June starts our "Incredible" Summer!

Hi everyone!!!

Hope everyone is having a good week-not too many folks posting so I am going to guess we are all busy with life and hopefully being active.

I have had a pair of size 10 jeans in my closet (brand new) for almost 3 years. I have periodically tried them on, and have been unable to get them up or even close to buttoned. I tried them this morning, and while they were quite snug, I got them on and BUTTONED (ok so it took three tries to get them buttoned but still:rotfl2:). I don't think I could wear them comfortably for the day, but with a bit more time I should be able to wear them.

I have set a new mini goal-lose 18 pounds by Sept 3, which is when we leave for Cali for the DL half. Totally managable, just have to stick to plan.
:banana:that is so awesome veronica. what a great feeling that must have been. Stick to the plan and you will be comfortably in those jeans before you know it.
Mikamah- Maybe once your son sees how fun the races are it might make him more interested. Dont worry if not he is still young and sometimes just going out and running could seem a little boring at that age. Is there any youth runs around your area. Those are usually alot more fun for kids. They run together and people cheer, sometimes there is music and entertainment, etc. Good job on your running. You will do awesome in your first 5K!
Thanks. I was going to look around for a family oriented race for my next one, and see if he wants to do it too.

Food continues to be a struggle, my weight seems to bounce around the same few pounds and I just can't break through. Patience, I need to be patient. It will happen.
Hang in there, and don't ever give up. You are so on track with the running, and maintaining is so underrated. Stick with what you're doing, and you'll break through that plateau soon.

Hope everyones week is going well. Mine is busy as ever but only a few more weeks until my vacation:yay: I am looking forward to some relaxation!

Today was weigh in day today. I lost another 1.4lbs. Its coming off slowly but surely.

6 weeks total loss= 14.0lbs

I have decided to add a 20-30 minute workout on my non-running days and tonight I thought I would try some videos on you tube. I did ZUMBA! It was a lot of fun even though it was just me in my basement. It really is a good workout. I realized my hips just dont move like they used too. :rotfl:
Congrats on your loss this week!! 14 pounds in 6 weeks is awesome. I was going to try something new on comcast on demand tonight. I haven't done any exercise today, and want to get it in for the bl thread. Zumba looks like so much fun. I think your running times are pretty awesome. I was thinking when I get to 12 minute miles, I will feel like I should be able to run the princess half without getting swept, so in my book you're doing great.

Hi everyone!!!

Hope everyone is having a good week-not too many folks posting so I am going to guess we are all busy with life and hopefully being active.

I have had a pair of size 10 jeans in my closet (brand new) for almost 3 years. I have periodically tried them on, and have been unable to get them up or even close to buttoned. I tried them this morning, and while they were quite snug, I got them on and BUTTONED (ok so it took three tries to get them buttoned but still:rotfl2:). I don't think I could wear them comfortably for the day, but with a bit more time I should be able to wear them.

I have set a new mini goal-lose 18 pounds by Sept 3, which is when we leave for Cali for the DL half. Totally managable, just have to stick to plan.
Congrats on getting those jeans on!!! Stick to the plan and those pants will be loose in no time!!

I've been trying to get my running in the morning before work, so haven't been here as much as I would like. I've been good with ww again, now 2 weeks straight, so I'm hoping that will continue. I'm down 4.2 the past 2 weeks, and am at a new low for this year. I know as I lose some more weight, the running will get easier, and I will get faster.

Hope everyone's doing well.
thanks kathy! I think your doing great too and dont worry you will get there with running....you will be able to do the princess with no problem! I am so excited to book my trip I wish august would get here already so we know the prices and resort hotels etc. Do you have an idea where your going to stay?

