Is Your Name Shumway?!


DIS Veteran
Sep 24, 1999
I was all excited when I arrived home today to find a Fed Ex package waiting in the hallway. We are suffering withdrawal from our trip last weekend, so I figured that getting the docs for our Easter weekend voyage would cheer me up. Imagine my surprise when I opened the envelope to find three booklets, rather than two. Sure enough, when I looked at the name, these docs. are for the Shumway family!! Their travel agent isn't even DU...whoever was stuffing the envelopes at Disney must have made a little mix-up. Has anyone else ever had this happen? If so, I'm curious about the outcome.
I called DCL but was told that the people I need to speak with are gone for the day so I have to call again tomorrow (sure wish they worked a little later, as it can be hard for me to call from work). I'm sure we'll get it straightened out soon, but meanwhile, if your name is Shumway, don't worry, your documents are safe (and NO, we can't switch staterooms...5650 in mine!!).
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ALF is on your cruise??? Wow, how neat!!!

(ok, if you don't remember, ALF was the cute, little furry alien on a tv show in the '80s. He "real" name was Gordon Shumway.) ;)

Have fun on your cruise! I'm sure everything will get straightened out.
We actually ended up with an extra ticket once. The lady had the Walt Suite booked. I tried to convince the CM that I really was her but to no avail :D They had me tear up the tickets and that was that.
Just last week I recieved a letter from the DCL. I was very excited and opened it when I realized that it wasn't for me at all. Since it was just a letter about a $2.50 additional tax I figured that it wasn't too important, but now I am worried that the IMPORTANT documents will get mixed up. Who should I contact about this? Does anyone know? My reservations were made through DU.
northwest did that once to my sister....
her son's ticket was sent to some man in san fransisco (my sister's in detroit)....
NW tried to make my sister pay a "lost ticket" fee when it was they who 'lost' the ticket....
as for DCL.....i hope they don't mixup....our docs will have to make it all the way across the ocean to us......i would think the international address will make them check it twice before they send it out..
as for them telling you to call back when the people who handle it are in...that's terrible...they should have taken your number and had them call you back......
I ordered tickets for a concert in Dallas (I worked in NYC but was going to be there on a business trip). Ticketmaster sent them off to someone else. She worked for Time Warner in NYC and was so very nice to mail them to me. They had been stuffed in with her tickets, the stub with the mailing address and all! I guess hte fact that the concert was in Dallas helped, so it was improbable that she would have been able to use them herself.

An update to the saga...
I contacted Dreams, even tho' the docs. came directly from Disney. Apparently the travel agency for the other people has our docs! I had a Florida call on the caller ID with no message, so I'm sure that was Disney trying to call (at noon, when I'm definitely not home...gotta work to pay for all those cruises!). The Fed Ex man will be at our building today, so I'm going to see if he will take them back and send them on their proper way, and I'm sure ours will make it here before the cruise :)
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i assume that these documents are not for your july 4th cruise...
i guess you're sailing before that as well...
a kind of unrelated question....
is there a place on the ship, like a message board or something, for people from the DIS board to find each other? (if they're so inclined)
On our January 17th Wonder cruise, our cruise documents came, and without looking at the names on the tickets, I thought Disney upgraded us. I got out the ship plans to check the location, and sure enough, verandah room level 6 mid-ship... a nice location. Very excited. Then, I looked at the passenger names since they sent 4 tickets and we were only 3 people traveleling. It wasn't for us. The DCL people who put the tickets inside mixed up the FedEx labels. What DCL did was FedEx new tickets overnight or with two days. They just told us to destroy the incorrect tickets. Same inside cabin (category 11)... nice, but not their nice. lol.

Magic Western 1/17/03
a long time from now
I called DCL first thing this morning, and they were clueless! When I called last night, I was told that a message would be left for the documents dept. and that I should call today during business hours. I had to call from work, so I didn't have my reservations number with me, and they said they couldn't even find my reservation. That surprised me, since they should have come up with SEVEN reservations under my name for this year and seven more in 2003! Sigh! I don't mind for hubby and I, as we have seen enough sets of cruise docs. by now to know them by heart. But if the other family is first-timers, they are probably waiting anxiously, and the docs. still have to go to their travel agent first. DCL had NO advice on what I should do, so I told them I would see if Fed Ex would pick up the docs. from my condo building today. If not, my hubby will drop them off at the Fed Ex office in his building on Mon. I must say I was dissapointed at how Disney handled this. They should know about it, as there was a call from them on our caller ID yesterday (although they didn't leave a message), plus they supposedly took a message for the correct dept. yesterday, so I didn't like the fact that they couldn't even find my reservation when I called today. I sure wish the Schumways were DISers so they would at least know their docs. are safe and will get to them eventually. If they are getting the same runaround that I am, they are probably worried.
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All taken care of!!
I got home and discovered that everything is taken care of now. I was a little surprised at the mess when I called DCL, but I should have know that is not their standard service. They have come through once again, so Shumways, if you're out there, a new set of documents is on the way!
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I will have to apologize to the Shumway's, because I was laughing so hard at other people's misfortune. Sorry. But it really made my friday afternoon at work (trying to earn enough to make my DVC and DCL payments).


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