Is it too late?


The official convention registration opened and closed...but several people have had to cancel for various reasons, so Pete has said that he will re-open convention registration to fill those spots. He hasn't done this yet.

Keep watching THIS board for that thread--coming soon. :)

Good Luck to you. I hope you can make it. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Hi Belle. :)

To the best of my knowledge, NO, it has not re-opened yet. :)

Keep checking back on THIS board. :)

Good Luck in your quest. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
It's my understanding that they will re-open registration for a few room packages AND a few events-only packages. :)

I haven't seen it yet...keeping eyes on this board. :) :) :)


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>


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