Lindsay, I don't know where I'll stay. The earlier week is the end of school vacation for my son, so I am hoping to make a longer vacation of it, and maybe my sil or sister will come and take him for the race. I always stay value, so probably whichever value has the transportation for the race. I do a christmas club that I get in october, so I'm planning to use most of that to pay for the trip.
Hello all, my name is Beth and I was added to this Incredible group! I am so excited to meet everybody. I am 31, SAHM to two beautiful children- DS4 and DD2, and DW to a wonderful husband who also runs, bikes, etc. We just recently moved back to North Florida from NC for DH's work and we are loving being close to our families again.
I started running pretty seriously again after my DS was born. I trained for and ran my first marathon for the 2007 Disney and now I am hooked. I ran 2 halfs after the full and then two more fills after DD was born with a few halfs sprinkled in there. I am presently taking some time off of fulls since last years MCM and will start training in fall (well actually starting in August) for the Goofy. I also am planning two halfs this fall, Womens half in St Pete and Outback Distance Classic in JAX, both in November.
I am also working on losing the rest of my baby belly and some weight I put on during college and babies, pretty much the normal I guess. I am down about 10 pounds since April and would like to lose another 5. Of course these seem to be the hardest to shake. I am seeing a personal trainer to help with the weight and flattening the tummy and that is going well. We will see!
Anyway, I am so excited to be a part of this group. I have read through this month's thread and you all seem like such a fun group! Yay!

Welcome, Beth!

Veronica, good luck with the weight loss. You can do it! :)

Did a humid 3.5 mi in Central Park tonight... I've started a yoga fusion program on my "off" days and it seems to be helping my stamina a whole ton, if not my speed. We'll see at the 10k on Saturday, I guess. LOL. Sunday begins the real training for the Wine & Dine Half.
Beth-welcome to the Incredibles! We are glad to have you join our merry little gang.

Amy-good luck on your race this weekend. Make sure to let us know how you do.

No running for me today, 6 miles tomorrow. But tonight DD, her friend and I are doing the Relay for Life for American Cancer Society. We start walking at 7pm and can walk as long as we want. We probably won't go much past 10pm, no way can we go all night! DD's friend is spending the night as well, so I may not get too much sleep.

Keep being Incredible friends!! I will try to get a quote up sometime this weekend.
Veronica - the is so awesome that you are doing RFL! :cool1: Have fun with your DD!

Amy - GL on your 10K this weekend!

I have had a rough week, just been feeling under the weather. My parent's are taking the kids tonight for a sleepover, so I am hoping to get some quality time with DH and a good nights sleep to get me out of my funk.
I did have a fantastic run this Tuesday despite not feeling great. I ran a 5K distance in 26:09 which is by far a PR. Too bad it was during a group run instead of a race:lmao:. That is just my luck. The last time I ran anything even close to that time was in a race that I was not chipped for, so no offical time!:rotfl: Just my luck I guess.

I need some help with setting time goals for my races this fall/winter. I am not sure if I should even bother with time goals or if I should see them as fun runs. The Women's Half and Outback Distance Classic are Sunday and Thursday of the same week and then I have the Goofy. My main goal is to finish the Goofy and get all three medals but I am wondering if I should try to do a sub-4:00 in the marathon. My PR is 4:12 from last March and I ran a 1:58 half last Thanksgiving three weeks after a not so great 4:28 at MCM. So any advice? Should I just run and enjoy the accomplishments, or should I attempt the time in the full? Right now my time goal is 10:00/mile for both the half and full and I don't have any time goals for the two halfs in November.

:welcome: to the team Beth!

Good luck tomorrow Amy, cant wait to hear about your race.

Veronica-RFL is such a great thing to be involved with. Hope you have a wonderful time walking!
NYRR Mini 10k in 1:01:34. Split time: 30:06. Pace: 9:55 (first time under 10 minutes ever!!!)

I am a big fan of this race, LOL. First mile is completely flat, on Central Park West. Lots of fun. Running through misting stations (really, a big hose) is also excellent.

ETA: Place: 3066/5188 (all female race) Age place: 747/1212
Amy-awesome job on the 10k!!:thumbsup2 Misting stations, what a great idea. Hope maybe they will have something like that in Cali for the DL 1/2.

Went to Fleet Feet today and got new running shoes-stuck with the Saucony ProGrid Omni's. Got the new 9's, just came out. I did try on the Asics Gel Kayano, wow, its a nice shoe. But a)at $140, a bit steep and b) the Saucony's just feel "right". Guess I just get really used to something and I can't change. DH got new Asics as well. Mine were $20 more than his somehow, not sure. DD will be going to Fleet Feet soon with her grandpa; he is buying her running shoes for her 5th grade graduation. Our Fleet Feet has a rewards program too, spend $250 and you get a $25 gift certificate. So once DD gets her shoes, I get another $25 to spend on something else for myself!!

