Just Curious....


<font color=green>The two most important items for
Aug 18, 1999
whether anyone has/had Doug Rapp as a guide and if you wanted to share any impressions. Also, if you wanted to share names of any other guides you've found particularly helpful.

I tried looking up past guide discussions but it's almost impossible without the Search feature.
Dave Kreutzer is our guide and after our 1st purchase (Feb 2001) I wasn't sure how I felt about him. He was a little slow (my opinion) about getting back to us at times. But after calling him again recently for our add on I realized that he is an excellent rep. He is very efficient, has the answers to all our questions, isn't pushy at all. He remembered who I was and details about our sale. Not immediately but as we talked it came back to him. I think the first time around I may have been a "little anxious" which may have resulted in my opinion of him.
Marc Turner at the Disney Preview Center at HH is very good and helpfull.My 3 brothers and sisters also have him. He always returns calls and is very professional.:D
Bobby Corsello was great when we bought in 11/2001. He seemed to really know his stuff! I also personally know he's willing to go the extra mile......... because he even came in the day after Thanksgiving (he was supposed to be off) for our closing. :earsboy: :earsgirl:
Judy Kaufman is my guide and she has always been very helpful and knowledgeable about DVC.
We have Celeste Chaffaut, We've never met her but has worked with us while we were waiting for NY to approve VWL sales. She was able to hold the price for us even though it had increased when NY finally approved DVC sales from the state.

She has always called back right away and has also always had the answers to our questions. We did an add on and it went very smoothly.

We will be going on Saturday for our first trip on points and will be able to see our home for the first time.

If you need a guide I would definitely suggest her.

Hi Pam,

Doug Rapp is our guide. We have used him for our original contract and three add-ons.

He seems very knowledgable and has always returned our calls promptly. Not much follow up after the sale but I don't really care about that.

Mic, Bobby Corsello is our guide too and I just loved him. He truly loves disney. I think he would sleep on main street in MK if he could. LOL He was very helpful and courteous with us. He started out just like us as a DVC buyer. He can tell story upon story. I have not had to call him yet but I'm sure he will take care of us.
Just did our BCV purchase with Randy Kruger, and I thought he did a nice job. I had talked with him a few times prior to BCV going on sale and he knew I was very interested. He called me Monday morning by 10am (he wasn't in the office Sunday), and call back right away after I left him a message on Tuesday night. Very pleasant and answered all my questions thoroughly (not that I had that many questons after hanging out here for 2 years).
Thanks for the feedback everybody. Lhargus thanks for a positive on Doug....at least he doesn't seem to be one of the guides people have problems with and sounds like he did his job in a pleasant way for you. I really don't need much guide contact but something came up and I was told today that he's my guide. He wasn't in today but will probably call tomorrow. My original guide is long gone and all other guide contact has just been at the time of an add-on.

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