June or August?

Late June has more rain, and is pretty crowded, Early August is crowded, late August (after about the second week, is much lighter) They are both very hot months. I would go late Aug myself if given the choice. If you do go late Aug, make sure to make Advanced dinning reservations right at the 6 month window since they may be doing the free dinning plan promotion again. Good luck!
I agree with dwelty that if you can go the second half of August the crowds get a lot thinner. We've gone in late June and early August and I can't say that we really noticed any difference. Crowded parks, very hot and rain showers most afternoons.

Still, we enjoy the summer because the park hours are long and they don't tend to refurbish attractions or swimming pools during the summer. :)
Hot both times (you can sweat standing still at night). Rain occurs almost daily both times: August usually a few daily thunderstorms that don't last long and in June often the same but higher risk of getting a rain that can last much of day; however, August presents higher risk of having a hurricane in Florida (as Disney is inland that usually means at most a tropical storm strength storm by the time it gets there). Last half of August has lighter crowds than late June but first half of Aug and late June have comparably large crowds; however, last half of August usually also has shorter park hours.
June - can be rainy, and although hot, not quite as humid as August, IMHO. Mid to late June is crowded, since most schools have dismissed for the year. Early to mid-June (up to the 15th or so) is a pretty good time, but not usually an option for those with school-age children. The parks have extended hours.

August - crowds thin out after the 10th or so, especially since Orlando-area schools re-open the first week in August. Very humid and prone to hurricanes or hurricane-related storms. The parks are usually open late on the weekends only.

My vote is June because the humidity is a bit more tolerable for me. Our August visits have always featured excessive, unrelenting humidity and I just melt (and not in a good way!) :eek:
I have a policy to avoid vacationing in Florida the week of and prior to:
4th of July

I think early to mid June, you have a better chance of missing the heat. Crowds are pretty heavy though. Earlier is better IMHO. We went once 1st week in May. Best WDW trip EVER! Of course, kids in school now so no chance.

August is virtually guaranteed to be extremely hot and humid. Agree that 2nd half of month is not as busy as first. We did 2nd week of Sept this year. Every bit as hot as August but parks were not busy at all.
We've visited Orlando the past 2 summers in late August (this past Summer at WDW). I'm guessing at any point in the summer it will be HOT in Orlando. However, in the last 2 weeks of August we have not been bothered by crowds mainly because Florida schools start back in mid-August, I believe. We would go again in August in a heartbeat. We have not been in June so I have no comparison for that.
I went in both June (3rd week) and Aug (4th week) of 2007 and believe the crowds were about the same during both periods.

It rained a lot more in June than in Aug this year but normally it is the opposite (this past Aug they were in a drought). The temperatures were relatively close during both months. Aug was about 2-3 degrees hotter on average but both months are hot - 92+ daily in 2007.

The biggest difference, which is/was noticable, is the humidty; the humidity is much higher in Aug than in June which is traditionally the norm as well. We have been on numerous trips in the past during those months and we have found that Aug has been the most humid and requires a bit more planning of activites (return to resort mid day, daily, is my best advice).
haven't visited in August, usually in June (after school lets out)

imo, the crowds have increased every year; although the 3rd week is def. better than the 4th; especially if you hit the weekend for the 4th of July holiday.

the humidity has always been in the 90% range...it is the heat & humidty;) that gets me...just tend to segue on back to the room earlier mid day & regroup for evening fun.

as for rain, one year it rained every single day ('03). So hard it shredded our dollar store ponchos...several inches that day. Of course, it did keep the crowd smaller (evidently, the locals know enough to stay out of the rain:) ). This year (4th week, only a passing shower).

that said, anytime @ WDW is a great time imo.

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