just back from first trip to vwl !


Earning My Ears
Sep 22, 2000
We just got back last thursday from our first trip as dvc owners all I can say is wow, the lodge is so nice. We stayed 12 nights in a 1 bedroom with a great view of the quiet pool I believe it was room 4523, it was also a dedicted 1 bedroom. We ended up adding on another 150 points at the lodge right before the cutoff. The lodge is so peaceful and relaxing we really love it there. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them.
We are new owners at VWL also but we have not stayed there yet. Did you use WDW transportation? If so, how was the bus transportation? Is the WL still sharing a bus with the Poly and GF when going on to MGM, AK, and Epcot?
Glad you had a great time! We also stayed in 4523 last month. That was a great location. Close to the elevator and nice view of the pool. Congratulations on your add on.
Hey, we were right down the hall from you in 4529 on the 20th and 21st! It was also a dedicated 1br with an okay view of the quiet pool, the woods and the lake (they will tell you there are no lake views, but you can definitely see the lake and some of the Electrical Water Pageant from these rooms!)

Glad to hear you had a good time...we just arrived home last Sunday ourselves! Seems like ages ago!
we did use wdw transportation and VWL still is sharing the bus with Polynesian and GF, but it is not that bad because you are the first stop both ways so there are always seats. It just takes a little longer to get to your destination.
<<<<we did use wdw transportation and VWL still is sharing the bus with Polynesian and GF, but it is not that bad because you are the first stop both ways so there are always seats. It just takes a little longer to get to your destination.>>>>>>>>

I am extremely disappointed to hear that the WL/VWL is still sharing a bus with the Polynesian and GF. You just returned from the VWL during a not so busy time in WDW. I experienced staying at the WL in 1998, the week prior to Christmas, which wasn't all that very busy, and I experienced transportation nightmares because of 3 deluxe resorts sharing this 1 bus. Sure, we at WL/VWL get picked up first. Great for us. During the busy season, I do not know how those who are staying for top price at the GF are not furious because we found the buses to be full by the time we got to the GF and those people had to stand. We were at Typhoon Lagoon one day and at closing the line of people from WL, Poly and GF was large. The bus that was coming to Typhoon Lagoon had first stopped at Animal Kingdom (does it still do that) and there would be not enough room for all of us waiting to go back to our deluxe resorts. After not being able to get on 2 different buses, we took a taxi cab back to the WL.

Perhaps someone who has stayed at the VWL during one of the busier times at WDW (I realize that has been awhile ago) can comment on what the buses were like with the 3 resort stops. Perhaps they are sending buses more frequently for each park so that each bus is not so full. Can anyone comment?

I loved my visit to the WL in December 1998 but absolutely hated the bus transportation. I am so looking forward to staying at the VWL and just hope there has been improvement.
Hey nomar5jd,

I glad that you had a great trip, 12 nights I am jealous. One question: Do you think Tuesday's parade in Boston was a warm-up for the real parade in October?
LOL, I missed the Pat's parade because we were in WL! Didn't get to see Tom Brady at MGM either. A CM told us he was at MK on Monday......got their ears crossed I guess!

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