I promised you all a new quote, well here it is:

"You were born to run. Maybe not that fast, maybe not that far, maybe not as efficiently as others. But to get up and move, to fire up that entire energy-producing, oxygen-delivering, bone-strengthening process we call running." --Florence Griffith-Joyner
Question for you all, speaking of running shoes: how long to you train in a pair before you take them out to race?
Question for you all, speaking of running shoes: how long to you train in a pair before you take them out to race?

Hmm, I think that depends on a couple things. For me, I got new shoes in early Dec and raced in them for the WDW 1/2 about 5 weeks later. I started running in them almost exclusively as soon as I bought them. But many people I know will gradually break them in by running in both their old and new shoes. Since I tend to run in the same brand/model, I am not as concerned about blistering/other issues since I know what to expect. If I switched brands, I might give myself longer to break them in.

As always, YMMV (your mileage may vary)
I seriously need to get new sneakers. I have a pair of nike air max. I have been running in them on/off (running not the shoes) for about 2 years. Yes you read that right. The crazy part is that they still feel great and look pretty decent too. I know I really need to get a new pair but if they are not bothering me then why do I need to spend money on new ones?

Amy as you can tell from above I am not a shoe expert but I would say if you run in them for a week or 2 with no issues you should be ok for race day.
Howdy Incredibles!

First let me say......:welcome: Beth!

Wow this has been a busy month for me. Finally back from TN...flew back on Wednesday, worked on Thursday & Friday and was at a swim meet for the majority of today! I'm thinking next week will slow down. I have high hopes for fitting in some more runs next week as well as my Wednesday & Friday weight training and my weekly softball game. I'm thinking I'm going to start getting my runs in before I head to work. It will be cooler and then that will leave my nights open for the other things. We have a group that meets on Tuesday nights at the high school football track and does some very intense track workouts. I'd really like to start going to that maybe every other week....we'll see. May be too much with my other activities. Although I don't really consider my softball night much of a work out! Gotta hit the ball before I have to run! :rotfl:

Congrats to all of you and your races! Some really awesome times and really inspiring me to train for a faster pace. My knee has still really been giving me problems but I'm hoping that it is because of my getting back into my weight training. I'm going for my long run tomorrow so I'm hoping for no pain.

Well guess I better get dinner for my crew....actually it's take-N-bake pizza in the oven! :lmao: It's Saturday...pizza day!

Have a Great Sunday!
Happy Sunday Incredibles!!

Patsy-good to see you back and glad you had a nice time. Sometimes to get back into the routine takes a bit, take it slow so that you don't reinjure your knee.

Kind of dreary and blah here today. I ran this morning, 3 miles in 30:09, in a light drizzle. It was nice, though overcast and cool. Beats the heat and humidity any day! Doing laundry now and DD and I made a sock monkey doll from a kit we got her at Easter. It was hard for me to follow the directions, I have no idea how a child is supposed to do it!

Tomorrow is an off day running, then back to it on Tuesday. While I enjoy the off days, it does present more of a challenge with WW, since I don't get those extra points to use! But I am making progress already, got a good start on my way to 145 lbs (which is my goal for Sept 3, when we leave for CA).
Morning Team!!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. The next two weeks are busy, busy for us. Tomorrow is DD's class trip to the local Six Flags park (DH is chaperoning), Thurs is her TKD promotion test, Fri is half day school. Sat is the belt ceremony for TKD and TS3 opens this weekend so we are going to see that. DH's aunt is coming to town for a week from SC, so we will be visiting with her as well. Next week is DD's class picnic and moving up ceremony. And DD has an appt at the orthodontist. WHEW! I'm tired already and we haven't even started!

Looking forward to the end of school and getting into a new schedule for the summer. Also looking forward to more running. I ran 3 miles this morning in 30:22, not bad. Ran in my new shoes, they may take a few runs to feel really good.

Keep being incredible friends!
wow veronica you have a busy couple of weeks planned. I hope you enjoy them. Six flags sounds like fun we havent been there is years. I am looking forward to my kids getting a little older to really enjoy all those parks have to offer.

I ran 4 miles last night in 48:30. It was very humid! I actually had a 5K split time of 35:40 which is an all-time PR. I really slowed down a bit during mile 4 probably because it was all up hill. I decided to run my route backwards but never thought about how many inclines/hills I would have to run up instead of down. Funny thing is I did it faster:confused3. I also had a first of having a bug fly in my mouth. Oh my that was gross. :eek:

I hope you all are having a great start to your weeks.


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