It has been 2 years!


The first to extend her Fish
Jan 26, 2000
Today, January 27, 2002 is my 2 year DISversary! :D

I have to say I have learned so much and made so many friends here on DIS. These last 2 years I have seen, babies being born, good friends passing on, new friends made, new collectors "getting bit" and so many other milestones and setbacks in our "family".

It is not about the pins, those little pieces of painted metal, it is the friendships. The pins started the friendships, but they are not needed to carry them on.

Thanks to all the friends I have made and the new friends in the future.

I, for one, am very glad you found the DIS and through it, all of us. It has been an awesome two years. I'm glad a was a small part of it.
Only two years? It's seems like we've been friends forever. Congrats on your DISaversary.
B]Happy DISversary!!![/B]

I'm very glad I found this place and that you are one of the friends I've made through it. Looking forward to seeing you again at Vince's meet!
has it really been 2 years...OH pallet for pepsi thanks you...without you & kathie sometimes I would dry up at meets...LOL

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