Jacuzzi & Shower in OKW GV - same as 1 or 2BR?

Mrs. Snowgod

<font color=red>A <font color=blue>very <font colo
Jan 17, 2002
We were wowed by the Master bathroom in the OKW 2 BR!!! The floorplan of the Grand Villa in my DVC guidebook shows the jacuzzi and shower in the master bath as looking a bit different.

Have any of you stayed in both a 1 or 2 BR and a GV? Can you tell me if the master bathrooms are the same?

Thank you!
The bathrooms are different in the GV. There are separate areas for the shower and toilet in the GV.

In 1BR and 2BR baths, the shower is in the same room as the toilet (along with another sink).

Thanks, Webmaster Doc.

How about the size of the tub and shower; are they just the same as the 1&2 BRs? We also stayed at BWV, and the jacuzzi there was a bit smaller. We LOVED the larger tub at OKW, so that's what I'm really trying to find out about.

Thanks again!
The jacuzzi's at OKW are the same size in all villas (none in studios) and are larger than those at other DVC resorts. The master bath showers are the same size in 1BR,2BR and GV's also.
Thanks again, Doc; that's good to know. Love those tubs!

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