Just got an AP rate!!!


<font color=magenta>I had a horrible case two year
Aug 19, 1999
Just called CRO to check if there were any AP rates available and she said YES! I love getting a discount. We are now paying $25 a night w/tax vs. $37 for a partial hookup site. Just had to share my joy!
Sorry. I was interupted by kids and forgot to post my dates. We are staying at FW August 8-16.
Thanks, we called today and got our rates for August. WE are arriving 8/5, but can't get AP rates till the 9th. We have a preferred site for $36.63/night Yippee!!! We have two consecutive reservations, but it is saving us $139.53. over 13 nights. Can't wait, I'm sooo excited! KQ :bounce:
Thanks for posting, we called and were able to get the AP rate also, not sure of the dates that were reserved, i think August 11 for 7 nights, :bounce: :p :bounce: :p :bounce: :p :bounce: :p :bounce: :p

love those smiley's
Kingdomqueen and Disney Campers - looks like we will all be there during the same time. Look for my lime green dis sign in the van window!


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