is it true that people steal from Fish Extenders??

What is up with these people. We are going on our first cruise in a week and are really excited to decorate our door. I didn't spend a lot of money on our magnets, just print outs and laminated, but it will still tick me off if someone takes them. I will be keeping an eye out for this and be prepared to confront this behavior if witnessed.
Too funny. The ONE time I went out to a park one evening -- we were at Universal and went to see Blue Man Group -- I figured why bother dolling up when you sit in a dark theater. Don't you know they picked me to go up on stage and do the Twinkie segment -- full face on a gigantic screen for 20 minutes. ARRGGHHH

Yeah, but you got to go on stage and do the Twinkie bit!

(And seriously, I doubt there was a person in the theater who even noticed whether you had dolled up or not.)
We had someone steal our rocking chairs off our front porch - so it's amazing what some people have the nerve to do. We have cameras so got to see the whole thing (unfortunately couldn't make out his license plate). Guy pulled up in a truck, looked around, came up on the porch, hooked a chair under each arm and put them in the truck and drove off. The only thing you can really do is say a prayer for them and feel sad for them that they are such losers (oh and also report him to the police, but he and our chairs were never found).
Someone stole my Apple Iphone charger from my desk at work.
What is up with these people. We are going on our first cruise in a week and are really excited to decorate our door. I didn't spend a lot of money on our magnets, just print outs and laminated, but it will still tick me off if someone takes them. I will be keeping an eye out for this and be prepared to confront this behavior if witnessed.
You should set up a sting operation near your door. You could hide out around the corner and wait and see if someone messes with your door magnets. Perhaps, your travel companions can take turns being on lookout.

Enjoy your cruise!

Yeah, but you got to go on stage and do the Twinkie bit!

(And seriously, I doubt there was a person in the theater who even noticed whether you had dolled up or not.)

And it was AMAZING -- and I had seen the act so many times I knew exactly what to do. I just wish my family could have filmed it (they were very strict about that). They did give me a Polaroid pic at the end with one of the men.
You should set up a sting operation near your door. You could hide out around the corner and wait and see if someone messes with your door magnets. Perhaps, your travel companions can take turns being on lookout.

Enjoy your cruise!


No one in our group would want to take the time to be lookout -- too many fun activities to choose from. My time is more valuable than my magnets, so I'll either put them on the inside of my door, or be like Elsa and just "let it go."
No one in our group would want to take the time to be lookout -- too many fun activities to choose from. My time is more valuable than my magnets, so I'll either put them on the inside of my door, or be like Elsa and just "let it go."

Great. Now I am gonna have that song stuck in my head all night...
We've done 3 cruises and on our middle one we had magnets stolen. It was a picture of our family superimposed on the ship so highly personal. We hunted high and low but never found it. We placed a note on our door asking for its safe return and were shocked and surprised when we received loads of gifts of other magnets from people passing who'd seen our note. It made us happy that there were many more nice people than mean spirited people on board.

That's a wonderful experience. Actually, probably my favorite thing about Disney cruises is that I feel like am among so many kindred spirits of all ages. As we grow up, life teaches us so many cynical lessons that make us less naive and innocent. But in the Disney parks and in particular on the cruises, people are generally so happy and nice that I sometimes catch myself thinking that this is what life could have been like without all the meanness and cynicism.

Our last cruise was the first we did on concierge and I had been a little concerned after reading a lot of posts about entitlement issues. As it turned out, the family in the suite next to us, a middle aged couple from South Carolina, were the sweetest, funniest, most unspoiled people you could imagine. We were completely on the same page about why we loved Disney and our interaction with them was an unexpected highlight of our vacation.

With 4,000 guests, a good portion of whom may be "non-Disney people" who got a free cruise courtesy of someone else's kindness, it is probably inevitable that a door magnet or fish extender will disappear once in a while. However, many of us greatly appreciate all the thought and effort that some of you put into decorating your doors so beautifully. My own family had never heard of door magnets before our first cruise, but several of them spontaneously started decorating our doors after getting inspiration walking around the hallways. Reading the post above inspired me to bring extra magnets on our next cruise that I'll have the family pixie dust randomly.
No one in our group would want to take the time to be lookout -- too many fun activities to choose from. My time is more valuable than my magnets, so I'll either put them on the inside of my door, or be like Elsa and just "let it go."
No, I wasn't it suggesting you do this. I wouldn't want to do this either. It was a suggestion for Ratpack. He seemed concerned about people messing with his door magnets and seemed eager for a confrontation.

WORD OF CAUTION: Not to be the bearer of more negative ideas, but don't put your last names on your door. We have seen many stateroom doors announcing "The Smith Family", etc. But on one of our cruises, we heard a passenger at guest services complaining about unauthorized charges on their stateroom account. As they talked, they figured out that all someone has to do is have your stateroom number and last name to put charges on the account. So we have never put our family's name on our door.
Good to know! Thanks

We had a cabin right by the elevator and a very large FE group. We didn't seem to receive a lot of gifts though. When we got home and saw others posting pictures of the stuff they received, we quickly realised that stuff had been pinched from our FE.
:( how sad!
True thus does occur, and has occurred in a cruise for me, I had someone charge a lot of alcohol drinks at a bar to my stateroom, - however, my magnets didn't have our just name, but the person doing it, did have my last name.

I check my stateroom account regularly, spotted it, they had copies up in guest services, they showed these to me, and clearly when they charged it, 1/ we were in our room at that time, the room keys showed that, and 2/ it was nothing like my signature. They didn't use a card it was a manual, slip, that is rarely used nowadays.

Yes it occurred, on a cruise, but it was very easy to get it reversed off, and GS later told he, thry knew who did it.
Good to know!
I went on a cruise with about 20 friends and family and we participated in a FE exchange. One evening leaving for dinner, I saw that someone had left a nice nail set. I should have brought it in but we were running late. We found out it was from a friend on the cruise. (Too much $$ for a stranger). You guessed it. We got back from dinner and it was gone.
We had someone in our last group have some gifts stolen out of their FE but not the FE hanger itself. This family was towards the back on the ship by the laundry room which I would guess makes it a more high traveled area. It was sad because we were a fairly small group to begin with, only 6 cabins participating so having a couple of those gifts swiped meant those kids had very little in their FE throughout the cruise. I hope whoever thought it was ok to steal from those kids got sick from the candy and broke out in hives with the lotion.
You have to wonder how someone spending thousands of bucks on a cruise like this would be worried with stealing small trinket type gifts. People are so bizarre. Where are the morals?
You have to wonder how someone spending thousands of bucks on a cruise like this would be worried with stealing small trinket type gifts. People are so bizarre. Where are the morals?

I suspect the people doing a majority of the stealing aren't the ones paying thousands of dollars for the cruise. My guess is it's unattended children or self centered young adults who have an undeniable sense of entitlement. Most probably aren't stealing because they want the trinkets or the magnets. They do it because they lack respect and boundaries and they either think it's funny or enjoy the rush that comes with breaking rules. They don't care how much work you put into your magnets or how hard you had to work to pay for your cruise. They don't care if your kids will cry when their FE turns up missing because they only care about themselves. Their entire world revolves around them. I take comfort knowing people like this are destined for a life of unhappiness so even if they aren't caught and don't get in trouble for this particular incident, it will eventually catch up to them. ;-)
Thing is, say walking into my stateroom, was a father followed by family, cruise magnets, I know some of it was adults. We all think children, or teenagers, but it isn't, it seems some just have low standards generally.


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