Just Offered An Upgrade For Oct.20-27th!!

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
I am so excited!! I had 2 deluxe rooms (pool View) for above dates. I just got a call from HRH offering me, if available either a kidsuite or a club room. I said we would rather have the 2 deluxe rooms but on club level. He said that would be fine but they would not face the pool. I told him we needed the room of the deluxe. The kidsuite sounded great but then grandpa and grandma would of only had a standard or a room about 14 rooms or more away from our kids. I told him either way we would be tickled to just get an upgrade! He said he'd call me the first of Oct!!! WOW!!! I'm floating on cloud nine!!! :D
Congrats - sounds like a great deal. just curious are you a loews first member? wondering if that helps to get the offer
Wow, they called and OFFERED an upgrade?? Wow, that's service! :D



Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


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Can you please tell me what a loews first member is? And how do I join.

<IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Yes, I am a loews member and when they sent the little card to fill out on what I wanted for a gift(Like wine, fruit basket, ect.), I wrote them a little note and sent back with it and said how great I thought loew's was for doing that. I told them that I had 2 rooms reserved for Oct. 20th to 27th at the HRH and that it was a special trip for us as we are taking our son, wife and 3 grandkids! This was sent to loew's. Yesterday, HRH called and said they had the note and would like to offer me an upgrade! I was estatic!! I couldn't even get to sleep last night! Just wish Oct. wasn't such a long way off!
When I got my loews membership, they were offering them free. Just go to loews.com and check it out! :D

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