions, but I feel the need to say this, so please excuse me. This is not addressed to anyone person, just a general observation.

Lately there has been alot of tension on the forums. I think between the discount situation, the war, the fear of terrorism attacks, the closing of POFQ, lack of AP rates, many are on a very short fuse.

But what I would like to emphasize is that if you ask for people's opinions you are not always going to like what they share with you. Also I think one's person's opinion of what is offensive is not necessarily the opinion of someone else. To participate in Internet Forums on a regular basis you can not be overly sensitive and take anything personally. People are not commenting about you the person, but the situation and they way they percieve it.

I think the moderators do an excellent job of keeping things within the boundaries of what is acceptable. If you feel someone has crossed those boundaries, then email a moderator, include the thread you think needs checking and let them decide.

For any one person to take upon themselves the job of "setting someone straight", is as bad as what you accuse the person of doing. A situation of the pot calling the kettle black.

Just my 2 cents which is probably all it's worth.
Sammie, I think you're right, that when you ak for an opinion you won't always get what you want to hear. But since I don't remember ever askingfor an opinion on where I should stay since POFQ will be closed during my trip, I was shocked to see people relentlessly telling me I will have a miserable time and list all of the things that are bad about WL. If they really want to give out helpful advice for those of us who now need to find a new place to stay, then why not list pros and cons of the hotel and then mention pros and cons of other hotels, not just pros of CBR and cons of WL, especially when more than one poster stated they have no interest in CBR or other moderates at this time. It just seems like beating a dead horse, even more so when I pointed out that I knew about all of the WL problems, but that I would be willing to deal with them since I otherwise like the resort.

Anyway, in regards to the original post theme, if anyone has gotten calls or decided on a place to stay, post your news!
Originally posted by justhat
Sammie, I think you're right, that when you ak for an opinion you won't always get what you want to hear. But since I don't remember ever askingfor an opinion on where I should stay since POFQ will be closed during my trip, I was shocked to see people relentlessly telling me I will have a miserable time and list all of the things that are bad about WL. If they really want to give out helpful advice for those of us who now need to find a new place to stay, then why not list pros and cons of the hotel and then mention pros and cons of other hotels, not just pros of CBR and cons of WL, especially when more than one poster stated they have no interest in CBR or other moderates at this time. It just seems like beating a dead horse, even more so when I pointed out that I knew about all of the WL problems, but that I would be willing to deal with them since I otherwise like the resort.

Anyway, in regards to the original post theme, if anyone has gotten calls or decided on a place to stay, post your news!

I agree. Many times people can only post from experience. Many have not stayed at all the resorts and therefore have no personal experience of the resort. Many also have stayed at a particular resort and did not like and automatically assume everyone will dislike it.

Due to the fact I live in Central Florida, I have stayed at all the mentioned resorts. I like them all for various reasons. They all have good points and all have short comings. There is no perfect resort.

If you have a specific question about a particular resort that would help you make decision please ask and I will try to answer.
Since POFQ is closed May 3rd and we were supposed to spend the week there, I decided to stay at Royal Pacific and then only 2 nights at AKL due to added cost. Is AKL a great choice for 3 DD's ages 6,4, and 1? Tell me about the pool please.
Originally posted by polkadotminnie
Since POFQ is closed May 3rd and we were supposed to spend the week there, I decided to stay at Royal Pacific and then only 2 nights at AKL due to added cost. Is AKL a great choice for 3 DD's ages 6,4, and 1? Tell me about the pool please.

Very good resort for children, they will love seeing the animals. There are scheduled activities for children, so be sure to find out from the Front Desk or guest services.

The pool is very large and has a zero level entry, which is great for kids. There is a very nice slide.

Mara, the fast food area has a very good selection of kid friendly foods.

Enjoy your trip.
OK... I am stepping in here...I think six pages of discussion on this subject is enough.....and since tempers are starting to flare... I think it is time to move on to another subject... with that I am locking this thread... :)
I think the pool at AKL is great for young kids since it's a zero entry-no stairs to worry about. We didn't swim beacuse it was too cold when we were there (12/27-12/31), but it was a beautiful pool area, and you could look out onto the savannah. Your kids will love the animal overlooks too--be sure to check out the activities going on while you're there, they have things like cookie making for the kids.
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